Thursday, May 29, 2014

Newsweek asks the wrong question, and doesn't give a good answer.

The Bushes have made the cover of the latest issue of Newsweek, featuring a caricature of Poppy, W., and JEB! as players in a Game of Thrones presidential drama, and a piece entitled "Can Jeb Bush Win the Presidency?"  The answer given is:

"Jeb would need to face the ultraconservatives, the Clinton dynasty and the vicissitudes of luck."

Left out was that JEB! also would need to face the sorry presidential legacy of his family's prior occupants of the Oval Office, but the correct answer to the question asked is simpler and shorter: no. But that is the right answer to the wrong question. The question Newsweek should have asked, in an otherwise laudatory puff piece about JEB!, the Bush family and how it compares (favorably) to the Kennedys and Adamses in American's pseudo-royal lineage, is "Can Jeb Buy or Steal the White House?"  The answer to that question is: probably not, when you factor in the poisonous record of his brother, and that Hillary is perfectly acceptable to much of America's plutocracy.

Newsweek has undergone some rough times of late. After massive losses, its then owners in 2013 turned it into an "online only" ueber-blog, alongside The Daily Beast.  Later in 2013, the Newsweek brand and the online version (but not the Daily Beast) were sold again, and it has reemerged as a print mag in 2014.  If you believe Mother Jones, it's now nebulously owned, through a front media company, by an obscure right-wing and homophobic Korean-born sect leader who bears a potential parallel to Sun Moon.  Moon's Unification Church now owns DC's Republican, right wing newspaper, the Washington Times. Whether there is a pattern working here, or not, this might go a long way to explaining why Newsweek is the latest media outlet to boost JEB! as the potential 2016 savior of the GOP.

Another important question Newsweek should have asked is, "Can Jeb Buy the Republican Nomination?" The answer there is: yes.

Will Jeb seek to buy the Republican nomination?  He has promised his Wall Street and neocon donors, now holding their powder and money dry, he will let them know before the end of this year.

America awaits its fate.

Mother Jones: Who's Behind Newsweek?

The Guardian: Faith and a media icon: Newsweek's unconventional new owners

Moonies, Messiahs and Media: Who Really Owns Newsweek?

Gawker: The New Owner of Newsweek Believes Homosexuality Can Be Cured

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