Friday, June 26, 2015

We're not psychic, JEB! is just that uncreative and predictable.

Here at Jebwatch, we have been calling The Crown Prince John Ellis Bush JEB! from the very beginning, and we have been referring to his unneeded and ill-fated vanity run next year as JEB! 2016.

Well guess what?  He took notes, and agreed with us that a parody of a parody is exactly what becomes a third Bush who is trying to buy and steal the White House! We still think the all caps version is better.

So if JEB! is that predictable when it comes to campaign names and logos, here are some other predictions:

1.  He will buy the Republican nomination in 2016.

2.  He will lose the general election to Hillary aka Hilldog aka The Hildabeast.

3.  If he manages to buy and steal the election, and become president, he will:

a. renew a massive ground war in Iraq and attack Iran.

b. sign a law passed by Congress slashing the capital gains tax on "job creators", and raising taxes on payrolls and earned income.  Also this law will allow corporations to repatriate profits from outsourced production back to the US with little or no taxation.

c. sign a law passed by Congress setting up a guest worker program that does not provide a path to citizenship, and call that "comprehensive immigration reform" and an "act of love."

d. Before he leaves office, the US government will run a 2 trillion dollar annual deficit, and there will be a sovereign debt crisis in financial markets.

e. and Republicans will claim every bit of that is Obama's fault.

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