During the reign of King George II Walker Bush, particularly after the Iraq War proved a disaster, the public got wind of the necon surveillance state, and torture revelations got war crimes talk going, the American political left begin to draw the Hitler analogy. A bad choice. The better historical analogy between the Bush family, and their deluded, if not black comic, sense of entitlement, would be with the European royal houses of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, those inbred descendants of Queen Victoria, in particular the Hohenzollerns and Romanovs.

George W. Bush blundered into the Iraq War quite in the same way that Kaiser Willy and Tsar Nicky blundered into World War I, and not as Adolf Hitler created World War II by design. The neocons around the younger Bush may have provided a rationale for him, and fed his infantile sense of family "honor" and revenge against the man "who tried to kill my daddy," but his idea of war was that of an outsider, and of one who had no realistic conception of what it would be like, just as that generation of make believe warlords ruling the Great Powers of Europe in 1914. It was not that of a hardened, and yet genuinely decorated combat veteran like Hitler who understood war and had specific, if evil, uses for it.

And now we face the next detached Crown Prince struggling to make his case. Make no mistake, the presidency is family therapy for these Bushes, and war is their treatment plan. If Jeb manages to buy or steal the next election, there will be another glorious attempt to "get it right" in the Middle East for the legacy of old Poppy and the family name. One that will end in utter catastrophe, wreck the US military, rip apart American society, and probably destroy the US economy. It would put an end to the Bushes once and for all, but at a price too great for the rest of the country to pay. Welcome at last to Weimar America, where bundles of worthless dollars would be used as fireplace starter logs.
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