Monday, April 21, 2014

Cronyism, cronyism...Bush style!

The Week gets it about right with "Jeb has an Obamacare problem."

"Since wrapping up his tenure as Florida governor seven years ago, Jeb Bush has been quietly building a fortune for himself, raking in millions of dollars from consulting gigs, real estate investments, and that staple for out-of-office politicians, speeches."

While the article doesn't touch specifically on Jeb's tenure with Lehman Brothers, his educational and Common Core crony capitalism, and brother Neil's Ignite! Learning, etc., it does throw down one jewel that both those running to the right of him in the primaries, and the Clinton's running against him in the general election, will have a field day with:

"...Bush has also netted more than $2 million from his work as a board member with Tenet Health Care, according to The New York Times' Michael Barbaro. That tie could prove troublesome for Bush if he runs for president in 2016 because Tenet, Barbaro writes, 'aggressively encouraged Americans to sign up for insurance under the [Affordable Care Act] and trumpeted the legislation as a boon to the company’s finances.'"

This has all the hallmark of dour "family values" senator Phil Gramm's investment in an R-rated "T & A" movie production company many years ago, after seeing (and apparently liking) the drive-in classic "Truck Stop Women."

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