Saturday, June 14, 2014

The awe of Iraq's collapse should shock all JEB! 2016 promoters

JEB! was never going to be president, however the rapid and developing collapse of the neconservative-engineered puppet state in Iraq that resulted from the Iraq War has probably made even the argument for a general election-losing Jeb Bush candidacy a losing proposition.

It used to go like this.  JEB! buys the nomination, and runs as a "moderate" against the tea party by changing the Bush chameleon color from strident "values voter" baiter under W. to "guest worker" champion.  JEB! loses in a landslide to Hillary, but he goes down with false dignity, and sets the stage for a "kinder, gentler" form of reactionary plutocracy politics under his son George P.,  who runs as a Hispanic version of Obama in the next decade.

The collapse of Iraq negates this strategy.  The face of JEB! in a presidential campaign while the Middle East burns nightly on TV would be nothing but a 24/7 remainder of the abject, overreaching failure of neoconservatism under his brother.  The phony message about "inclusion" and "love" would never get aired.

If the Iraqi puppet regime can't turn their predicament around soon, JEB! 2016 isn't even viable as a bought nomination leading to a calculated loss with manufactured dignity.

WaPo: Who lost Iraq? The Iraqis did, with an assist from George W. Bush

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