(New York Daily News) - He garnered a mention in Jeb Bush's upcoming memoir as the GOP presidential hopeful's "gay friend,' but Xavier Cortada says he has no plans to support his pal's 2016 bid for the White House. Cortada, 50, has known Bush for more than 20 years, but their differences of opinion about marriage equality played out in a series of emails in 2004. Bush discussed the exchange in his e-book "Reply All," in a chapter that was published this week on his campaign website. The entire e-book will be published in the fall. “I like him, I respect him, but I disagree with him. I don’t wish to see him at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.,” Cortada told the Daily News.
In the memoir, Bush introduces the Miami artist as a gay friend. Cortada qualified the characterization. “I do consider Jeb Bush a friend in that way. In the way you’d be a friend to a politician,” Cortada said. “It’s a different kind of friendship.”
Neither the book’s mention, nor their history together, will factor into Cortada's decision at the polls next year.
Bush is simply too conservative, Cortada said. Read more.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Bush Wars: Episode III: A New Hope
JEB! is now at 7 percent in the latest Quinnipiac poll.
Also note that Bush has the second highest "would never vote for" numbers, just behind Trump.
Matt Bai, writing for Yahoo Politics (and the GOP Establishment), opined in "Jeb, get ahold of yourself," that JEB! "seems not to fully grasp what makes his campaign viable in the first place." Mr. Bai doesn't seem to grasp at all what everyone but a few fat cat donors, and JEB!'s family do grasp. That JEB! is not viable. The only thing that gives him even the illusion of viability is his money.
The online reader comments to Bai's desperate booster piece offers the optimistic view of the rest of America regarding the prospects for the third Bush in line's chances of success:
"Jeb Bush just seems utterly unprepared for any of the obvious questions that he should have pre-formulated answers for. He stumbled when asked about his brother's actions in Iraq, foreign policy matters, and several other topics he should have 100% grasp on. The only reason that he is still even a viable candidate is the fact that the Neocons and Surveillance State bureaucrats along with the Corporate Defense industry interests have given him billions of $ so that he could continue the Bush Doctrine of endless wars, international hegemony, and unconstitutional spying on American citizens.
"Why does the money in the GOP want Bush?Easy answer,he is a Tool.He is not very smart,just listen to the man speak.He can have all the paid for degrees he wants,it will never help him.His brother is just as bad.Only his brother ran a large scam on the Christians in this country.Even 1 of his top supporters,John Hagee,said that we the Christian leaders of this country made a deal with a devil when they help get Bush Jr elected.And now the wealthy like the Koch Brothers and others are foaming at the mouth to get Bush in.It will be open door to taxpayer Trillions.How much of the $12 Trillion dollar deficit that Bush Jr caused went to Halliburton & oil companies & the Koch Bros.They were taken in so much so fast that many turned neurotic & had to go on Prozac.
"If the definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over, each time expecting a different outcome and each time not being able to grasp why a different outcome didn't prevail, then why would America keep voting for a Bush? These people have lied to us, stolen from us, and murdered our boys over and over, yet they keep coming and people keep voting for them. I'd rather see a circus chimp win the White House than another Bush, since at least you're going to know what a circus chimp wants: cigarettes and bananas. I'll take that over illegally invading countries that pose no threat to us, lying about raising taxes and making a core group of people insanely rich by fleecing taxpayers any day.
"The author is so misguided making a comparison between Herman Cain and Trump. First Herman Cain was a clown, maybe a likeable one, but still a clown.. coming up with 999 plans or whatever they were he was clearly pulling this stuff out of his whatever.
"Trump is NOT a clown and clearly is leveling both barrels at many of the owners of the GOP, from the billionaire hedge fund managers to the military industrial complex that seeks continuous wars - which Trump says are bad for business. Trump has Billions, he doesn't have to rely on the establishment and that scares the establishment.. because they are supposed to control who gets in right?
"Last, no one trusts the established government on either side of the political spectrum - it's clear to both conservative voters and progressive voters that both parties represent the owners of those parties, and those owners are the American public at large.. most people are just really really angry and the continuous betrayal by those parties.
"The two outside candidates; Trump and Bernie represent a complete rebellion against the corporate controlled entities that own and run the government and the people are beginning to get that though many can't articulate it. The average American is getting looked and they know it and they are peeisssed. I have more hopes on Bernie myself - but I would favor Trump over anyone else on that side."
If this really does represent the mood of the electorate, there is some hope there will never be a JEB! Bush presidency.
Also note that Bush has the second highest "would never vote for" numbers, just behind Trump.
Matt Bai, writing for Yahoo Politics (and the GOP Establishment), opined in "Jeb, get ahold of yourself," that JEB! "seems not to fully grasp what makes his campaign viable in the first place." Mr. Bai doesn't seem to grasp at all what everyone but a few fat cat donors, and JEB!'s family do grasp. That JEB! is not viable. The only thing that gives him even the illusion of viability is his money.
The online reader comments to Bai's desperate booster piece offers the optimistic view of the rest of America regarding the prospects for the third Bush in line's chances of success:
"Jeb Bush just seems utterly unprepared for any of the obvious questions that he should have pre-formulated answers for. He stumbled when asked about his brother's actions in Iraq, foreign policy matters, and several other topics he should have 100% grasp on. The only reason that he is still even a viable candidate is the fact that the Neocons and Surveillance State bureaucrats along with the Corporate Defense industry interests have given him billions of $ so that he could continue the Bush Doctrine of endless wars, international hegemony, and unconstitutional spying on American citizens.
"Why does the money in the GOP want Bush?Easy answer,he is a Tool.He is not very smart,just listen to the man speak.He can have all the paid for degrees he wants,it will never help him.His brother is just as bad.Only his brother ran a large scam on the Christians in this country.Even 1 of his top supporters,John Hagee,said that we the Christian leaders of this country made a deal with a devil when they help get Bush Jr elected.And now the wealthy like the Koch Brothers and others are foaming at the mouth to get Bush in.It will be open door to taxpayer Trillions.How much of the $12 Trillion dollar deficit that Bush Jr caused went to Halliburton & oil companies & the Koch Bros.They were taken in so much so fast that many turned neurotic & had to go on Prozac.
"If the definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over, each time expecting a different outcome and each time not being able to grasp why a different outcome didn't prevail, then why would America keep voting for a Bush? These people have lied to us, stolen from us, and murdered our boys over and over, yet they keep coming and people keep voting for them. I'd rather see a circus chimp win the White House than another Bush, since at least you're going to know what a circus chimp wants: cigarettes and bananas. I'll take that over illegally invading countries that pose no threat to us, lying about raising taxes and making a core group of people insanely rich by fleecing taxpayers any day.
"The author is so misguided making a comparison between Herman Cain and Trump. First Herman Cain was a clown, maybe a likeable one, but still a clown.. coming up with 999 plans or whatever they were he was clearly pulling this stuff out of his whatever.
"Trump is NOT a clown and clearly is leveling both barrels at many of the owners of the GOP, from the billionaire hedge fund managers to the military industrial complex that seeks continuous wars - which Trump says are bad for business. Trump has Billions, he doesn't have to rely on the establishment and that scares the establishment.. because they are supposed to control who gets in right?
"Last, no one trusts the established government on either side of the political spectrum - it's clear to both conservative voters and progressive voters that both parties represent the owners of those parties, and those owners are the American public at large.. most people are just really really angry and the continuous betrayal by those parties.
"The two outside candidates; Trump and Bernie represent a complete rebellion against the corporate controlled entities that own and run the government and the people are beginning to get that though many can't articulate it. The average American is getting looked and they know it and they are peeisssed. I have more hopes on Bernie myself - but I would favor Trump over anyone else on that side."
If this really does represent the mood of the electorate, there is some hope there will never be a JEB! Bush presidency.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Rupert Murdoch could, if he is not careful, inadvertently elect Donald Trump president
The Dark Master of Media is playing with fire. Last year, when the potential threat to a second Bush Restoration was Rand Paul and his libertarians, Rupert Murdoch let it be known through Twitter that he might support Hillary Clinton if the "wrong" person wound up with the GOP nomination.
Now with Hillary in collapse over her email scandal, and JEB! on the ropes over his obvious incompetence as a candidate, and Trump's flirtation with postmodern reality show fascism treading on Murdoch's turf, the Lord of Fox appears to be losing his hold on things as the prospect of a great unraveling of his hegemony looms.
So desperate is he to remain a relevant kingmaker that he is now floating the trial ballon of Michael Bloomberg as the plutocracy's savior if JEB! implodes.
Just one question. How well will those people in that Alabama football stadium take to "Big Gulp" Mike?
So if Trump takes the GOP nomination away from Murdoch and JEB!, and God forbid, Biden does not run, Hillary implodes, and Bernie winds up with the Democratic nomination, would Murdoch then run Bloomberg as an independent, and the only "sane option"? If he did, he would probably ironically elect Trump by splitting up the "anti-Trump" vote.
Murdoch has spent over thirty years selling fraudulent reactionary identity politics, and a politics of grievance in the service of elites, and now he is upset that he can't stop Trump's freelancing, and can't sell JEB! to an audience he has always considered useful idiots.
Murdoch is the Alfred Hugenberg of 21st century America. He must feel about like his German counterpart did in the summer of 1933.
Now with Hillary in collapse over her email scandal, and JEB! on the ropes over his obvious incompetence as a candidate, and Trump's flirtation with postmodern reality show fascism treading on Murdoch's turf, the Lord of Fox appears to be losing his hold on things as the prospect of a great unraveling of his hegemony looms.

Just one question. How well will those people in that Alabama football stadium take to "Big Gulp" Mike?
So if Trump takes the GOP nomination away from Murdoch and JEB!, and God forbid, Biden does not run, Hillary implodes, and Bernie winds up with the Democratic nomination, would Murdoch then run Bloomberg as an independent, and the only "sane option"? If he did, he would probably ironically elect Trump by splitting up the "anti-Trump" vote.
Murdoch has spent over thirty years selling fraudulent reactionary identity politics, and a politics of grievance in the service of elites, and now he is upset that he can't stop Trump's freelancing, and can't sell JEB! to an audience he has always considered useful idiots.
Murdoch is the Alfred Hugenberg of 21st century America. He must feel about like his German counterpart did in the summer of 1933.
Friday, August 21, 2015
The "debate" over "anchor babies" and "birthright citizenship" illustrates just how inherently racist and elitist the Republican Party of Bush really is.
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Get you Guest Worker Cards here, then GET BACK TO WORK! |
His exasperation showed at an ad hoc outdoor press ambush in New Hampshire this week. His bumbling, fumbling, peevish, thin-skinned autocratic and entitled "inner Bush" was on full display as the Crown Prince lashed out and barked about "anchor babies," challenged the press to come up with a better term (who would expect a telepromped, uncreative Bush legacy dolt to do that?), and he insisted he would be the choice of his party in the end. And he pointed out that his primary opponent, the postmodern political meme of the moment that is The Donald, was using wedge issues to attack him.
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Talking 'bout them wedge issues, JEB!? Ask your father. |
Call that, simply, Cosmic Justice.
Yes, JEB! Bush probably will be the choice, in the end, of the apparatchiks who run his Pinochetista family-owned neoconservative party. But Donald Trump is not, as the anti-Bush candidate, really anti-Bush at all. He is merely holding up the painting of this Dorian Gray family that's been hidden away in the attic at Kennebunkport for over a quarter century, right next to the records about how much the Bushes have donated to Planned Parenthood over the last century.
Trump is doing what he is doing to satisfy his ego, for sure. He is doing it for profit, you can bet. He may even be pulling off the best stand up act of the century, so far, as a Manchurian Candidate for the Clintons, or the Democrats generally, but he is not saying anything that is, in any way, in conflict with the fundamental philosophical assumptions of the Party of Bush.

Those demagogues in the party who throw red meat to the gullible nativists, and who rail opportunistically about wanting to stop the children of "illegal immigrants" from being US citizens don't really want their "guest worker" parents to go away or stop coming. If they did, if they really wanted to stop people from coming here who were willing to work at cheap, below domestic labor market wages, then the whole issue of "anchor babies" would be moot. There would be no "anchor babies." All they want for these children is the same thing they want for their parents. The average Trump voter ought to stop and thank about that for a couple of minutes. Think hard.
As long as US businesses wants cheap, easily exploitable labor from abroad, the Republican Party will always be opposed to any meaningful immigration reform legislation that actually enforces immigration laws, and provides a citizenship tract for those immigrants who come here in good faith. They will proclaim loudly their "love" for a "compassionate" guest worker program that creates a legalized system for exploitation, but never will you hear any of them talk about citizenship for these people. Never. Not those Republican politicians with Spanish names, and not those named Bush.
Cronyism Alert: JEB! Bush And John Kasich’s Work At Lehman Spotlights Different Revolving Door Between Business and Government
(International Business Times) - Republican presidential rivals Jeb Bush and John Kasich bring to their campaigns their experience as governors of major battleground states, but they also share a resume line from their time in the private sector. The Florida and Ohio pols both worked at the ill-fated Wall Street investment bank Lehman Brothers just as the firm was racking up vast losses for their states' respective pension systems.
While Kasich has denounced Wall Street greed and Bush has criticized lawmakers who become lobbyists, during their time at Lehman they leveraged their public sector experience -- Bush as a former governor and Kasich as a former nine-term congressman -- to help the bank build relationships and navigate public policy matters.
Those roles spotlight a lesser-known revolving door between corporations and government.
Rather than becoming traditional lobbyists, “these kind of people serve as door openers,” said Jeff Hooke, an investment banker who worked at Lehman Brothers in the 1990s. “Sometimes it’s hard for a normal investment banker -- even a senior guy -- to get a CEO or a finance minister to return his calls to present them with a new idea, so a guy like Jeb Bush, whose name is instantly recognizable or has lots of contact from his fundraising days or governorship or his family -- he’s going to get his calls returned.”
Bush and Kasich received big Lehman paychecks as the bank’s mortgage-backed securities decimated the investments intended to support their states’ retired workers, and today, both are getting financial support for their presidential campaigns from donors they worked with during their time at Lehman.
Neither Bush nor Kasich was registered to lobby for Lehman on regulatory matters. A spokesman for the Kasich campaign, Scott Milburn, told International Business Times that Kasich “was in the investment banking division” and “worked as part of coverage teams across a variety of sectors” doing mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings and other financial deals. Read more.
Dynasty Alert: George W. Bush pitches in for JEB! as 2016 heats up
George W. Bush wrote a fundraising email in support of his younger brother, who is locked in a tough race for the Republican nomination and is trailing bombastic frontrunner Donald Trump in poll after poll.
“I rarely send emails like this, but I wanted to make sure I asked for your support on behalf of my brother, Jeb,” George W. Bush wrote in the first campaign message of its kind by the 43rd president.
“This is a consequential time in our nation’s history, and we need a strong leader,” he added. Read more.
Plutocracy Alert: Online Exchange Shows JEB! Bush as the GOP’s 2016 Favorite
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Ignore the polls. These nativist fools my family created to serve us will fall in line behind their rightful Crown Prince in the end. They have NO choice! |
(Wall Street Journal) - Donald Trump leads just about every public-opinion survey of the Republican presidential field, with one notable exception: PredictIt, the online marketplace for investors looking to buy and sell shares in an expected outcome.Among those prognosticators willing to put actual money behind their predictions, Mr. Trump trades at a lower price than former Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. As of Thursday night, it cost 24 cents to buy shares of the prospect that Mr. Trump will be the next GOP nominee and 41 cents to buy shares that it would be Mr. Bush.
In other words, polls may show that Mr. Trump is the candidate-of-the-moment for Republicans, both nationally and in the early nominating states of Iowa and New Hampshire, but the folks putting real money on the race don’t consider the celebrity real-estate mogul the favorite to claim the Republican presidential nomination next year.
Academics and professional investors have long debated the effectiveness of markets to predict outcomes, and a 2008 study suggested that polls tend to influence the market price of various political events. But users of an earlier online-predictions exchange correctly picked the winner of 2012 White House race, nailing the results in every state but Florida. Likewise, PredictIt traders correctly picked the outcome of the recent bailout referendum in Greece. Read more.
In other words, polls may show that Mr. Trump is the candidate-of-the-moment for Republicans, both nationally and in the early nominating states of Iowa and New Hampshire, but the folks putting real money on the race don’t consider the celebrity real-estate mogul the favorite to claim the Republican presidential nomination next year.
Academics and professional investors have long debated the effectiveness of markets to predict outcomes, and a 2008 study suggested that polls tend to influence the market price of various political events. But users of an earlier online-predictions exchange correctly picked the winner of 2012 White House race, nailing the results in every state but Florida. Likewise, PredictIt traders correctly picked the outcome of the recent bailout referendum in Greece. Read more.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Panicked JEB! Bush calls for crackdown on 'anchor babies'
(Tampa Bay Times) - Jeb Bush said Wednesday he disagrees with Donald Trump's call to end birthright citizenship but echoed Marco Rubio's call a day earlier to prevent abuses, which Bush described with a loaded term.
"This is a right of the 14th amendment and I just don’t think it's legitimate to say we're going to change our Constitution and that's going to solve our problem. I don’t think that's the proper thing to do," Bush said.
But appearing on Bill Bennett's radio show, Bush set off Democrats by calling for more enforcement and using the term "anchor babies."
“If there’s abuse, if people are bringing — pregnant women are coming in to have babies simply because they can do it, then there ought to be greater enforcement. That’s (the) legitimate side of this. Better enforcement so that you don’t have these, you know, ‘anchor babies’, as they’re described, coming into the country.”
“If there’s abuse, if people are bringing — pregnant women are coming in to have babies simply because they can do it, then there ought to be greater enforcement. That’s (the) legitimate side of this. Better enforcement so that you don’t have these, you know, ‘anchor babies’, as they’re described, coming into the country.”
Hillary Clinton replied with a tweet: "They're called babies." Read more.
Gloves off, Bush style? JEB! Bush attacks Donald Trump, calls him a long-term Democrat
Maybe we can do something with that Wille Horton thing, Lee? |
“I think what people are eventually going to vote for is a proven conservative leader that’s done it – not talked about it, that’s actually done it," Bush said later. "And I have a proven conservative record, a consistent proven conservative record."
Bush's campaign quickly followed up on the comments by distributing the remarks via social media. In doing so, aides characterized Trump as a "tax-hiking Democrat," although Bush didn't use those words.
Moments after Bush made his comments, Trump took the stage at his event and almost immediately went after the former Florida governor.
“You know what’s happening to Jeb’s crowd just down the street? They’re sleeping!” he said as applause broke out. Read more.
JEB! Bush Comes In Favor of "Military-IT Complex"
(firstlook.org) - Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said Tuesday that encryption makes it harder for law enforcement to track down “evildoers” — and called for a “much better, more cooperative relationship” with Apple, Google, and other tech companies that are building uncrackable private communication apps into their new products.
“If you create encryption, it makes it harder for the American government to do its job — while protecting civil liberties — to make sure that evildoers aren’t in our midst,” Bush said in South Carolina at an event sponsored byAmericans for Peace, Prosperity, and Security, a group with close ties to military contractors.

Cronyism Alert: JEB! Bush pitches "total voucherization" at education summit
(CBS News) - Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and other 2016 Republican presidential hopefuls on Wednesday endorsed school vouchers as a means of driving competition and innovation in the nation's school systems.
"Why not allow total voucherization? Nevada is moving in this direction," Bush said at a New Hampshire education summit. "Let the suppliers come up with the creative solutions, have high expectations and accountability, and get out of the way." Read more.
"Why not allow total voucherization? Nevada is moving in this direction," Bush said at a New Hampshire education summit. "Let the suppliers come up with the creative solutions, have high expectations and accountability, and get out of the way." Read more.
He's baaaaack! George W. Bush raises money for JEB!
(USA Today Politics) - Former president George W. Bush jumped into the 2016 presidential race Thursday with a fundraising letter on behalf of brother Jeb. “This is a consequential time in our nation’s history, and we need a strong leader,” the 43rd president said in the missive. “Jeb took on tough challenges as Florida’s Governor and delivered results. I know he will do the same as President.” The Bush campaign is also planning a “donor summit” for late October in Houston featuring Jeb’s brother and his father, former president George H.W. Bush. The George W. Bush fundraising e-mail comes as Jeb Bush has fallen behind in Republican polls to GOP front-runner Donald Trump.
“My brother will be a tremendous President,” George W. writes. “He is a proven leader with an optimistic outlook and a clear, conservative agenda for America’s future.” Read more.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
JEB! Bush refuses to rule out use of torture if he becomes US president
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I know watching me run for president, and hit slice after slice into the sand and water is torture, but GET OVER IT! |
The former Florida governor said in general he believed torture was inappropriate and his brother, former President George W Bush, largely ended the CIA’s use of the techniques before he left office. The CIA had been using waterboarding, slapping, nudity, sleep deprivation, humiliation and other methods to coerce al-Qaida detainees – methods the military would be prohibited from using on prisoners of war. Read more.
JEB! Bush Got $1.3M Job At Lehman After Florida Shifted Pension Cash To Bank
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Hey, you people are supposed to be focused entirely on Hillary's emails. MOVE ON! |
But for Jeb Bush personally, his enduring relationship with Lehman would prove lucrative. In 2007, just as he left office, Bush secured a job as a Lehman consultant for $1.3 million a year, Bloomberg reported.
Weeks after Bush took the Lehman job, the Florida State Board of Administration (SBA) -- a three-member body that makes investment decisions about state pension funds and whose ranks had recently included one Jeb Bush -- gave Lehman additional business: SBA purchased $842 million worth of separate investments in Lehman’s mortgage-backed securities. Over the course of the year, the SBA would shift an additional $420 million of pension money into the same fund in which the state had begun investing under Bush.
In short, during Bush’s first year working for Lehman, his former colleagues in Tallahassee, the state capital, moved vast sums of Florida pension money into the doomed Wall Street investment bank, even as warnings about its financial troubles began to emerge. Read more.
Legacy Bush donors account for half of JEB!'s donations
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Look, I'm my OWN MAN here! How many times to I have to say this? |
About half of the roughly $120 million raised to help him win the Republican presidential nomination comes from donors who previously gave to his brother or father, both former presidents, according to a new analysis of Federal Election Commission records by Crowdpac.com, a nonpartisan political research company.
The finding puts a numerical exclamation point on the advantage Bush's presidential family gives him when it comes to fundraising.
In Crowdpac's review of named contributors to three political committees helping Bush, $59.2 million came from first-time Bush donors, while $60.3 million came from returning donors to the earlier campaigns of President George W. Bush, President George H.W. Bush or both.
There are more than 1,800 men and women who have given to all three Bushes over the years, Crowdpac found. These loyalists are spread across the country, with a heavy concentration in Texas, where the two presidents began their political careers, and in Florida, where Jeb Bush served as governor. Read more.
JEB! Bush: the government should have broad surveillance powers of Americans
(Yahoo News) - Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush said Tuesday that the government should have broad surveillance powers of Americans and private technology firms should cooperate better with intelligence agencies to help combat "evildoers."
At a national security forum in the early voting state of South Carolina, Bush put himself at odds with Republican congressional leaders who earlier this year voted to end the National Security Agency's bulk collection of phone records.
The former Florida governor said Congress should revisit its changes to the Patriot Act, and he dismissed concerns from civil libertarians who say the program violated citizens' constitutionally protected privacy rights. Read more.
JEB! Bush says Paul Wolfowitz is a foreign-policy adviser
(CBS Marketwatch) - Jeb Bush on Friday identified Paul Wolfowitz, one of the architects of the Iraq war, as one of his foreign-policy advisers.
The comment came as the former Florida governor was answering questions at the Iowa State Fair. The question wasn’t audible, but Bush’s reply was.
“Paul Wolfowitz is providing some advice,” he said. “I get most of my advice from a team we have in Miami, Fla.” Wolfowitz had been reported to have been an adviser to Bush, but this is believed to be the first time the Republican presidential candidate spelled that out.
Bush did explain the challenges he has in crafting his own reputation for foreign policy with the team of advisers he has.
“If they have any executive experience, they have had to deal with two Republican administrations,” he said. With a smile, he asked: “Who were the people that were presidents the last two Republican administrations?”
The last two Republican presidents were, of course, his brother George W. Bush and his father George H.W. Bush. Read more.
JEB! Bush Abandons Mainstream, Finds Inner Neocon
(Cato Institute) - Jeb Bush has amassed a sizable war chest and positioned himself to be the safe establishment pick after Donald Trump’s expected implosion. Alas, on foreign policy Bush has turned hard right.
“Our security,” he recently claimed, is “in the balance.” Yet the U.S. continues to dominate the globe as no other nation before it.
Moreover, Bush contended, “if we withdraw from the defense of liberty elsewhere, the battle of eventually comes to us anyway.” Actually, the world long has been filled with horror which Washington has successfully avoided.
Bush followed the Republican stereotype in demanding more military spending. “We are in the seventh year of a significant dismantling of our own military,” he falsely claimed. Real spending continued to increase until 2012.
In Bush’s view two and a half percent of GDP for the Pentagon is too low. But as Ronald Reagan observed, military spending should reflect the threat environment, which is vastly improved. Bush seemed to recognize this reality when he suggested a strategic review since “the world’s changed. I mean, we’re, the Soviets aren’t going to launch a tank attack across Eastern Germany into Germany.”
Very true. He should launch a strategic review first, which would suggest fewer defense responsibilities and thus lower military outlays.
Bush first called his brother’s policy in Iraq “a mistake.” More recently, however, he declared that ousting Saddam Hussein was a “pretty good deal.”
Maybe so, I pointed out in Forbes, “if you don’t count dead Americans, dead allied personnel, dead Iraqis, widespread sectarian violence, mass refugee flows, increased Iranian influence, regional instability, and the rise of the Islamic State.”
Bush misleadingly argued that ISIS “didn’t exist when my brother was president” and that a continued U.S. military presence “would not have allowed” the group to flourish. This is false.
ISIS is an outgrowth of al-Qaeda in Iraq, which developed in response to George W.’s invasion. The group grew in opposition to the U.S. occupation and Shia-majority regime installed by Washington. Read more.
Embarrassing JEB! Bush Flip-Flops on Iraq, Again
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Look I am my brother's brother, and my own man! It's MY TURN! |
I had planned to write an op-ed critiquing his major foreign policy speech from this week, in which Bush falsely pinned blame for ISIS on President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and gave a terrible vision of what he would do different. These plans would include arming "Syrian moderates" who our intelligence says don't exist. I had planned to explain why the surge was a failure in Iraq, and was merely an attempt to hand the situation off to the next administration.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Of bad hair, top secret emails, old Jews, and the politics of postmodern rage
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Rudy, you never looked sooooo good! |
Something is amiss in the Disneyland of First World nations. Politics now is just a cabaret, old chum, and the stand up acts are, well, pretty darn entertaining.
The world of politics hasn't been this funny since Max Hansen played a gay Hitler on the Berlin stage in 1932, and in doing so inspired a young Mel Brooks decades later to write probably the funniest parody of a bad broadway show ever conceived in the mind of a Jewish comedian. Nowadays, it's "Summertime for JEB!" and this very off Broadway production is roasting the Crown Prince's best laid plans of electoral theft and easy entitlement right into oblivion.
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If you don't vote for me, you'll get Trump! |
If Hillary's email-scandal plagued campaign implodes this fall or early next year over DOJ and FBI investigations, Bernie Sanders will become the Democratic nominee by default unless Joe Biden or perhaps Al Gore or Elizabeth Warren enter the race to claim the vacant nomination. Should that happen, and Sanders rolls on to win Iowa and New Hampshire, then the GOP race will probably get very interesting.
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Falling in love again, they can't help it. Angry white men flock to me like moths around a flame! |
If a socialist Jew appears likely to win the Democratic nomination this traditional elitist argument will fall apart. The GOP base will decide it can nominate someone it really wants to take on another fringe candidate of the left, someone stridently reactionary and nihilistic like Trump or Cruz. This is the Weimar scenario, where Mexicans and border walls replace Jews and backstabbing.
What would a panicked Establishment do, facing say Trump or Sanders as the alternatives? Reluctantly throw in with Trump, under the impression he would be the lesser evil than Sanders, and hope they can have some control or influence? Would they run JEB! as a third splinter party candidate, and hope he can carry a handful of states, and throw the election into the house where Boehner can elect him, whether he comes in third or not?

The plutocracy would probably make a bad decision regardless. Just as the German ruling class plunged their country recklessly into Belgium in 1914 and eventually got Hitler in 1933 for their folly, will the denizens of our Herrenklubs, our von Papens and Hugenbergs who plunged the US recklessly into Iraq in 2003 eventually commit national suicide on the altar of a reality show star pretending to be a fascist for profit?
The Public Face of JEB!'s Campaign Thinks Americans are 'Too Stupid to Govern Themselves'
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Vote for JEB!, and the joke is on you, Amerika! |
Saturday, August 15, 2015
The Summer of JEB!'s Discontent: What the Crown Prince must do this fall to force himself on the GOP next year
No Bush could ever have become president without a ruthless amoral hatchet man running their campaign. HW would have lost in 1988 without Atwater (and did lose without him in 1992). W. would have lost without Rove.
JEB! will lose without someone as evil and ruthless as Atwater or Rove running his campaign. That is the thing to watch about him. If that person does not step up soon and start running a money-driven character assassination operation against any plausible alternative to JEB! while JEB! continues to lie about how "compassionate" and "even-handed" he is, then JEB! is not seriously running to win.
He may be just going through the motions of running to please his aged father, or he may have become a delusional legacy wastrel who really believe the Gods of politics are speaking to him, and telling him that he is a man of destiny. If history is any guide, he will be more practical and realistic.
Rove appears too fat and lazy with his easy jig as a pseudo-expert talking head over at the Bush News Network to come back to work for The Family full time as a dirty trickster, so where will JEB!'s Prince of Darkness come from? Could it be JEB!'s campaign communications director, Tim Miller, a nasty self-loathing Log Cabin "biach" and oppo researcher who previously co-founded a right wing Super PAC, America Rising, which according to the Advocate, "tracks Democrats on the campaign trail, and circulates 'potentially damaging information.'"?
Whoever he, she, or in between, is, they must have a clear and ruthless battle plan in place and execute it with precision, and without hesitation in order to make a third Bush the 2016 Republican nominee. And it won't involve an immediate tangle with Trump.
The obvious first act would be to money bomb, and take out John Kasich. He is the clear Establishment alternative to JEB!, and is carefully laying the groundwork to challenge the Crown Prince in New Hampshire. Stopping him with negative attacks and any plausible whisper campaigns now before he gets any traction is Job One for JEB!.
Then it will all depend on which alternatives remain after Kasich is dispatched. Perhaps finish off Walker. What JEB! really has to watch out for if Kasich and Walker can be marginalized is a late entry and push by Romney sometime next year if Trump, Cruz and Carson together, in a smaller field, consistently take over 50 percent of the votes in February and March primaries with JEB! as the sole default establishment candidate. JEB! would need to get at least 40-45 percent of the total primary/caucus votes cast between February and June in order to have a majority of the convention delegates in the GOP's rigged, and non-proportional overall, delegate allocation system.
Is Tim Miller up to being the next Atwater or Rove? We shall see.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
The Postmodern Prometheus (or if you prefer, God's Own Justice for the Grand Old Party of Bush)
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Get on your knees and beg my forgiveness, Meygn, you ignorant slut! |
"It's alive! It's alive!" Dr. Lee Atwater bellowed as his balding and hunched sidekick Karl Rove grunted in delighted assent. Slowly the table arked upward and the creature tied to it quickly opened it eyes and struggled to break free from its restraints. First it broke one wrist strap, and then the next. Then it pointed and glared sharply at its creators, and slowly entoned, "Y-yyy--- You're Fired!"
So now the Republican Party of Bush is running into the woods for its very life, fleeing from it's own creation, and the simple-minded torch and pitchfork wielding "values" voters who were once faithful and loyals serfs for Dr. Atwater and Rove's benefactors now follow this monster as they loot and burn the compound. How will this end? Hopefully not well for the decadent, entitled family that subsidized this weird science.
13 Movie Characters Who Would Be A Better President Than JEB! Bush (They’ll kill anyone – rich or poor.)
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In time, Amerika, like my father and brother, you will call me MASTER! |
Surviving Bush III will be just like surviving In The Name Of The King III: The Last Mission – it requires courage and stamina, and most people won’t make it. But if America needs to swing to the right and usher in a new Dark Age, can’t we at least have a more flamboyant leader than the redneck son of a former CIA chief?
Certain alternatives are verboten: Dr Hannibal Lecter, for instance, would be considered “elitist” by old-time Republicans, and his accent wouldn’t go over at all. Adenoid Hynkel is too left wing, and a fan of ballet to boot. And let’s not get started on why Dr Frank N Furter isn’t suitable.
Here are the 13 men and women that could not only have mass appeal, but also destroy the planet with a smile and a pithy one-liner. Because if the world has to end, we want it to end in style. Read more.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Largest Florida Corporate donates to JEB! Bush 2016 Campaign
(wctv.com) - The largest Florida corporate donor to a super political action committee backing former Gov. Jeb Bush's presidential run is NextEra Energy Inc. It owns utility giant Florida Power & Light.
In 2009, more than two years after leaving office, Bush penned an opinion piece urging regulators to approve the utility's proposed rate increase for Florida customers. Bush wrote in the Tallahassee Democrat: "With power, the cash registers open and close." Now, the publicly traded, Fortune 200 company is opening its own coffers to support Right to Rise [aka Rule]. NextEra contributed more than $1 million this year.
For Bush, NextEra's contributions could raise questions about how his support for the company factored into its financial support of him; whether he would face conflicts as president should the company undergo federal regulatory scrutiny.
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