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To Protect and Serve...the Job Creators! |
"...political insiders speculate that the time is ideal for Jeb Bush to announce his presidential aspirations and take the lead as the party's best choice for a candidate that will win over moderates, conservatives and independents alike....Given his experience in deftly governing Florida and solving some of the state's most pressing concerns, Bush could conceivably win over enough voters to propel the GOP back into the White House..."
What exactly is GND.com? According to it's "about us" page:
"...Our team of writers goes beyond what you expect, offering you original stories and opinions you won't find anywhere else..."
Most of the posts on the site appear to be typical right wing conspiracy-themed, and focus on topics like, "Reasons Americans Should Continue to Protect Their Guns Rights," "Obama and Russia - What We Need is a Little Bit of the Gipper," "Public Wanting Answers Following Bergdahl Exchange," etc. The featured adsense from "Common Sense Publishing" is what you would expect: "Only One in 1,500 Americans know about this legal account. Here your dollars grow tax free..."
It's the featured article, entitled in all caps, on the front page of the site that really tells the tale you don't find much of anywhere else, and explains perfectly for anyone not a likely JEB! 2016 donor why we have a Department of Homeland Security, and why local police departments are now equipped with military grade hardware: "Here's The Simple Reason Why The Economy Will Never Get Better."
What follows is a rare example of unvarnished and politically incorrect apologetics for economic determinism, trade laws rigged to benefit financial speculators, a national security state, suppressing the votes of non property owners, the neoconservative rationale for "noble lies" to hide "deathly truths, the entire reactionary case plainly and succinctly made for the natural existence of plutocracy in the United States:
"...The middle class that we think is a normal birthright is fake. It’s an anomaly, and never should have existed...Before World War II, there wasn’t a giant middle class. Anywhere. At any time in history. You were (generally speaking) either rich or poor. Most people were poor. Yes, there were a few in the middle (think of your local shop owner or similar), but there wasn’t this giant class of working people with homes, cars, yearly vacations, and dinners out every week.
Then WWII happened. And that created the perfect storm for a temporary economic boom. Especially for the US. Here’s why:
- After WWII, the US was the only nation with a massive amount of functioning factories. Europe and Japan were in rubble. And those factories started cranking out everything from washing machines to cars to televisions and more. There was no worldwide competition, so these companies could afford to pay average workers - with average skills - above-average wages, complete with fat pensions.
- The GI Bill got “single-family home ownership” started for common people, in a big way. Think about it – before WWII, single-family home ownership was not something the average common person strived for, or even thought was possible.
These two factors created a giant middle class. Affordable, one-family homes began springing up everywhere, and millions of people all of a sudden had “good jobs”, and were able to afford them. Think about this – average people working on assembly lines, doing fairly simple work, were making house buying money.
THIS is what we became used to. THIS is what we are always looking to go back to.
Looking at it through that lens, in today’s world of global competition, doesn’t that seem almost absurd? That someone with a high school diploma putting a nut on a bolt all day making enough to buy a house, two cars, yearly vacation, and dinner out every week…
We can talk about CEO pay, the 1%, and corporations all we want. The simple fact is, the good old days of average people living above-average lives are over. And they aren’t coming back ever again. Because even if the US did become the world’s only manufacturer again, we’d do it with robotics and not people. Those “good jobs” we talk about are never, ever coming back. Nobody will admit this."
It should come as a given that a website publishing this would enthusiastically endorse JEB! as its preferred presidential candidate.
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