Sunday, May 17, 2015

When a Crown Prince becomes a Clown Prince

You hear a lot about the GOP "clown car," both now and in 2012.  Back then it referred to the presumed lightweights (meaning those without access to money) buzzing like gnats around the rightful "serious" candidate, Mitt Romney.  This time, the clown car has a seat in for the next in line nominee, the Crown Prince John Ellis Bush. Now the Clown Prince.

JEB's disastrous week over Iraq, and the frustration of having to capitulate about it after four botched attempts will not prevent him from being the Republican nominee.  By almost every measure, he is still the clear frontrunner in most polls, and of course the media has all but proclaimed him the nominee before he even formally enters the race.

But it reminds American voters in two ways why JEB! should never be president, and won't be president.  First, it remind them about Iraq specifically, and how much of a disaster it turned out to be. More importantly, JEB's incompetent handling of what should have been a simple question about it, one he should have anticipated like no other and had a coherent answer ready, should confirm in the minds of most objective voters that the Bush brand of mediocrity is apparently genetic.  Is JEB! really the "smart Bush?" If he is the smartest one of the bunch, God help them. Would you really want to risk another Bush presidency, even on the "least stupid" one, for the sake of entitled family therapy?  No is the answer. The fate of the nation itself depends on it.

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