Thursday, July 10, 2014

Mutts for Mitt Again?!

Not long ago PMSNBC's Chris Matthews was certain his GOP hero JEB! would run, and be the "sane" alternative to the "clown show," as he likes to put it, of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, et al. Now Chris has decided JEB! won't run, and has throw his fickle support to....Mitt Romney for a third time charmer.

So Chris thinks it's time to load up the station wagon for another rough, bowel-rending ride cross country?

Matthews voted for and supported George W. Bush in 2000, and was an early cheerleader for neoconservatism before it became obvious what it would lead to.  Now he is one of the biggest critics of both Bush and "Cheeney" as he calls him.  Matthews lacks either credibility, or even the most elementary level of actual political insight.

There is no question John Ellis Bush wants the White House.  No question he believes he is absolutely entitled to it.  No question he will run if he thinks he can have the nomination handed to him, and the election bought or stolen for him by hatchet men like Rove and money men like Adelson, etc., and without him having to dirty his own princely hands much.   Getting the nomination handed to him would be straightforward, but messy, and the second part not likely doable.  If Jeb doesn't run, it's only because he knows he, and his dirty men, can't game the general election for him.

There is another scenario where Jeb will run, knowing he will lose in November.  And that is to help the establishment destroy the tea party movement.  Jeb as a fraudulent "grown up conservative" from the get-go, never running after the crazy attic dwelling base, but running them into the ground under the house, with the help of money, ruthless proxies, and connections.  And then falling on his political sword for the sake of the nation's "job creators" (and their acceptable alternate Hillary Clinton) and for her successor, George P. Bush, a reactionary Hispanic version of Obama.  This is the Jeb Bush Chris Matthews is in love with. The one that he wants to tingle up his leg.

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