Thursday, October 16, 2014

God's Own Party blames a Texas Fold 'Em on the Kenyan Anti-Christ

Every good Jesus-loving (loving at least the blond-haired blue-eyed Jesus in the painting on the fellowship hall wall) Republican Values Voter knows that nothing good comes out of Africa.  That includes both ebola and their self-identified Kenyan-born interloper in the White House. They don't know, and will never admit, however that ebola first got loose in the US through the Dominionist-Reconstructionist paradise of Rick Perry's Texas. What everyone else knows is that the Liberian man who presented himself at Texas Presbyterian hospital in Dallas did not have health insurance, and told the hospital he was from West Africa and sick with flu-like symptoms.  We also know that the hospital, instead of immediately quarantining him and calling the CDC, instead sent him home, like they undoubtedly do when anyone from Africa with no health insurance shows up. Later when they were forced to admit him after he reappeared sicker and was confirmed to have ebola, they apparently did not for at least a couple of days even require their own health care workers to wear adequate protective clothing when treating him.  Now two of them are sick with the disease, and finally the CDC had the foresight to remove the latest victim from Ranger Ricks's Engine of Job Creating, and send her to Emory University.

One wonders if the same scenario would have played out if the Liberian man had first presented himself at, say, Johns Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic, or Cedar Sinai, none of which are anywhere near Texas, or any other Job Creating state? Would those hospitals shown him the door, or called the CDC immediately?  It's a valid point to debate.

The average GOP partisan straw man debater would answer that question with their own irrelevant question: Do you think the Liberian would have gotten any better care if he had shown up at a typical public overcrowded and underfunded public hospital "up north."  Now I am sure they don't realize by such a rhetorical sleight-of-hand that they are unconsciously dissing what is supposed to be a world class Texas hospital, among the best the state supposedly has to offer, and which itself would much rather be compared to Cedar Sinai than some inner city triage junction.

While the angry white gated community set may automatically believe the Fox News and GOP election cycle fear mongering laying the blame entirely with Obama, and never question anything beyond that, there is a lot of blame to go around, and a lot of it comes out of the Lone Start State, and it's typical red state culture of indifference to public health.

One really bad thing coming out of Texas, probably even worse in the long run than ebola, is yet another God-awful Bush.  UK's Telegraph offers the advance warning to the rest of the world: Another George Bush enters US politics as Jeb's son makes his move, and proclaims "George P Bush is a shoo-in to become Texas Land Commissioner - a well established stepping stone to the top."  As for Ranger Rick, unfortunately the Bushes don't want him any closer to the White House than he already is.

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