According to Mel Sembler, a major Jewish Republican fundraiser close to JEB!, “It looks to me like he’s well along to making the decision later this year that he’s going to run.” The Tampa Bay Times points to his conspicuously busy schedule that increasingly resembles a pre-campaign, with informal outreach to donors and intimate talks with key religious leaders (the latter an absolute necessity for another presidential Bush con game).
Like his brother, George W., JEB! is going to dishonestly position himself as both a champion of right wing religion and a "moderate." Why the plutocracy thinks he could be competitive by retreading W.'s triangulated route is beyond belief. Either the speculator class has lost complete touch with reality, or they are so filled with hubris they intend to have their JEB! or no one. Tom McInerney, a Wall Street investor and GOP donor who saw Bush in New York, blathered the talking point tripe that will have the whole country snickering next year. “He’s not extreme. He’s thoughtful, he’s intelligent. He’s electable, and most of the others are not.” Only a Wall Streeter hoping to put another Bush over on the country for their own material benefit could say those words without busting out laughing. If American voters buy such nonsense, they deserve the damnation they will get after the war with Iran, the massive additional tax cuts for financial speculators, and the multi-trillion dollar annual deficits the Bush family will blame on Obama bankrupt the country.
Hopefully enough voters have enough sense to disappoint Mr. McInerney.
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