Tuesday, December 16, 2014

JEB! 2016 NEWS FLASH: The Crown Prince all but formally announces the Restoration effort

His Most Ersatz Christian Highness, The Crown Prince John Ellis Bush, Divinely Ordained by the Plastic Jesus of Neoconservatism to Rule in Mammon's name, has publicly announced he is "actively exploring" trying to buy or steal the White House in 2016, and will launch a PAC tasked with exploring a presidential putsch. This coming immediately after his retainers baited the press that The Crown Prince would also release 250,000 carefully selected laudatory emails from his days as Florida governor, and release an e-book explaining why the country should allow a third Bush to rule.

Meanwhile, Jennifer Rubin, the Royal Family's most loyal apologist in the Establishment media, outside of FOX BNN (Bush News Network) has viscerally denounced Ted Cruz in her Washington Post column, calling him the "next Sarah Palin" in what appears to be a proactive effort to formally marginalize and define him as a nuisance gadfly spoiler.  This strategy is likely part of a plan to goad the tea party favorite into an angry run, where he along with Rand Paul, and perhaps Mike Huckabee would safely divide the anti-Bush primary vote, and JEB!'s early announcement is also timed to show the party's plutocrat money base that he is their man, and put other Establishment hopefuls like "Wall Street Willard" Romney and Krispy Kris Kristie on notice that a run by them is now pointless.

The Clinton's have to be popping champagne corks with James Carville because the Crown Prince has been lured into drawing first blood in a dynastic showdown with Billary, and ignoring the Dowager Queen Bab's earlier warnings about "enough Bushes (and Clintons)." Hillary's rebuttal next spring to a Bush Restoration will now hardly been seen as inherently illegitimate or provocative, especially if polls show her still beating the Crown Prince in a head to head matchup.

A November NBC/WSJ poll found JEB! viewed positively by 26 percent of those surveyed, while 33 percent viewed him negatively.

Additionally, this particular PAC route, when compared to JEB!'s recent questionable off-shore private equity activities, is what one might expect from a Bush.  According to Howard Kurtz over at FOX BNN, JEB! could still change his mind, "...but a veteran politician doesn't pull the media strings the way he did if he's not 95 percent of the way there...[yet] one source close to Bush thinks I'm overreacting, and that this was more in the nature of dropping a hint to keep potential backers from jumping ship." 

One cynic on a media comment board offered what may be the best comment about this PAC move: "...he'll have half a dozen untraceable Super-PACs opened on his behalf, and then when he backs out in a year the money all the suckers donated will disappear into his [off shore] bank accounts."

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