Monday, May 5, 2014

How Hillary can trip Jeb as the starting gun fires.

Fox News, the official propaganda organ of neoconservative Republican plutocracy (and willing to support Hillary against the tea party should it come to that) has an interesting piece about whether Jeb is "orchestrating" a "draft" with some help from his brother W.  No one with respect for intellectual substance cares anything about George W. Bush's opinion of what type of president Jeb would make, but this Fox press release does get to the gist of something relevant about 2016:

"...the former governor of Florida told the former governor of Texas that it was all right to make those remarks [that Jeb would make a great president]. There is no way an experienced politician would make those remarks about his brother without a little private chat.
So why does Jeb want this out there? Because he is, in my view, starting to shape a climate where he can jump in—not to mention countering that comment by their mother that the country has had enough Bushes.
This scenario also reveals exactly how Hillary (and Bill) can render irrelevant any Jeb Bush candidacy at it's outset, and that is by forcing Jeb to "jump in" first.

Dowager Queen Bab's comment about "enough Bushes" has been erroneously viewed by the media as some sort of honest blanket denunciation of another Bush presidency.  Those words were no such thing. The old broad is cagey, and her carefully worded statement, which is more important for its part about there being more than "two families" capable of running the country, was bait for the Clintons: run and Jeb will run, and be justified in doing so.

That defense only works if Hillary enters the race first, and "legitimizes" a dynastic confrontation on Jeb's part, since as Bab's also implied, he is clearly the best qualified [of the two].

Hillary should not take Bab's bait.  She already has the Democratic nomination in hand, and can enter whenever she want, and as late as she wants.  It is the GOP donor class that is in tortured suspense about Jeb, and he has promised them a public decision by the end of this year.

Make Jeb jump in (or bow out) first, and guarantee his campaign never goes anywhere, whichever decision he makes.

PoliticusUSA: Fractured Republicans Working Harder For Hillary 2016 Than Democrats

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