Monday, October 13, 2014

JEB! 2016, the "Versallies Effect" or something else?

Imagine the shock and horror at Versailles in 1789 when the perfumed and peacocked dandies looked up from their paille-maille (croquet) mallets and saw the Paris rabble running up the driveway.  So that's what the noise was about?

A recent article in Politico asks, "Rich Republicans have lost it: Why are they so eager to give Jeb Bush their money?" Of course these people could have lost touch with reality, and think they can sell JEB! to the country just like they sold his brother.  But as even the broken clock that was George W. Bush observed, "....Cain't git fooled again."

Perhaps the GOP elites are not as stupid as they appear. While the rabble who drink the kool aid of paranoia and nativism peddled by these same elites might still believe that Hillary Clinton would be some sort of white male castratrix in chief, old Rupert himself has already let the cat out of the bag. Hillary is perfectly acceptable to the donor class.  The entire donor class.

So from the donor class perspective, why not throw your money at JEB! and buy him the Republican nomination?  Even if you can't get enough "values voters" to come out and make it possible for JEB! to steal the White House, you will get someone else who will protect your material interests almost as well as JEB! would.

Of course the Crown Prince is the first choice of the plutocracy, and they will gladly buy him his chance to Restore the Royal Family.  But they have an ace in the hole with the Hildabeast if JEB! and Karl can't run their bluff.

Huff Post: Sheldon Adelson Gives $10 Million To Karl Rove Group

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