The most recent
CNN presidential poll illustrates just exactly how detached from reality the GOP primary voter may prove to be when faced with a presidential election demographic, and a turnout rate closer to 50 percent than 34 percent.
Since formally announcing his exploratory PAC, the Crown Prince has zoomed to the front seat in the circus train carload of likely GOP 2016 candidates, polling at 23 percent, ten points ahead of Krispy Kris Kristie, his nearest rival. Rand Paul polled in a tie with Mike Huckabee for forth place, with six percent. Dr. Ben Carson polled in third place with seven percent support.
The same poll showed the Hildabeast ripping JEB! to shreds, 54 to 41 percent in a general election matchup. And JEB! does better than any other GOP alternative against Hilldog. This continues the same Bush trend shown in general election presidential polls to date: the Crown Prince does not poll higher than the low forties.
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