After the debate at the Iowa Events Center on Thursday night, Christie’s senior strategist Mike DuHaime told Yahoo News he believes “people want a governor.” DuHaime also explained how he believes Christie can remain viable after the Iowa caucuses on Feb. 1.
“I think we’re going to do better than people expect here in Iowa, and I think we’re going to do very well in New Hampshire after Iowa,” DuHaime said.

”It’s going to go down to four or five people. Christie will be one of those four or five people and, as the field narrows, that’s going to be great for us,” DuHaime explained. “Because the field narrows, the debates get more substantive, the other people get exposed as not as deep as Christie, and that’s going to be good for us.”
Politically Incorrect Humor from the "Comments Section" (Drum roll, please):
No way he gets into the White House, but he certainly is welcome at White Castle!
He told a boy from New Hampshire that when he's President (Yeah! Right!) he can have all the Pizza and Fries he wants from the School menu.
He seems to have winning the nomination confused with winning the Nathan's hot dog eating contest at Coney Island.
Chris Christie’s team believes he’s “starting to resonate” after eating a big Mexican lunch.
It is okay to dream Chris! Now go ahead and have another hot fudge sundae!
Christie said " I will eat these other candidates for breakfast". And he meant it literally.
Christie intends to get all the other Republican candidates hopelessly lost in the traffic snarl of New Jersey. That has been the plan all along.
This buffoon has no shot at the White House. The only house he'll be spending most of his time in is the International House of Pancakes.
Not a snow balls chance in hell of winning anything except a pie eating contest.
Once the field narrows, Christie will become the heavy favorite.
I think Chris Christie has a great chance to get in the White House. He just needs to sign up for a tour.
Read more HERE.
Politically Incorrect Humor from the "Comments Section" (Drum roll, please):
No way he gets into the White House, but he certainly is welcome at White Castle!
He told a boy from New Hampshire that when he's President (Yeah! Right!) he can have all the Pizza and Fries he wants from the School menu.
He seems to have winning the nomination confused with winning the Nathan's hot dog eating contest at Coney Island.
Chris Christie’s team believes he’s “starting to resonate” after eating a big Mexican lunch.
It is okay to dream Chris! Now go ahead and have another hot fudge sundae!
Christie said " I will eat these other candidates for breakfast". And he meant it literally.
Christie intends to get all the other Republican candidates hopelessly lost in the traffic snarl of New Jersey. That has been the plan all along.
This buffoon has no shot at the White House. The only house he'll be spending most of his time in is the International House of Pancakes.
Not a snow balls chance in hell of winning anything except a pie eating contest.
Once the field narrows, Christie will become the heavy favorite.
I think Chris Christie has a great chance to get in the White House. He just needs to sign up for a tour.
Read more HERE.
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