Thursday, August 27, 2015

Bush Wars: Episode III: A New Hope

JEB! is now at 7 percent in the latest Quinnipiac poll.

Also note that Bush has the second  highest "would never vote for" numbers, just behind Trump.

Matt Bai, writing for Yahoo Politics (and the GOP Establishment), opined in "Jeb, get ahold of yourself," that JEB! "seems not to fully grasp what makes his campaign viable in the first place." Mr. Bai doesn't seem to grasp at all what everyone but a few fat cat donors, and JEB!'s family do grasp.  That JEB! is not viable.  The only thing that gives him even the illusion of viability is his money.

The online reader comments to Bai's desperate booster piece offers the optimistic view of the rest of America regarding the prospects for the third Bush in line's chances of success:

"Jeb Bush just seems utterly unprepared for any of the obvious questions that he should have pre-formulated answers for. He stumbled when asked about his brother's actions in Iraq, foreign policy matters, and several other topics he should have 100% grasp on. The only reason that he is still even a viable candidate is the fact that the Neocons and Surveillance State bureaucrats along with the Corporate Defense industry interests have given him billions of $ so that he could continue the Bush Doctrine of endless wars, international hegemony, and unconstitutional spying on American citizens.

"Why does the money in the GOP want Bush?Easy answer,he is a Tool.He is not very smart,just listen to the man speak.He can have all the paid for degrees he wants,it will never help him.His brother is just as bad.Only his brother ran a large scam on the Christians in this country.Even 1 of his top supporters,John Hagee,said that we the Christian leaders of this country made a deal with a devil when they help get Bush Jr elected.And now the wealthy like the Koch Brothers and others are foaming at the mouth to get Bush in.It will be open door to taxpayer Trillions.How much of the $12 Trillion dollar deficit that Bush Jr caused went to Halliburton & oil companies & the Koch Bros.They were taken in so much so fast that many turned neurotic & had to go on Prozac.

"If the definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over, each time expecting a different outcome and each time not being able to grasp why a different outcome didn't prevail, then why would America keep voting for a Bush? These people have lied to us, stolen from us, and murdered our boys over and over, yet they keep coming and people keep voting for them. I'd rather see a circus chimp win the White House than another Bush, since at least you're going to know what a circus chimp wants: cigarettes and bananas. I'll take that over illegally invading countries that pose no threat to us, lying about raising taxes and making a core group of people insanely rich by fleecing taxpayers any day.

"The author is so misguided making a comparison between Herman Cain and Trump. First Herman Cain was a clown, maybe a likeable one, but still a clown.. coming up with 999 plans or whatever they were he was clearly pulling this stuff out of his whatever.

"Trump is NOT a clown and clearly is leveling both barrels at many of the owners of the GOP, from the billionaire hedge fund managers to the military industrial complex that seeks continuous wars - which Trump says are bad for business. Trump has Billions, he doesn't have to rely on the establishment and that scares the establishment.. because they are supposed to control who gets in right?

"Last, no one trusts the established government on either side of the political spectrum - it's clear to both conservative voters and progressive voters that both parties represent the owners of those parties, and those owners are the American public at large.. most people are just really really angry and the continuous betrayal by those parties.

"The two outside candidates; Trump and Bernie represent a complete rebellion against the corporate controlled entities that own and run the government and the people are beginning to get that though many can't articulate it. The average American is getting looked and they know it and they are peeisssed. I have more hopes on Bernie myself - but I would favor Trump over anyone else on that side."

If this really does represent the mood of the electorate, there is some hope there will never be a JEB! Bush presidency.

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