Wednesday, May 21, 2014

JEB!: anything but "confident and interesting"

The Washington Post's resident neocon apologist, Jennifer Rubin, is in full "gush mode" over the prospect of JEB! 2016.  In her latest column, The confident and interesting Jeb Bush, she is almost worshipful at the feet of the Bush Prince who offers a full neocon restoration if the imperial purple can be purchased for him.  Here is an example of her most baroque tripe:

"Bush is a wonk almost in a class by himself — citing Friedrich Hayek, the “broken windows” theory and the state pension crisis foretold by Steve Malanga — an indication that he reads, thinks about the big issues and then (as governor and now an education reformer) tries to apply them."

Conflating a sense of elitist entitlement with self-confidence, and artful confidence gaming with intellectual substance is understandable for a neocon with a hidden agenda, but for everyone else it is mistaking the hubris of a trust-funder with the self-confidence someone born a nobody possesses or acquires that enables them to become self-made and somebody, something totally alien to JEB!'s generation of Bushes.

If JEB! ever quoted or dropped a Friedrich Hayek reference, it was for completely self-serving reasons. Hayek would be as big a crackpot to a Bush as any Tea Partier  or Paulite would be.

More neocon booster tripe: Why is Jeb Bush gaining momentum?

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