The "Great One" taking a bite out of the Bushes |
Mark Levin is now channeling William Holden (as in Bridge On the River Kwai) in his rhetorical brush with the Bush Royal Family. Recently,
on April 7, he devoted much of his three hour radio screed to a relentless, targeted, and systematic deconstruction of the Bush family effort to restore themselves to the White House. Levin identified longtime Bush family consigliere Karl Rove as the "Svengali" of the Restoration effort, and referred to an "iron wall" the Bushes and Rove are building around their efforts to buy the Republican nomination, Levin has all but backed himself pretty much into a credibility corner when it comes to the Crown Prince and eventual "reconciliation." Referring to the possibility of "getting behind" JEB! as the nominee, Levin flatly said "no way." Levin was most offended by recent and ongoing Bush and Rove coordinated "independent" money bombs against Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. Levin asked, rhetorically if conservatives should just surrender the Republican Party to the Bush family, and rename it the "Bush Family Party."
Clearly JEB! is never going to have the same level of success snow jobbing the movement conservative GOP base that twang-talking con man W. did fifteen years ago, and Levin's unambiguous rejection of a third Bush sets up the looming probability of a serious third option threat to the Bushes in the general election. Given that Hillary will certainly get between 45-50 percent of the vote, at a minimum, in a general election against a Bush, any semi-credible third option to the Hildabeast running to the Crown Prince's right, and siphoning off just ten percent of the vote would not just guarantee a historic loss for JEB! and Republicans, but could make him the worst performing Republican nominee (in terms of popular vote percentage) since William Howard Taft in 1912. Currently that dubious record is held by King George I Herbert Walker, from the 1992 election.
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