The party of unbridled reaction is going to win big this Tuesday. Despite the fact there is no actual ebola epidemic in the US, or the likelihood of one. Despite falling leaves and falling gas prices, and despite the fact that the current chaos in Iraq was proximately caused by King George II W Bush and his incompetently executed war there.
Is Obama to blame for the coming Democratic loss? He coddled the bankers, continued Bush's bailout scheme, practices crony capitalism almost as well as a Bush, and for political, or whatever, reasons, he belatedly embraced a fatally flawed strategy to try and reverse Dubya's Middle Eastern disaster. In 2008 Wall Street bankrolled him (then betrayed him for one of their own predators in 2012), and the Bushes probably even secretly voted for him over McCain. So yeah, he is partly to blame.
Deluded Bush Republican media chatterers like Rove will spin the party's coming midterm triumph as some sort of widespread popular re-embrace of elitist, unearned income-friendly tax policies, and their neoconservative vision for more disastrous preemptive war in the Middle East. Almost no one else will see it that way, including a sizable chunk of the GOP rank and file libertarian, and tea party base. Democrats will say it's the obvious result of a low turnout, old white racist property-owning centered electorate, and that most of the Senate seats lost were in the Confederacy. That is partly true, especially the latter part. But the GOP is going to win in a few other places too, and the Democrats are probably not going to do that well with the few younger voters who do bother to show up.
No, the GOP is going to almost run the table tomorrow, and they will pat themselves, and their dolt of a leader, Reince Priebus, on the back for it, and then promptly let the hubris of that unearned victory delude them into making critical mistakes that ensure a rather quick reversal of their political fortune.
First, this is how JEBWATCH predicts tomorrow's political surf-side show:
Montana, West Virginia, and South Dakota are already guaranteed GOP pickups, so on to:

Alaska: This is Palin Country, and No Country For Young or Old Democrats. Begich's 2008 election was a fluke, made possible only because even Alaska voters couldn't ignore the over the top corruption of political dinosaur Ted Stevens after he was criminally indicted on multiple counts of ethics violations and pay to play gifting. You can betcha Begich goes down this time, big time, to Palin's former Attorney General.

New Hampshire: Thank God (or To Whom It May Concern) for New Hampshire. At least Democrats should. The independent minded voters of the Granite State won't buy the desperate carpetbagging of relocated former male model and portfolio churner Scott Brown. There aren't enough retired Taxachusetts expats living lakeside on Winnipesaukee or Squam to make that happen.

Iowa: If a Democratic woman running for the US Senate ran an ad, and talked about castrating hogs in it, she would be immediately accused by Godly Republicans of really wanting to castrate and tranny out the farm boys tending the hogs, and then turn their sisters into lesbians. But when a Republican women does it, well, it's just cute. What Ernst really wants to do is castrate a few Democratic girly men, and that should be an easy and quick slice of work. Ernst in a landslide, not a squealer.
Wisconsin: Scott Walker's hopes to be the VP for the Crown Prince remain alive (Bush-Walker, now that has a sick ring to it) as he dispatches Mary Burke's birkenstock candidacy. And crushes a few more commie, atheist-run labor unions along the way.
Colorado: This is one that could go either way, but a lot of Udall's voters are probably enjoying their newfound herbal liberties, and won't make it to the polls. Will enough Hispanics? Gardner in a close vote if we have to call it.
Arkansas: Heading down to God's (Own Party's) Country for the first whistle stop. Even Bill Clinton, campaigning 24/7 in every county in the state, couldn't save his old buddy Mark Pryor. Angry ebola and Obama-panicked Arkansans are gonna be running to the polls in high Cotton.
Louisiana: One of America's genuine banana republics. Landrieu's luck runs out, but not before a runoff. Palin gets rebuffed too, as Bush establishment toadie Cassidy wallops Maness to buy the seat from the Democrat.
North Carolina. This may be the closest loss for Democrats, but a loss it will be. No Moral Monday is gonna stop the Immoral Tuesday for Kay Hagan. Expect black folks and spoiled white college students to have to drive across three counties and up a dozen four wheel drive trails to get to their 2016 polling places after Senator Tillis gets through with them.

Georgia: You would think Michelle Nunn might have a shot. Daughter of Sam Nunn, Blue Dog legend. She has the televised support of crazy old turncoat, Iraq War supporter and W. keynoter Zig Zag Zell Miller. But then she had to go and make a commercial highlighting her work for King George I HW Bush, and how well pleased he was with it. Proud outsourcer and vulture crony capitalist David Perdue (who, by the way, has the obvious actual endorsement of King George I HW Bush, the royal benefactor of all outsourcers), the cousin of former Governor Sonny Perdue (but not the chicken Perdues), will go to the Senate and help make sure Georgia keeps the nation's highest unemployment rate. And Nathan Deal (Real, as in Crook) gets another four years to remain one of the USA's most corrupt, and incompetent, governors. Don't even think about trying to drive I-75 or I-285 around Atlanta if it gets an inch or two of snow again this winter.

Kentucky: An honorary Confederate state, and one where Queen Mitch, America's most famous bag lady for lobbyists, crony capitalists and plutocrats buys yet another nasty victory, and teaches that perky Clinton girl who didn't vote for Obama not to mess with a real bluegrass Biatch.

Florida: Another one of America's genuine banana republics. You have a guy, the current Republican, who of course currently owns the governor's mansion, and who was once the head of a company that holds the record for the largest corporate fraud conviction in US history going up against Jeb Bush's handpicked successor, a former Republican and current tanning bed connoisseur. Expect the corporate fraudster, and genuine Republican to beat out the former Republican and fraudulent Democrat. Floridians are the certain losers, but they deserve to be.
Jesuchristo es mi filosofo favorito |
Texas: A genuine American banana republic that was once an actual one. There are no genuinely contested races in this one party state, but there is one sad, uncontested one. The next generation of Bush kleptocrats and legacy wastrels, Prince George P. will buy (or more accurately will have bought for him) the Texas Land Commissionership. With that little purchase the Somoza, er Bush family will then control all oil and gas lease patronage on state lands, and can dole out the state education budget to whichever cronies they choose in pay to play privatization scams.
The Republican Party should wind up with at least eight (nine if you throw in the questionable hippie-cowboy divide in Colorado) Senate pickups, four of which are in the Confederacy (Arkansas, Lousiana, North Carolina), or honorary Confederacy (West Virginia), and four in the "Christian Identity- Posse Comitatus" heartland (Alaska, Montana, Iowa, and South Dakota), but whatever the Party of Bush gains on home turf in 2014, the Bush family's political conceit will take away elsewhere in 2016. The rest of the country (outside of the Confederacy, and the Corn and Wheat Belts) will rightly recoil from a third Bush presidential run, and flip the Senate right back into Democratic hands (if just barely) in 2016, and put a farm boy castratrix-in-chief in the White House, but even that won't stop the family's fourth try in 2024 running George P. as a "Hispanic" neocon version of Obama. God help us all.