For God, Country, the Republican Party, and Mammon (Not necessarily in THAT order!) |
If you believe what you read in the New York Times, Washington Post, or watch on CNN, Fox or MSNBC, you would believe that Marco Rubio is on a tear in Iowa. Even some polling seems to bear this out. The most recent
Emerson College Iowa poll shows an essential (given the unpredicability of turnout) tie between Trump, Cruz, and Rubio with Trump 27, Cruz 26, and the Golden Boy of Neoconservatism all the way up to 22 percent. This contrasts with the "gold standard" Des Moines Register/Bloomberg final poll, which showed only a modest rise for Rubio, and pegged him at 15 percent.
It seems unlikely Rubio will win Iowa, all the hype not withstanding, but if Rubio did manage to come in, say a solid second behind Cruz, and Trump underperforms with his self-motivated "fans" and finishes third, the GOP race would be effectively decided, and Rubio would be proclaimed the nominee. Could it happen? Yes it could. There's a lot of money riding on it.
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