Tuesday, February 16, 2016

JEB! is about to suffer a world class humiliation in South Carolina; "suspension" must follow

The mobs are metaphorically running down the driveway of the compound at Walker's Point in Kennebunkport, the Bush family's version of Versailles. And Donald Trump is leading them. When Babs and Poppy look up they don't understand.  "Why do they hate us so? After all we have done for them?"

Yes, the Bushes have done much for the Trump voters who now say they are voting against the entire Bush Republican neoconservative legacy "with their middle finger."  What have the Bushes done for them? They have told them over and over how decent Bushes are, and how compassionate. They have cut taxes many times on job creators.  Have have given them many lovely wars.

And now this is the thanks they get?  JEB! is running in 2016 on those empty fumes of Bush "decency," and he is finally going to sputter to a dead stop in the deserving state of South Carolina on Saturday.

South Carolina is the poetically just place to bury JEB!'s presidential entitlement.  It was here in 2000 that his brother, with a little anonymous help from Karl Rove and Ralph Reed, robbed John McCain of his momentum after he trounced W. in New Hampshire by running push polls asking South Carolina voters if they knew McCain had fathered a black child out of wedlock.  This was fair in Bush love and war because McCain had the audacity to include an adopted Bangladeshi  child in his family photos making their way around the campaign.

And JEB! brought out W. yesterday in Charleston to help sink his campaign further.

Consider the level of humiliation coming the Bush family's way in the next few days.  Trump is going around loudly peddling the idea, as a putative Republican presidential candidate, that the last Republican president was a liar, misrepresented evidence to lead the US wrongly into war, implied he could have been impeached for doing so, and was responsible for 911 because he was president when it happened (instead of like ever other Republican blaming Clinton, Gore, and Obama for 911, or anyone but Bush or bin Laden). The only thing Trump hasn't done is outright call W. a war criminal.

Yet Trump will crush JEB! in South Carolina on Saturday, and likely JEB! will also be routed by his traitorous protege Marco Rubio, whose has out neo-conned him at every turn. And if that happens, JEB!'s campaign cannot stand any longer.

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