Wednesday, August 13, 2014

JEB! will have to run as a "war" candidate

Karl Rove is now out on Fox beating the war drums for the stupid set, telling Bill O'Reilly that Bush had the right policy after all:

BILL O'REILLY: Do you know who else is having a difficult dance with this whole ordeal? The Republican party. Very difficult dance because even though it's a mess under President Obama and getting worse by the day and Iran coming up and that's just going to be awful, the Republican party's foreign policy under Bush the younger in Iraq and Afghanistan now in hindsight looks awful. And so the Republicans --

KARL ROVE: No it doesn't. In hindsight it looks better.

O'REILLY: You're talking as a partisan, I'm talking about the regular folks. 

ROVE: Oh, no, no, no, wait a minute, I'm not talking as a partisan.

O'REILLY: They see Afghanistan and Iraq as not worth it. Every poll shows it.

ROVE: I disagree. I think they see it as in America's strategic interest to remove the Taliban and Saddam Hussein. What they look back and say was why are we now tossing away the hard won gains of America's military by doing what we are doing. 

O'REILLY: You think they see that? 

ROVE: Absolutely.

O'REILLY: Is the world a safer place?

ROVE: Is the world a safer place today? No. It is not a safer place because what we did in succeeding and removing the Taliban in Afghanistan and removing Saddam Hussein has been frittered away by the policies of this administration.

O'REILLY: Every poll I have seen, Mr. Rove, with all due respect to you, every single poll I've seen says Americans regret going into Iraq. 

ROVE: No, look, look, look.

O'REILLY: We won it --

ROVE: Absolutely.

O'REILLY: We won it and Obama gave it away. 

Of course, Wild Bill played his part right, and seconded Rove in the end with the obvious Obama hit.

Debunking Karl's absurd revisionism, where the cause of the current debacle is re-imagined as the solution, is pointless to persuade his audience of the lie, but like the old Wall Street brokerage firm, EF Hutton, when Rove talks trash and reinvents history, it pays to listen, because from Rove's lips to JEB!'s ears, Rove's words predict JEB!'s coming campaign.  JEB! will have to run as a full-throttled neocon in the post Iraq deconstruction era, saying the US has to go back into Iraq and wipe out ISIS. There is no other option for him politically.

The only thing left to find out is whether Rove and JEB! get lucky and ISIS hits the US before the election, and does the scare job for them.  You can bet ISIS will hit the US if JEB! gets in there.

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