The conventional wisdom posits that Obama will hold off on his executive order granting legal residency to millions of Bush-era undocumented peon workers until after the midterms, to both minimize any negative impact on the elections for Democrats, and then bait the Republicans into disastrous impeachment talk ahead of JEB!'s expected early 2015 rollout, and the wind up to 2016.
The conventional wisdom is now under attack by left wing media (such as PMSNBC) where the current talking points support a much earlier (perhaps with a couple of weeks even) announcement designed to bait angry tea party members in Congress into forcing their leaders to shutdown the government in protest just prior to the midterms. According to the logic, this will sour the public against Republicans and give Democrats a chance to hold onto the Senate. There are a lot of big "ifs" in such logic, not the least of which is the GOP leadership, both House and Senate, unambiguously declaring "no way" they will allow the base to shut down the government before the elections. Can they control their sheep this time? The answer is probably yes, so the original plan of holding off until after the midterms is likely to do the most damage to the GOP brand over the next two years, as the nativist base then roars for months without Establishment support while "open borders" JEB! buys the nomination.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Hobbesean logic in defense of plutocracy
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To Protect and Serve...the Job Creators! |
"...political insiders speculate that the time is ideal for Jeb Bush to announce his presidential aspirations and take the lead as the party's best choice for a candidate that will win over moderates, conservatives and independents alike....Given his experience in deftly governing Florida and solving some of the state's most pressing concerns, Bush could conceivably win over enough voters to propel the GOP back into the White House..."
What exactly is According to it's "about us" page:
"...Our team of writers goes beyond what you expect, offering you original stories and opinions you won't find anywhere else..."
Most of the posts on the site appear to be typical right wing conspiracy-themed, and focus on topics like, "Reasons Americans Should Continue to Protect Their Guns Rights," "Obama and Russia - What We Need is a Little Bit of the Gipper," "Public Wanting Answers Following Bergdahl Exchange," etc. The featured adsense from "Common Sense Publishing" is what you would expect: "Only One in 1,500 Americans know about this legal account. Here your dollars grow tax free..."
It's the featured article, entitled in all caps, on the front page of the site that really tells the tale you don't find much of anywhere else, and explains perfectly for anyone not a likely JEB! 2016 donor why we have a Department of Homeland Security, and why local police departments are now equipped with military grade hardware: "Here's The Simple Reason Why The Economy Will Never Get Better."
What follows is a rare example of unvarnished and politically incorrect apologetics for economic determinism, trade laws rigged to benefit financial speculators, a national security state, suppressing the votes of non property owners, the neoconservative rationale for "noble lies" to hide "deathly truths, the entire reactionary case plainly and succinctly made for the natural existence of plutocracy in the United States:
"...The middle class that we think is a normal birthright is fake. It’s an anomaly, and never should have existed...Before World War II, there wasn’t a giant middle class. Anywhere. At any time in history. You were (generally speaking) either rich or poor. Most people were poor. Yes, there were a few in the middle (think of your local shop owner or similar), but there wasn’t this giant class of working people with homes, cars, yearly vacations, and dinners out every week.
Then WWII happened. And that created the perfect storm for a temporary economic boom. Especially for the US. Here’s why:
- After WWII, the US was the only nation with a massive amount of functioning factories. Europe and Japan were in rubble. And those factories started cranking out everything from washing machines to cars to televisions and more. There was no worldwide competition, so these companies could afford to pay average workers - with average skills - above-average wages, complete with fat pensions.
- The GI Bill got “single-family home ownership” started for common people, in a big way. Think about it – before WWII, single-family home ownership was not something the average common person strived for, or even thought was possible.
These two factors created a giant middle class. Affordable, one-family homes began springing up everywhere, and millions of people all of a sudden had “good jobs”, and were able to afford them. Think about this – average people working on assembly lines, doing fairly simple work, were making house buying money.
THIS is what we became used to. THIS is what we are always looking to go back to.
Looking at it through that lens, in today’s world of global competition, doesn’t that seem almost absurd? That someone with a high school diploma putting a nut on a bolt all day making enough to buy a house, two cars, yearly vacation, and dinner out every week…
We can talk about CEO pay, the 1%, and corporations all we want. The simple fact is, the good old days of average people living above-average lives are over. And they aren’t coming back ever again. Because even if the US did become the world’s only manufacturer again, we’d do it with robotics and not people. Those “good jobs” we talk about are never, ever coming back. Nobody will admit this."
It should come as a given that a website publishing this would enthusiastically endorse JEB! as its preferred presidential candidate.
Seamus...on the roof again in '16?
Willard Mitt Romney dropped a typical Romneyesque bomb yesterday as he categorically 100 % denied any intention of running again for President in 2016....unless "circumstances change." Those "circumstances" are whether or not the Crown Prince John Ellis Bush exercises his royal option on the 2016 nomination. If early next year, the Crown Prince abdicates his entitlement in favor of his son, George P., in 2024, that creates the "change in circumstances" Romney needs to run again. And you can bet he will run under those circumstances.
There is little doubt a "gentlemen's agreement" on this was reached between Romney and King George I HW Bush and Dowager Queen Babs in their summit at the Houston Winter Palace in late 2011. The one that produced those ridiculous photo ops.
Some good news for Willard. According to a USA Today/Suffolk University poll, he has a huge lead over all potential candidates among likely 2016 Iowa Republican caucus voters.

Some good news for Willard. According to a USA Today/Suffolk University poll, he has a huge lead over all potential candidates among likely 2016 Iowa Republican caucus voters.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Keepin' the Dream alive... is keeping JEB!'s name out there with a video boost entitled, "Jeb Bush Mulling 2016 Presidential Run." Nearby links on the page include, "Obligatory Date Rape Detecting Nail Polish is a Good Idea," "A Modern Day High Tech Lynching of a Police Officer," and "Blacks Must Confront Reality."
Whether JEB! will confront reality regarding his presidential prospects is an open question, but he still says "family" will decide his decision, and whether he can do it "joyfully." The Third Pretender won't mount a '16 unless it is as "Bonnie Prince Jebbie" eh? Needless to say, the video includes footage of JEB! speaking Spanish.
Whether JEB! will confront reality regarding his presidential prospects is an open question, but he still says "family" will decide his decision, and whether he can do it "joyfully." The Third Pretender won't mount a '16 unless it is as "Bonnie Prince Jebbie" eh? Needless to say, the video includes footage of JEB! speaking Spanish.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Is Ranger Rick's indictment the best evidence yet of JEB!'s 2016 intentions?
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Consider this. As the Dallas Morning News reports,
"Within hours of Rick's indictment by a Travis County grand jury, Perry denounced it a partisan attack by political enemies. When he turned himself in for booking Tuesday, the governor cast himself a victim of retribution for vetoing funding for a Democratic district attorney.
The Travis County district attorney is not prosecuting Perry. The state district judge in the case is a Republican appointed by George W. Bush when he was governor. The judge selected San Antonio lawyer Mike McCrum as the special prosecutor in the case. McCrum served as a federal prosecutor in the administration of President George H.W. Bush and was supported by Republican Sens. John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison as a potential U.S. attorney candidate."
Rick is as dumb as ever.
Rick is as dumb as ever.
Who stands to benefit most, certainly in PR terms, by a Republican presidential primary race without Rick Perry's presence? Who, among all the potential Republican candidates, would be the most embarrassed by having to demean themselves, and share a debate stage with Rick Perry?
Friday, August 22, 2014
WP neocon Rubin still fawning over JEB! as he courts Silicon Valley backing for "credible" run
The Crown Prince recently had a power dinner with Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg, who invited him to a reception to meet top tech and business leaders in Silicon Valley. Why would the normally liberal tech crowd have any interest in a neocon elitist like JEB!? According to Breitbart, that would be because, "Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has poured millions of dollars into the push for amnesty legislation and an increase in the number of high-tech visas." What Breitbart implies is that to get the IT plutocracy's backing JEB! would have to promote unrestricted work permits for, say Indian software engineers, as well as peonage labor.
A "coalition of the willing" could be emerging that would include:
1. War hawks, arms makers and dealers, and neocon ideologues and imperialists, a traditional Bush constituency.
2. Crony capitalists (including Common Core curriculum, and other for-profit education vendors)
3. A big chunk of the financial speculator class.
4. A portion of Silicon Valley, if JEB! promises them a blank check on labor insourcing.
5. A still sizable portion of the cultural reactionary "values voters" who won't bolt (stay home) over nativist and immigration issues.
Meanwhile neocon apologist Jennifer Rubin is still falling at the feet of the Crown Prince as her choice for 2016,. In in her delusion, she believes he could make a credible run for president as the next Republican nominee.
A "coalition of the willing" could be emerging that would include:
1. War hawks, arms makers and dealers, and neocon ideologues and imperialists, a traditional Bush constituency.
2. Crony capitalists (including Common Core curriculum, and other for-profit education vendors)
3. A big chunk of the financial speculator class.
4. A portion of Silicon Valley, if JEB! promises them a blank check on labor insourcing.
5. A still sizable portion of the cultural reactionary "values voters" who won't bolt (stay home) over nativist and immigration issues.
Meanwhile neocon apologist Jennifer Rubin is still falling at the feet of the Crown Prince as her choice for 2016,. In in her delusion, she believes he could make a credible run for president as the next Republican nominee.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
The issues (and the Dowager Queen Babs) are still against JEB! 2016
As the Dog Days wind down, JEB! is still lying low, and allegedly also still mulling a 2016 run, with email encouragement from his supporters trickling in, yet his calculated positions are increasingly unpopular with the electorate, and his mother is still not on board. A new Gallop poll shows that Common Core educational standards are losing support nationwide, and a CNN-ORC poll showed support for medical marijuana has reached new "highs" (pun intended) just as JEB! has staked out a hardline stance against it, no doubt a cynical ploy to placate the social conservative base of his family's party as he positions himself to seize the nomination if he decides to run.
WJ: Even Jeb Bush’s Mother Doesn’t Want Him To Be President, But He Is Pushing Ahead
WJ: Even Jeb Bush’s Mother Doesn’t Want Him To Be President, But He Is Pushing Ahead
Thursday, August 14, 2014
The Crown Prince still "considering" a presidential play
According to an interview with the Crown Prince on the Fort Myers, FL NBC-TV affiliate local news, the Crown Prince John Ellis Bush is seriously "considering" attempting to buy or steal the presidency in 2016. He still insists he won't attempt it unless he can do it "joyfully," and on the issue of guest worker peonage for business, he dropped the big Bush "C" stump stock word again ("compassion").
The report also included an interview with a local political science professor, either in the employee of Bush or simply dumb, who said, unlike Hillary, JEB! has little baggage he would carry into a presidential run, and Hillary would face an uphill battle against him.
One older local woman "on the street" and in the real world, however, made it clear when interviewed that she would support Hillary over another Bush.
Sarosota Herald-Tribune: Bush offers plenty of clear positions, but no clear signs
The report also included an interview with a local political science professor, either in the employee of Bush or simply dumb, who said, unlike Hillary, JEB! has little baggage he would carry into a presidential run, and Hillary would face an uphill battle against him.
One older local woman "on the street" and in the real world, however, made it clear when interviewed that she would support Hillary over another Bush.
Sarosota Herald-Tribune: Bush offers plenty of clear positions, but no clear signs
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
JEB! will have to run as a "war" candidate
Karl Rove is now out on Fox beating the war drums for the stupid set, telling Bill O'Reilly that Bush had the right policy after all:
BILL O'REILLY: Do you know who else is having a difficult dance with this whole ordeal? The Republican party. Very difficult dance because even though it's a mess under President Obama and getting worse by the day and Iran coming up and that's just going to be awful, the Republican party's foreign policy under Bush the younger in Iraq and Afghanistan now in hindsight looks awful. And so the Republicans --
KARL ROVE: No it doesn't. In hindsight it looks better.
O'REILLY: You're talking as a partisan, I'm talking about the regular folks.
ROVE: Oh, no, no, no, wait a minute, I'm not talking as a partisan.
O'REILLY: They see Afghanistan and Iraq as not worth it. Every poll shows it.
ROVE: I disagree. I think they see it as in America's strategic interest to remove the Taliban and Saddam Hussein. What they look back and say was why are we now tossing away the hard won gains of America's military by doing what we are doing.
O'REILLY: You think they see that?
ROVE: Absolutely.
O'REILLY: Is the world a safer place?
ROVE: Is the world a safer place today? No. It is not a safer place because what we did in succeeding and removing the Taliban in Afghanistan and removing Saddam Hussein has been frittered away by the policies of this administration.
O'REILLY: Every poll I have seen, Mr. Rove, with all due respect to you, every single poll I've seen says Americans regret going into Iraq.
ROVE: No, look, look, look.
O'REILLY: We won it --
ROVE: Absolutely.
O'REILLY: We won it and Obama gave it away.
Of course, Wild Bill played his part right, and seconded Rove in the end with the obvious Obama hit.
Debunking Karl's absurd revisionism, where the cause of the current debacle is re-imagined as the solution, is pointless to persuade his audience of the lie, but like the old Wall Street brokerage firm, EF Hutton, when Rove talks trash and reinvents history, it pays to listen, because from Rove's lips to JEB!'s ears, Rove's words predict JEB!'s coming campaign. JEB! will have to run as a full-throttled neocon in the post Iraq deconstruction era, saying the US has to go back into Iraq and wipe out ISIS. There is no other option for him politically.
The only thing left to find out is whether Rove and JEB! get lucky and ISIS hits the US before the election, and does the scare job for them. You can bet ISIS will hit the US if JEB! gets in there.
BILL O'REILLY: Do you know who else is having a difficult dance with this whole ordeal? The Republican party. Very difficult dance because even though it's a mess under President Obama and getting worse by the day and Iran coming up and that's just going to be awful, the Republican party's foreign policy under Bush the younger in Iraq and Afghanistan now in hindsight looks awful. And so the Republicans --
KARL ROVE: No it doesn't. In hindsight it looks better.
O'REILLY: You're talking as a partisan, I'm talking about the regular folks.
ROVE: Oh, no, no, no, wait a minute, I'm not talking as a partisan.
O'REILLY: They see Afghanistan and Iraq as not worth it. Every poll shows it.
ROVE: I disagree. I think they see it as in America's strategic interest to remove the Taliban and Saddam Hussein. What they look back and say was why are we now tossing away the hard won gains of America's military by doing what we are doing.
O'REILLY: You think they see that?
ROVE: Absolutely.
O'REILLY: Is the world a safer place?
ROVE: Is the world a safer place today? No. It is not a safer place because what we did in succeeding and removing the Taliban in Afghanistan and removing Saddam Hussein has been frittered away by the policies of this administration.
O'REILLY: Every poll I have seen, Mr. Rove, with all due respect to you, every single poll I've seen says Americans regret going into Iraq.
ROVE: No, look, look, look.
O'REILLY: We won it --
ROVE: Absolutely.
O'REILLY: We won it and Obama gave it away.
Of course, Wild Bill played his part right, and seconded Rove in the end with the obvious Obama hit.
Debunking Karl's absurd revisionism, where the cause of the current debacle is re-imagined as the solution, is pointless to persuade his audience of the lie, but like the old Wall Street brokerage firm, EF Hutton, when Rove talks trash and reinvents history, it pays to listen, because from Rove's lips to JEB!'s ears, Rove's words predict JEB!'s coming campaign. JEB! will have to run as a full-throttled neocon in the post Iraq deconstruction era, saying the US has to go back into Iraq and wipe out ISIS. There is no other option for him politically.
The only thing left to find out is whether Rove and JEB! get lucky and ISIS hits the US before the election, and does the scare job for them. You can bet ISIS will hit the US if JEB! gets in there.
Soulmates, one and all
Shady businessman and former Florida Governor and Lehman Brothers consultant, JEB! Bush is out campaigning for Rick Scott, former shady businessman and current Florida Governor. All but given up for dead by the media a few months ago, Scott is now clearly favored for a second term. His main claim to fame was as CEO of HCA Columbia during a period in which the corporation was charged criminally for massive medicare fraud (ultimately making the largest fraud settlement in US history).
Scott, like JEB!, has managed to avoid any personal culpability or responsibility for any of his business activities, and of course sells himself politically as a "responsible" conservative. He is best known as governor for his voter suppression schemes, so bet on a second term. Florida voters probably deserve one anyway.
Scott, like JEB!, has managed to avoid any personal culpability or responsibility for any of his business activities, and of course sells himself politically as a "responsible" conservative. He is best known as governor for his voter suppression schemes, so bet on a second term. Florida voters probably deserve one anyway.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Is it the white working class that actually elects Republicans?
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Here's your living wage! |
Forget obscure textbook economic, or "Marxist" definitions. For purposes of what is relevant in American politics today, "working class" should mean someone who works a job, at will without contract, for wages, and owns no property. Actually, a more accurate way of categorizing the voter divide is between the "property owning" classes, and the renter class. The former does elect Republicans. The latter does not.
The renter class does not vote Republican, and they are not politically responsible for electing those who, over the last generation, have gutted the middle class, and pushed millions once at the bottom of the "propertied class" down into the "renter" class with speculator-friendly trade laws, and who have crushed private sector unions.
How many fast food hourly workers will you find in line voting Republican this November, lured there by abortion baiting, misuse of religion, white panic, etc.? How many day laborers? Not many. Most won't show up at all. And that will be just fine with the GOP.
The real white working class does not vote Republican. When these people do vote, Democrats usually win. Not that Democrats have a good record lately of doing much for them, but when they do show up, it won't be to vote for another Bush. Religious panic, race baiting, etc. won't get them to the polls.
Republicans this fall, and always, are elected with the votes of property owning small business operators, landowners, the financial elites, and home-owning wage and salaried workers with some modest stake in capital (i.e. pension accounts, etc). And of these four groups, only one is prospering and growing in our post Glass-Steagall economy: the financial elites that include government protected banks (and that does not mean all banks), financial market speculators, and crony capitalists with cartelized government market protection.
The South now votes Republican, not because its "ignorant" workers do, but because its racist, nativist and fundamentalist property owners do (the ones who were able to pay the poll taxes back when they were constitutional) and who used to vote solidly Democratic, but now vote solidly Republican. Both Bushes were elected by these people.
The one (partial) exception to this rule occurred outside the South and the "sunbelt" that now defines the Red base of the Republican Party. That was the rust belt "Reagan Democrat" voters in 1980 and 1984. Private sector union workers who voted Republican. It was only a partial, and very ironic, exception, because their very union memberships, FHA loans, etc. allowed most of them to become "propertied" proletarians with pensions whose modest affluence confirmed their conservative tendencies.

When it comes to the reality of income and wealth distribution upward, and a shrinking middle class, there is little disagreement about the existence of both among either the left or the hard right. You will hear these trends confirmed as much at a Tea Party meeting indicting RINOS like the Bushes, as you will on the "Ed Show."
One thing is certain. Whether or not Obama, who essentially continued George W. Bush's bailout and wealth concentration scheme unchanged, has done anything to reverse this or not (arguably not much of anything), those who own property are becoming a smaller percentage of the population in the United States.
In a trend that would shock and depress Ayn Rand, more and more of the urban "creative" and educated classes are also abandoning the Republican Party as it becomes more culturally reactionary in the service of entitled plutocracy. It is for these reason that the neoconservative Republican Party of the Bushes and Cheneys, the Roves and Atwaters, the Tony Perkins, Ralph Reeds, and other religious charlatans, is a "dead party walking." And it is why their efforts to protect their crony capitalist and plutocratic benefactors by shrinking the voting population to exclude as much of the propertyless as possible, whether with legislation, suppression, repression, etc. will continue. The Republican Party has probably reached a point of no return. Transforming it from its corrupted present state into a competitive economic neoliberal party that promotes robust private sector GDP and job growth with fair trade policies, equitable taxation of earned and unearned income, properly functioning capital and production markets, and responsible regulation of financial speculation and oligopoly is not likely to happen.
The Democratic Party, sadly, is at present almost as much in the thrall of the same protected interests as the Republicans, but the Democrats have a democratic candidate selection process that might enable anti-plutocrats eventually to mount a successful challenge through them. If not, look for increasing political chaos as the Democrats become the default plutocrat party of urban modernism, the Republicans relegate to a marginal reactionary and sectional party, and a greater percentage of the population opts out of the political process absent the emergence of a third anti-plutocrat party.
Republicans will have a decent showing with the old, scared white property owners this fall, but the tide of history, and the future they are creating is moving against them, like Jefferson's firebell in the night.
Daily Beast: Why Whites Will Abandon the GOP
Atlantic: The End of Ownership: Why Aren't Young People Buying More Houses?
Encyclopaedia Brittanica: proletariat
Freethought Blogs: Why does the working class vote against its own interests?
Mother Jones: Democrats Have Done Virtually Nothing for the Middle Class in 30 Years
Sharks circling around JEB! 2016?
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"Get back in line, teabaggers! There's a War on!" |
"...Unless he is going to pull off the biggest head-fake in political history, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is running for President.
He says the thought of running for the highest office in the U.S. has crossed his mind, and just by listening to him speak, all signs point at presidential run in 2016...."
The Moonie-owned conservative Washington Times recently published an op-ed by Judson Phillips (founder of Tea Party Nation) calculating how the Tea Party and GOP party base would react to an establishment buy for JEB! in 2016. According to Phillips:
"...If Jeb Bush is nominated, he will lose. Conservatives will not vote for him. The Democrats could nominate Anthony Weiner, let him loose on Twitter again and Bush would still lose to Weiner.
But there may be a bigger problem for the Republicans if the Establishment is successful in nominating Jeb Bush.
Bush has more baggage than a sold-out Southwest flight. [a priceless metaphor] A lot of people remember his father and his brother and won’t vote for him just for that reason. A lot of people in America do not want a Bush dynasty in the White House just like they don’t want a Clinton dynasty.
If the Republican Establishment is successful in nominating Jeb Bush in 2016, it will be the political suicide of the Republican Party. This would be no ordinary suicide. It would be ritual Japanese harakiri, complete with massive blood-letting.

2016 will be a completely different story [from 2012].
Among conservatives there is already talk of a third party. The problem third parties have had in the past is either they had no traction or they nominated unelectable candidates.
2016 could change that.
If the Republican Establishment nominates Jeb Bush, conservative voters will bolt. At best, conservatives will stay home, and the worst case scenario for the GOP is that there is an attractive conservative who is running as an independent or a third-party candidate.
The message for the Establishment is simple: Nominate Jeb Bush and conservatives kiss the GOP goodbye....The Republican Establishment should pay attention to this.

Sunday, August 10, 2014
What will Obama do, and when will he do it?
The "what" is easy. He will issue an executive order granting legal work and residency status for millions of undocumented Hispanic residents in the US who came here primarily during the Reagan, and both Bush presidencies (Clinton too, but the Democratic PR spin won't put much emphasis there). The "when" is the issue at play. The corporate media (both alleged liberal and Fox) seem to think he will do it sometime before the midterms. This doesn't make such sense. Issuing it prior to the midterms would make the situation for Democrats even more perilous. It would not likely spike Hispanic turnout beyond what it already will be, yet it might spike turnout of the far right and push independents that are on the fence, or likely not to vote, into the arms of the reactionary Republican backlash.
He will do it after the midterms, when the maximum medium term (over the next two years) political benefits can be most easily realized. Republicans are all but certain to take over the Senate anyway, but their hold on it can still be minimized to around 52 to 53 seats (a number easily turned around by down-ticket effects from a landslide JEB! loss in 2016), and the House is not likely to see a big swing towards a lot more Republicans since the GOP maximized its geographic and demographic potential there in 2010. Doing it after the November election, and baiting the GOP after they are emboldened by a Senate takeover, yet still fearful about their long term Hispanic problem, into a panicked establishment push for JEB! to counter a simultaneous massive reaction by the nativist base in the House against the order is the political rationale for Obama's coming master stroke, and this will determine the timing of it.
He will do it after the midterms, when the maximum medium term (over the next two years) political benefits can be most easily realized. Republicans are all but certain to take over the Senate anyway, but their hold on it can still be minimized to around 52 to 53 seats (a number easily turned around by down-ticket effects from a landslide JEB! loss in 2016), and the House is not likely to see a big swing towards a lot more Republicans since the GOP maximized its geographic and demographic potential there in 2010. Doing it after the November election, and baiting the GOP after they are emboldened by a Senate takeover, yet still fearful about their long term Hispanic problem, into a panicked establishment push for JEB! to counter a simultaneous massive reaction by the nativist base in the House against the order is the political rationale for Obama's coming master stroke, and this will determine the timing of it.
Friday, August 8, 2014
How Obama will bait the GOP into nominating JEB!, and rush headlong into a 2016 catastrophe
It's not about whether or not JEB! wants to be president (he believes he is absolutely entitled to the job), or whether there are enough fat cat donors who would bankroll him (there are).
One crucial question is whether or not JEB! would run knowing he can't be elected, even though he would be certain to get the nomination if he wanted it. Is the Bush conceit so deranged he could not easily deduce a successful White House bid is all but impossible for him in 2016? Or would he run anyway knowing he cannot win in order to help destroy the tea party's insurgency against the establishment, while believing he can pave the way for his son, George P., to mount perhaps a more viable effort to con the electorate in 2024 as the nominee of a more "Hispanic friendly" GOP?
Obama is getting ready to game the perilous and agonizing dilemma the GOP faces with Hispanic voters, and you can bet he is secretly gleeful about how he has them trapped, and about putting another big one over on them (if you count the ACA as big one number one).
He will do this with four specific and obtainable political goals in mind:
2. depress the Republican nativist base after the newly Republican controlled Senate refuses to convict him, with a number of Republican Senators unwilling to support conviction, and many Republicans, such as putative 2016 nominee Jeb Bush, critical of the entire process;
3. enrage Hispanics toward the Republican Party for impeaching him over what he will convince them is a just action;
4. embolden the panicked GOP establishment to force the nomination of Jeb Bush as the most "Hispanic friendly" candidate they can control and would trust in a misguided effort to mitigate long term damage to the party's generational and demographic electoral prospects.
You can say whatever you want about Obama as a president, but he is a world class political chess player, and he has the Royal Family in his Jacobin sights.
One crucial question is whether or not JEB! would run knowing he can't be elected, even though he would be certain to get the nomination if he wanted it. Is the Bush conceit so deranged he could not easily deduce a successful White House bid is all but impossible for him in 2016? Or would he run anyway knowing he cannot win in order to help destroy the tea party's insurgency against the establishment, while believing he can pave the way for his son, George P., to mount perhaps a more viable effort to con the electorate in 2024 as the nominee of a more "Hispanic friendly" GOP?
Obama is getting ready to game the perilous and agonizing dilemma the GOP faces with Hispanic voters, and you can bet he is secretly gleeful about how he has them trapped, and about putting another big one over on them (if you count the ACA as big one number one).
Obama will try to (and probably successfully) bait the House into impeaching him shortly after (not before) the midterms with an executive order he will issue granting legal status to many millions of undocumented Hispanics who came to the US during the years of the two prior Bush presidents, when the Bush-led GOP pursued open borders in the service of cheap labor for their business benefactors. He will frame such unilateral action clearly in this context: that his Republican presidential predecessors largely created the rationale for it, their party will do nothing to clean up the mess, and what he is doing is fair under the circumstances.
He will do this with four specific and obtainable political goals in mind:
2. depress the Republican nativist base after the newly Republican controlled Senate refuses to convict him, with a number of Republican Senators unwilling to support conviction, and many Republicans, such as putative 2016 nominee Jeb Bush, critical of the entire process;
3. enrage Hispanics toward the Republican Party for impeaching him over what he will convince them is a just action;
4. embolden the panicked GOP establishment to force the nomination of Jeb Bush as the most "Hispanic friendly" candidate they can control and would trust in a misguided effort to mitigate long term damage to the party's generational and demographic electoral prospects.
The result, with a third Bush as the establishment nominee driving millions of disgruntled nativists to stay home, and alienating millions of non-ideological suburban and urban independents aghast at yet another Bush, will be a disastrous loss in 2016 that could wipe out Republican control in both Houses of Congress, and in hindsight probably doom George P.'s efforts for a Bush Restoration in 2024.
You can say whatever you want about Obama as a president, but he is a world class political chess player, and he has the Royal Family in his Jacobin sights.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Despite anger, tea party Republicans will reelect Cochran by a wide margin over Godless Democrat
Sore loser Chris McDaniel still refuses to tip his gray cap to Boss Barbour and Karl Rove for a job well done. Word is he now claims he won by 25,000 votes and plans to forget about trying for a revote (a completely futile effort and he knows it), and just ask the Mississippi Republican Party to declare him the winner based on this claim. It is a joke, of course, because when he asks the party to do that, he is asking Barbour and Rove to do that, and a good laugh is all he'll get.
The vast majority of McDaniel's former supporters will take it all in stride, obey the leaders of God's Own Party, and drag their knuckles to the polls in a few months, singing psalms, and carrying Cochran signs.
PPP shows Cochran up big over Childers; McDaniel favorability dives
Jackson Free Press: Black is the New Black: How Blacks Changed the GOP Game
The vast majority of McDaniel's former supporters will take it all in stride, obey the leaders of God's Own Party, and drag their knuckles to the polls in a few months, singing psalms, and carrying Cochran signs.
PPP shows Cochran up big over Childers; McDaniel favorability dives
Jackson Free Press: Black is the New Black: How Blacks Changed the GOP Game
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Elizabeth Warren is no Barack Obama
According to Ed Klein (aka "Walter Scott," Parade Magazine's gossip columnist), perennial Clinton hater and muckraker of the dissipated left, several members of the Kennedy family (the closest thing Democrats have to the Bushes) are urging Elizabeth Warren to challenge Billary for the nomination in 2016.
There is little doubt the Kennedys dislike the Clintons, probably about as such as Klein dislikes both. To use a literary metaphor, the Kennedys (like the Bushes) have been around long enough to delude themselves into believing they are like the Buchanans, a family once just midwestern parvenus before they successfully bought themselves into eastern entitlement. The Clintons' first generation white trash version of Gatsby is obvious, but don't count on them winding up dead in the pool again this time.
And with Ted dead, the influence of the Kennedy legacy leftovers pales in comparison, and the scenario between '16 and '08 just doesn't compare. Klein will have to be content with this fantasy game of thrones in his own imagination. Ted didn't have the guts, even as the patriarch of a pseudo royal kingmaker family, to actually endorse Obama, and cross Billary, until the upstart Illinois Senator actually won something, and proved himself the role of giant killer in Iowa. And Obama, as a then viable African-America presidential option, the first in American history, was in a position to do something to the Clintons that no other politician on earth, then, or quite frankly now, could ever do.
Elizabeth Warren included.
There is little doubt the Kennedys dislike the Clintons, probably about as such as Klein dislikes both. To use a literary metaphor, the Kennedys (like the Bushes) have been around long enough to delude themselves into believing they are like the Buchanans, a family once just midwestern parvenus before they successfully bought themselves into eastern entitlement. The Clintons' first generation white trash version of Gatsby is obvious, but don't count on them winding up dead in the pool again this time.
And with Ted dead, the influence of the Kennedy legacy leftovers pales in comparison, and the scenario between '16 and '08 just doesn't compare. Klein will have to be content with this fantasy game of thrones in his own imagination. Ted didn't have the guts, even as the patriarch of a pseudo royal kingmaker family, to actually endorse Obama, and cross Billary, until the upstart Illinois Senator actually won something, and proved himself the role of giant killer in Iowa. And Obama, as a then viable African-America presidential option, the first in American history, was in a position to do something to the Clintons that no other politician on earth, then, or quite frankly now, could ever do.
Elizabeth Warren included.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Prince George P.: Bush legacy "idiot-in-training?"
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Jesuchristo es mi filosofo favorito |
There is a second option. Run to lose, for the future of the dynasty. JEB! can force himself on the party as its nominee. Then he can run as the champion of "sane" establishment "conservatism" against the tea party, and together with Rove, destroy it, and remake the party as more "Hispanic friendly." Proudly and unabashedly advocate for "compassionate" and "loving" Hispanic peonage guest worker schemes. He will lose in a landslide, going down with characteristic fraudulent Bush "dignity." Then after Hillary's eight years, JEB!'s son, George P. inherits the entitlement to the nomination, and can mount a more serious effort to con the electorate, after 16 years of Democrats, into believing he is a "Hispanic" version of Obama.
Meet Prince George P. Bush, the next serious Bush pretender, and confidence gamer. Salon sums him up just about right in GOP’s secret idiot? If George P. Bush is its future, the party’s in trouble. This cadet is going to buy the obscure, but powerful office of Texas Land Commissioner this fall, and use it as his stepping stone to P! 2024. Si! How is he doing so far? As Salon notes:
"Bush has run a classic rich man’s non-campaign, ducking the press and limiting public appearances to brief, completely controlled situations. He has avoided newspaper editorial boards and in-depth interviews in favor of brief hits with local TV news...The Bush family passion for “public service” increasingly resembles that of the Romney family, in which running for office is viewed as a sort of philanthropic gesture, as if the candidate is offering the masses the experience of being governed by a decent and right-thinking natural leader. To reject this offer is to appear frightfully ungrateful."
Why that office? It's easy to buy, doesn't require much public exposure or work, and the Land Commissioner controls oil and gas lease patronage for all state public lands. He would also control the state education budget, and awarding of state educational contracts to private companies (like his uncle's Ignite! Learning) to implement Common Core curriculum standards.
Next stop? The White House.
Hardhatters: George P. Bush Believes [Correctly] Texans Are Gullible Idiots
Business Insider: Why The Bush Dynasty Is America's First Family Of Finance
Ghosted "Manhattan" Book Project on HW a potential keystone of JEB! 2016 rollout
Someone has been working on a "secret" book project for two years about the Bush dynasty, specifically a hagiography about King George I HW, allegedly written by King George II W, and conveniently timed for publication in November 2014. This has been revealed, or leaked by the Bush PR mill, to Politico. If you believe Junior actually wrote it, then you probably voted for him, twice. For everyone else, read here about the ghostwriter who penned Bush 43's presidential memoir, Decision Points.
The Politico piece sums up the strategy pretty transparently:
"When Bush’s book comes out on Nov. 11 [by sheer coincidence, Veteran's Day], it’s sure to force a re-evaluation of the Bushes on many levels: the history of the elder Bush’s presidency, the true nature of the relationship between the father and the son, the novelty of one president [probably not actually] writing about another, the evolution of the younger Bush in his post-presidential years, and the political future of the Bush dynasty."
The release of the book is timed just before the end of the year, when JEB! has stated to donors he will announce his 2016 presidential plans. It's hard to imagine the book's sales figures will honestly help the Crown Prince make up his mind. Given the way the Bushes operate, don't be surprised, though, if those sales figures are massively, and artificially, inflated via a masterful Rovian plan.
Maureen Dowd: Throw the Book at Him
The Politico piece sums up the strategy pretty transparently:
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Throne Game of Neo-Cons? |
The release of the book is timed just before the end of the year, when JEB! has stated to donors he will announce his 2016 presidential plans. It's hard to imagine the book's sales figures will honestly help the Crown Prince make up his mind. Given the way the Bushes operate, don't be surprised, though, if those sales figures are massively, and artificially, inflated via a masterful Rovian plan.
Maureen Dowd: Throw the Book at Him
Friday, August 1, 2014
Chris Matthews' shameless revisionism
Yesterday, PMSNBC's Chris Matthews once again told his viewers that he opposed the Iraq War from the beginning while lambasting those who fell for the "sales pitch," then characterized George W. Bush as someone of "limited ability." How could this same Mr. Matthews not believe that George W. Bush had "limited ability" as a potential President back when he voted for him in 2000? If Matthews opposed the Iraq War from the beginning why did he defend the administration's case for war back in February 2003 on his show, while quietly lobbying for the firing of his network's most vocal opponent of the war, Phil Donahue? Matthews now believes that JEB! is the sane choice for the GOP in 2016. Would he vote for him, if given the opportunity?
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