Thursday, May 15, 2014

If JEB! doesn't run in 2016, will he throw support behind Rubio?

What is really going on with JEB! and Marco Rubio?  Rubio's recent public comments and activities seem to indicate he is back to promoting himself as a presidential candidate, but JEB!'s current patterns of behavior also indicate he is positioning himself to run.  What is really up? Rubio likely will not run if JEB! does, so is there some sort of 'gentlemen's agreement" between the two as both test the political waters?  JEB! is finding plenty of support among the donor and party hack elites, but little support among the grass roots, and he has abysmal ratings for a run among the public at large.  JEB! will likely run if he thinks there is any chance he can buy or steal the office (winning it in a fair election seems unlikely), but will he demur if he, Rove, and other Bush retainers view the presidency as unattainable by any means necessary?  Rubio will certainly run, win or lose, if Bush does not, and as Rubio has long been considered a protege of JEB!, will he expect support from him, or has he already secretly been given that support if JEB! 2016 never occurs?

One thing to consider is how a run and loss by Rubio, or more importantly, a run and win by Rubio, would effect the future presidential plans of George P. Bush, who if Rubio does not become the nominee, could position himself as the "Hispanic" nominee of "first impression" circa 2024 or '28, and be in a position to emulate Obama's ethnic identity campaign of 2008.

The smart money say JEB! would publicly endorse Rubio if he does not run, and secretly, through Rove and others, try to torpedo Rubio for the benefit of George P. later on.

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