Friday, July 31, 2015

How Donald Trump can really impact the 2016 race in a positive way.

Donald Trump, simply put, is not going to be the Republican nominee, and he is not going to be president. Trump cannot override the entire Republican party leadership and their rigged rules, nor can he overcome the limitations of his appeal with GOP primary voters. He has a ceiling.  It's a high ceiling in a crowded race, one that puts him clearly in front right now, but don't look for him ever to rise much above 30 percent support.

And The Donald cannot win the election running as a third option, though he probably could do as well, if not better, than Perot.  There is, however, one condition where he should nonetheless run rogue, and serve his country well by doing so.

At some point in the future Donald Trump should call a press conference and announce to the world that he will run as an independent only under one condition.  And that condition is if JEB! Bush buys the Republican nomination.  JEB! is hellbent on doing it, and he has the plan, the people, and the organization in place to do it.  He already has the support of the most reactionary plutocrat donors who are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into buying his influence.

When should Trump begin his electoral blackmail of the party elites?  Not now, and not next week. He should do it when JEB!, Rove and Company take off the gloves and commence their PAC-driven campaign of universal destruction against all credible opposition.  When the money bombs against Walker, Kaisch,  etc. begin.  They will have to do it, and then Donald should make his move.

The bottom line is that Donald Trump can save America from JEB! Bush.  He has already damaged his "brand," so why not go for a real payoff with meaning?

Why would he do it?  Trump had given Hillary money in the past, and prior to the 2000 election he even spoke well of JEB!  Before his brother stole that election with JEB!'s Florida voter roll purging help, and then nearly destroyed the country.

Trump should do it for these reasons:

America can survive four years of Hillary Clinton (or Joe Biden) with Republicans in control of Congress, as each put limits on the others most self serving and kleptocratic instincts.  Can American survive four (or eight bought years) of JEB! Bush thieving and warring together with John Boehner and Mitch McConnell?

A JEB! Bush presidency would result in a multi-trillion dollar unwinnable war against Iran, and more catastrophic and neocon driven, ill-conceived middle east adventurism in Iraq and beyond. If you doubt this, just listen to neocons John Bolton and Norman Podhoretz unambiguously state the foreign policy position of another Bush administration.

A JEB! Bush presidency would result in much higher oil and gas prices.  Hillary Clinton's pay to play history with the Clinton Foundation is reprehensible, but it can't begin to compare with the Bush family's long history of serving as "manchurian candidates" for Saudi and other oil-client state interests.

A JEB! Bush presidency, with a GOP Congress, would result in much higher deficits, and an almost certain sovereign debt crisis at some point.

A JEB! Bush presidency would result in a renewed orgy of klepto-plutocratic treasury raiding and subsidization of speculative financial moral hazard.

A JEB! Bush presidency would result in increasing income and wealth concentration beyond the current destabilizing levels, accelerated middle class collapse, and perpetual low GDP growth driven by ruinous tax and trade policies that promote wealth preservation through tax-subsidized asset bubbles, but not domestic growth economics.

Hillary Clinton may be a crook (well she is a crook) but comparing her political immorality with JEB! Bush's is like comparing a part-time boiler room telemarketer's with Bernie Madoff's. Donald Trump, of all people, should understand that.

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