If you believe Karl Rove, his "Crossroads" PAC is not going to waste any more money on creaky Thad Cochran in his runoff with tea party challenger Chris McDaniel. One thing, though, about Karl Rove: if his lips are moving he's probably lying. Expect the GOP Establishment to drop the kitchen sink on McDaniel in the next three weeks. Covertly perhaps, and as clandestinely as Rove's operation against McCain in South Carolina in 2000, the murky dirty tricksters will attempt to all but put McDaniel in bed with a dead (or near dead) woman, or a live boy between now and June 24. Putting him in Cochran's ailing wife's nursing home bedroom may be exactly what they would like to do, but even that may not be enough to stop him.
An upset of hoary Establishment pork and bailout bagman Cochran would put the immigrant-unfriendly and potential neo-con (as in neo-confederate)
"Heritage, not Hate" (at least when not wearing a hood) |
McDaniel in the US Senate, and be such a supreme embarrassment for Rove and the Bush faction of the GOP in the run-up to JEB! 2016 that it cannot be allowed to happen. Rove and Co. recently pronounced it will "crush" the tea party, and all but proclaimed the unruly base had been tamed during a series of "victories" by Rove-approved candidates in primaries leading up to the Mississippi senate race.
A win for McDaniel over Cochran would be at least equal to the downing of either Bennett or Lugar, probably worse actually for the GOP Chamber of Commerce establishment, and further evidence of an ongoing, succeeding rebellion against the former wedge-baiters by their fed-up baited snipe.
MJ: Neo-Confederate Ally Chris McDaniel Moves One Step Closer to Winning Mississippi's Senate Race
SPLC: Neo-Confederate Movement
US News opinion: The Tea Party Will Win One in Mississippi
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