Get Ready Amerika! |
Within the next two months (roughly), the Crown Prince should announce to a resigned nation still reeling from the economic collapse at the end of his brother's reign that he intends, with the help of unearned money and Karl Rove, to "joyfully" try and buy or steal the Presidency in 2016, and Restore the Royal Family to it's rightful place.
Even the Dowager Queen Babs is now in favor of a Restoration, according to royal brother Neil Bush (who stands to make millions from Common Core cronyism if JEB! succeeds). because so many people have told her that JEB! is the best qualified option. Yet more proof that the Royal Family lives in a moral and factual bubble of their own creation. If you want more proof, consider that King George II Walker Bush, while taking a break from his paint-by-numbers kits and Bob Ross instructional DVDs, and exhibiting a madness reminiscent of the King George that sparked the American Revolution,
has now announced that JEB! would beat Hillary Clinton in a dynastic showdown. This, despite the Crown Prince never having placed higher than the low 40s in any national poll to date, and in the latest national poll, by Bloomberg, JEB! comes in at a whopping 37 percent support level.
Does mad King George Dubya know something around 60 percent of Americans don't know? He knows that JEB!, his financial backers, and Karl Rove will do anything to install another Bush in the White House if called upon to do so, but is the anything and everything they will do enough? Probably not.
BloombergPolitics: GOP Billionaires Plan: We'll Pick the Republican Presidential Candidate
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