Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Embarrassing JEB! Bush Flip-Flops on Iraq, Again

Look I am my brother's brother, and my own man! It's MY TURN!
(Huffington Post) - By his collapsing poll numbers, despite his intense campaigning, we know that Jeb Bush might be one of the worst candidates of all time. But, sometimes, bad politicians make good elected officials. So, the question remains, would Jeb Bush make a good Commander in Chief?

I had planned to write an op-ed critiquing his major foreign policy speech from this week, in which Bush falsely pinned blame for ISIS on President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and gave a terrible vision of what he would do different. These plans would include arming "Syrian moderates" who our intelligence says don't exist. I had planned to explain why the surge was a failure in Iraq, and was merely an attempt to hand the situation off to the next administration.
But, as Jeb Bush is prone to do, he stepped all over his speech just 24 hours later by saying, "I'll tell you, taking out Saddam Hussein turned out to be a pretty good deal." Thus, Jeb erased the entire speech he just delivered. Read more.

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