Saturday, January 31, 2015

Does Romney's capitulation insure a Royal Road to the nomination for the Crown Prince?

We now know that last week's summit between Mitt Romney and JEB! resulted in Romney getting the message.  Whether it was a carrot or a stick that did the trick, Willard is now out of the race.  That means the Crown Prince will have to contend only with Christie, and Scott Walker and the Kochs as potential likely roadblocks on the road to a donor-bought coronation in Cleveland next year.  Kasich could attempt to enter as a "viable" (meaning he might have a chance to beat Hillary) alternative to JEB!, but by then JEB! may have most of the big money on his side. And it appears that a lot of Romney's donors and supporters are now falling in line behind the Crown Prince.  Will this allow JEB! to repeat his brother's 2000 juggernaut strategy, or will he in the end wind up like John Connolly, Phil Gramm and Rudy Giuliani, for whom lots of money, fat cat support, and name recognition led nowhere? Most current GOP polls, without Romney, show JEB! in the teens with support, and barely in the lead, or just off the lead among the pack of Huckabee, Paul, etc., while Tea Party front FreedomWorks has declared that JEB! has "disqualified" himself for the nomination because of Common Core, etc.

RealClearPolitics: Kornacki: "Mitt Romney First Casualty Of Jeb Bush Strategy," Similar To What His Brother Did in 1999

USA Today: Jeb Bush doesn't have Romney's vote locked up

Daily Caller: Top Romney Iowa Strategist Defects To Jeb Bush

CNN:Reality check: Jeb Bush's conservative record

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