Thursday, December 11, 2014

Ranger Rick sez runnin' for Prezident is not an IQ test

Ranger Rick Perry says there are more important things than IQ when it comes to being President. What else can he say? There will be a circus train car full of challengers to the Crown Prince in 2016. Some, like Krispy Kris Kristy or "Wall Street" Willard Romney could be fighting with him over big donor money. Others like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and perhaps Mike Huckabee will be helping JEB! buy the nomination by splitting up the anti-Bush primary vote. And then there is Rick Perry.

Rick isn't going anywhere, except quietly into a cushy oil company lobbying job after he leaves the Texas state house, but another run for the White House is all about trying to go out as something more than a national joke.  If Governor Goodhair can just avoid, even once, what has now come to be known as a "Perry moment" in national debates, he might convince a few people he has an IQ at least barely in triple digits. That is the closest thing to a win he will ever get in national politics.

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