Apparently Karl Rove can say, with his characteristic straight poker face of political sociopathy, that Jeb Bush is "
the deepest thinker on our side." In a party full of Birthers, believers in "legitimate" rape, and climate science deniers, such an accomplishment arguably would be a low bar to meet, but if Jeb is the best thinker they got, God help them. The Establishment media seem more than willing to buy this latest swindle Rove is peddling. According to the New York Times, JEB! is:
"A voracious reader, [who] maintains a queue of 25 volumes on his Kindle (George Gilder’s 'Knowledge and Power' among them, he said) and routinely sends fan mail to his favorite authors....A self-described nerd, he is known to travel with policy journals and send all-hours inquiries to think tanks...Friends and former aides have variously described him as a “policy wonk,” an “ideas junkie” and, as Arthur C. Brooks, the president of the American Enterprise Institute, called him, “a top-drawer intellect.”
Anyone want to take a chance that JEB!
really is a serious thinker? |
After eight years of definitive proof otherwise, it may seem hard to remember that Rove packaged this nobel laureate poseur's older brother in 2000 as a popular bi-partisan governor whose "compassionate" conservatism was nothing more than the old centrist moderation, who desired to forge cross-party coalitions on major issues, and who, most importantly, sought a "humble" role for the United States in world affairs.
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