Sunday, October 26, 2014

JEB! 2016: more than likely?

Prince George P., the 2024 Republican nominee (and for whom the GOP establishment will help purchase the Texas Land Commissionership next week) has now gone on record and said his father, the Crown Prince, will "more than likely" run for president in 2016.  This comes after recent media bait that Columba and Dowager Queen Babs are now "on board" with JEB! 2016.

It's not 100 percent, though, because it's generally true that when a Bush's lips are moving, they are lying (with personal gain in mind), and it's truly hard to know how trustworthy Prince George P.'s words are.  They could be part of what is a calculated fake out so that the Crown Prince can come back in two or three  months, after the midterms, and tell his donor base that someone of his "character" can't possible get elected in today's political climate (a climate which of course his family and their hacks like Atwater and Rove carefully created over a quarter century to serve Bush family interests) by advocating a "positive, inclusive, joyful" message.

But JEB! will probably run.  He and his father believe too much in the idea that he is destined to the office, and he has both the right and obligation (to himself and his family, not the country) to obtain it by any means necessary.  The Bushes represent a self-deluded egotistic debasement of both Nietzsche' will to power concept, and Ayn Rand's ideas about the heroic, creative man, and view themselves as both Platonic and Straussian perfect examples of a "philosopher king" dynasty.

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