There is likely no way neocon plutocrats like Sheldon Adelson would even give Jeb Bush the time of day if he were, unlike his father and brother, a "dovish" Bush. There have been two Bush presidents, both of them were "war" presidents, and there is no reason to believe Jeb would be any different.
Reagan, and even Clinton to some extent, understand the proper art of war. Grenada and Kosovo were clearly defined, well executed operations, and both completely achieved their military objectives without significant endearing negative consequences. Poppy Bush thought he had that same thing with the Gulf War, but wound up with a messy ending that lured his son into a catastrophic mistake over a decade later. Now the prospect of a messy adventure in Iran, prodded by the same neocons who wrapped W. around their fingers, should give anyone considering voting for a third Bush "war" president a good reason to reconsider.
Something called the Live Free or Die Alliance: NH's Virtual Town Hall lists Jeb Bush's positions on various issues. They are what one would expect: a combination of correct pandering to a reactionary base (that hopefully is far more skeptical of this Bush than they were of his brother), defenses of government subsidized plutocracy, and one very interesting position: "willing to consider military action in Iran."
Here is the dirty laundry:
• Pro-life [in front of the right crowds at election time]
• Opposes funding for stem cell research [ditto]
• "Skeptic" about global warming [ditto]
• Replaced affirmative action with "One Florida" initiative
• Supports stricter sentencing laws
• Supports school choice
• Supports "Stand Your Ground" law
• Opposes "Obamacare"
• Supports path to citizenship for illegal/undocumented immigrants
• Willing to consider military action in Iran
• Supports privatization and partnerships with faith-based organizations for social welfare programs
• Supports bank bailout but not automobile manufacturer bailout
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