Saturday, November 1, 2014

Will the tea party kiss their sister, go rogue, or stay home?

If JEB! is running, then the donor class will force him down the throat (a less frank simile than the actual buggered reality) of the party's angry, reactionary base they have carefully assembled over the last generation to serve their material interests.  The same base that is getting less openly pliant about being politically raped in such ways.

The mention of JEB!'s name is often as loudly booed at right wing GOP rallies these days as Obama's, so what sort of machinations will the elites (having carefully bought both Hillary and JEB!) have to employ to get these same folks out and enthusiastically voting for JEB! in two years? Some of it will involve shamelessly promoting a folk devil image of their own Hillary as a succubaiting hag luring golden-haired sorority girls into lesbianism, and a bloody castratix-in-chief slicing up white male gun owners and prom date-raping farm boys (the abuse she will have to endure in order to get the chance to break a cosmetic glass ceiling and serve the plutocracy).  The moneybags also will also have to try and sell JEB! in the suburbs as the programmed face of a new and "coming soon" multicultural, gay-friendly GOP, stop any potential third challenge to either of their perfectly acceptable options, and forestall what is looking increasingly like a long-term unraveling of the two party system in the New Guilded Age.

This will be daunting because 2016, if it devolves down to an uninspired choice between a third legacy Bush and a third Clinton term, should inspire at least one credible political entrepreneur (not a part of the political cartel) to challenge this non-choice. Jesse Ventura probably isn't the most credible, but even he, as a former governor, could likely siphon off ten percent of the vote in such a race, and someone more credible could rack up a Perot level 20 or so percent.

The real challenge for plutocracy is not being able to prevent someone they haven't bought and paid for actually making it to the White House.  That won't happen in 2016.  The real problem for them is preventing someone consistently getting 15-20 percent in opinion polls from being included in the general election debates they hope to control, and using the nationally televised opportunity to cogently articulate an authentic and non-scripted indictment of the bailout, crony-capital, and leverage finance-friendly economy the donor class is desperate to preserve, and thus sow rational and organized dissent (otherwise known as domestic terrorism) for a future election the plutocrats can't as easily control.

Thus the potential for an interesting election still exists.  The most interesting one would feature Hillary, JEB! (with pro-gay marriage, and father of a gay son, Ohio Senator Rob Portman as his VP), and Mike Huckabee (permanently burning his FOX moneymaking bridge) running third, and against both crony capitalism and the "new" GOP.  That would make for many long nights on both K and Wall Streets.

BusinessInsider: Conservatives Are Already Freaking Out About Jeb Bush's Possible Run For President

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