Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wall Street Willard: bitter and sore loser

Republicans used to refer to the 2000 Democratic ticket as Sore Loserman after Gore supporters dared question the legitimacy of W. Bush's election by the Supreme Court.  Gore himself grew a beard, dropped out of politics, and proceeded to become as good a predatory speculator crony capitalist as any GOP donor could hope to be.  

Now here comes the Republican version of Sore Loserman, led not by the candidate's supporters, but by the candidate himself.   

Romney knew he had one shot, win in 2012 or face Jeb in 2016. Before Romney announced his 2012 campaign, he met with Poppy and the Dowager, got their royal blessing for his shot, and some great photos, such as this one:

The only things missing were the crowns on the two Bush's heads, and the jester cap on Romney's.   The three court lap dogs were present.

Romney's insecurities as a "one shot" candidate led him to run as something he was not: a "severe conservative," and the public could tell a phony when they saw one in front of them. And he lost. Now he can't stand the fact. The second guessing.  The certain knowledge, in hindsight, he probably could have won the general election running consistently as the pragmatic problem solver from Massachusetts, and just used his money to bludgeon the hapless nobodies running against him in the primaries without the unnecessary fake pandering to the base. Now he gets op-ed ink in Murdoch's WSJ to ramble and rant, embarrassing himself, about how much a failure Obama is, and how much better he would have been.  Sorry, Mitt, you had to make that case before November 2012, and you didn't.  So count yourself the failure.

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