Nature threw floundering Chris Christie (one of the premier clowns in this year's political circus) a big old nor'easterly curve ball, forcing him to retreat from New Hampshire back to New Jersey so he can look Large and In Charge, and face down Jonas, just as another storm of epic proportions is about to break over the Granite State in his conspicuous absence.
That storm is the nihilistic, thrashing fury of a dying JEB! 2016 as it is scorned by media pundits and voters polled alike. JEB!'s Right to [Rule] Super PAC is unleashing its remaining tens of millions on a scorched earth campaign to destroy Rubio, Kasich, and Christie just as the Des Moines Register today endorsed Marco Rubio in the Republican caucus. So desperate is JEB! to gain any advantage over his other Establishment rivals that he has trotted out his nonagenarian mother, the Dowager Queen Babs, to front a pitiful video plea in support of her "boy." This same woman who last year exasperatedly told the nation it had had "enough Bushes."

JEB! apparently does not understand that such a move will make him look even weaker, and more petty and vindictive. It's now really up to the blizzard of negative ads, and whether they can bury his "same lane" opponents, and make him the third man out in a three way race to a brokered convention. If he can get that position, he might be able to use the party rules to steal the nomination away from Trump or Cruz, even if it destroys the party's chances in November, and drives Trump into an independent run. The show may have just begun.
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