Thursday, May 28, 2015

Even after emails, uranium, The Hildabeast still annihilates JEB!

Sorry Jebbie, I'm gonna take a tinkle on your parade,
so open wide and take it like a man.
Everything is still old that's new again in the world of postmodern celebrity politics.  Yes, The Hildabeast is still beating the pants off of the Crown Prince, as the latest Quinnipiac poll shows. She's beating him 47 to 37 percent.   He is still under 40 percent. Only Ted Cruz loses to her by a larger margin, and that is only one point. Rand Paul, who has no chance to win the nomination of a neocon party, does the best against her, losing by only four points.

Ironically, Paul consistently runs the best race against The Hildabeast in polls generally, and actually leads her in some swing state polls. Right wingers and neocons no doubt are wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth over this given Hillary's objectively serious troubles of late.  Of course JEB!'s stunning Freudian slip admission about Iraq, and therefore what a JEB! Bush administration would likely do in the Middle East, and how non-idealogical and independent voters view that is lost on reactionaries and neocons.

What these polls continue to represent is that however toxic Hillary may be, or is likely to become, another Bush is even more toxic. If forced to choice between the two, the American voter will pick the crook who runs a pay to play operation through a fraudulent charity over a wastrel nitwit who will start another war in the Middle East as part of his family legacy therapy.

Call it picking the road least rutted at the Morton's Fork.

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