Monday, April 13, 2015

An American Dynasty

(Huffington Post) - In the United States, we like to puff out our chest with pride and patriotic furor, some might even say with a touch of arrogance, over the superiority with which we view our so-called democracy. We look down upon communist political systems such as China (nanny nanny boo boo, we have one more party than you), countries that elect socialist politicians such as Venezuela and Bolivia, and we export "democracy" at gunpoint to countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. How's that working out?
It's a funny thing when you consider the realities of our democracy. While one family rule in monarchies and authoritarian regimes that fail to abide by the dictates of the United States remain under constant threat of being toppled either through military intervention, like in Libya, or subversive activities such as Cuba and Venezuela, we have a thriving dynasty here at home.
Consider for a moment the history of presidential elections in the United States since 1980. George H.W. Bush, as Ronald Reagan's running-mate, was elected Vice-President of the United States from 1980-1988. He then won the presidency in 1988 and held that position from 1988-1992. President Bush was defeated in 1992 by Bill Clinton. President Clinton reigned for two terms from 1992-2000. George W. Bush entered the Oval Office and remained there from 2000-2008. Read more.

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