Prince George P., the 2024 Republican nominee (and for whom the GOP establishment will help purchase the Texas Land Commissionership next week) has now gone on record and said his father, the Crown Prince, will "more than likely" run for president in 2016. This comes after recent media bait that Columba and Dowager Queen Babs are now "on board" with JEB! 2016.
It's not 100 percent, though, because it's generally true that when a Bush's lips are moving, they are lying (with personal gain in mind), and it's truly hard to know how trustworthy Prince George P.'s words are. They could be part of what is a calculated fake out so that the Crown Prince can come back in two or three months, after the midterms, and tell his donor base that someone of his "character" can't possible get elected in today's political climate (a climate which of course his family and their hacks like Atwater and Rove carefully created over a quarter century to serve Bush family interests) by advocating a "positive, inclusive, joyful" message.
But JEB! will probably run. He and his father believe too much in the idea that he is destined to the office, and he has both the right and obligation (to himself and his family, not the country) to obtain it by any means necessary. The Bushes represent a self-deluded egotistic debasement of both Nietzsche' will to power concept, and Ayn Rand's ideas about the heroic, creative man, and view themselves as both Platonic and Straussian perfect examples of a "philosopher king" dynasty.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
JEB! 2016: The Great Triangulation begins

Thursday, October 23, 2014
Movement conservatives not yet on board the JEB! 2016 Express
Just as Karl's Rove's already tottering "kingmaker" reputation collapses over WMDGate, there is news out of New Hampshire that the Right is holding out on JEB!, at least for now. New Hampshire State GOP Chairman David Gosselin recently sent a letter to many within the GOP offering a detailed argument against supporting Jeb Bush in the next presidential election cycle. Gosselin acknowledges that JEB! and his handlers will create the impression of grassroots support by making what he implies would be corrupt deals with certain right-of-center influence peddlers that would “give him the veneer of acceptability with this [the GOP conservative base] powerful but disorganized constituency.”
Gosselin goes on to suggest something very prescient in the wake of Rove's recent implosion: that Karl Rove’s handling of George W. Bush actually paved the way for the current administration. It's striking it took him this long to figure that out.
Politico adds fuel to the fire of a potential grassroots rebellion over a money-forced JEB! nomination by noting that JEB! is on record saying he would support tax increases for deficit reduction [or maybe to fund another bank or insurance bailout, or a war with Iran?].
Gosselin goes on to suggest something very prescient in the wake of Rove's recent implosion: that Karl Rove’s handling of George W. Bush actually paved the way for the current administration. It's striking it took him this long to figure that out.
Politico adds fuel to the fire of a potential grassroots rebellion over a money-forced JEB! nomination by noting that JEB! is on record saying he would support tax increases for deficit reduction [or maybe to fund another bank or insurance bailout, or a war with Iran?].
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
The deadly truth about Rand Paul and the "certification racket"
The Washington Post's neocon queen Jen Rubin is JEB! 2016's biggest media cheerleader outside of the Fox World bubble. And she has tasked herself the job of lighting the fuse to blow up Rand Paul's 2016 presidential hopes with a firebomb she dropped in the Post about Dr. Rand Paul's "board certification racket."
There was unfortunately some smoke already smoldering in the kindling. The story, first revealed in 2010 by the Louisville Courier-Journal, involved a dispute Dr. Paul, an ophthalmologist, had years ago with the authentic medical board that certifies ophthalmologists. The board created a requirement that physicians certified after 1992 had to be re-certified every ten years, and grandfathered an exemption for those who were certified by 1992. Paul was initially certified by the real organization in 1995, and fell into the group the new ruling effected, and he felt it unfairly burdened him while unfairly exempting others. He let his certification lapse in 2005, rather than submit to the new requirements for re-certification, and responded by creating his own certification organization, with himself as president, and then certified himself and other ophthalmologists similarly affected who wished to follow his lead. And of course he continued to advertise himself as a board certified ophthalmologist (by the new organization he created).
While this is certainly shady, it also certainly does not rise the level of a Karl Rove neocon "noble lie" used to hide the "deadly truth" of why the Iraq War was really fought, and why now the neocons want to fight it again.
Rand Paul has no chance of being the 2016 Republican nominee, whether an authentically certified ophthalmologist or not, but he will not look any more or less shady than the likely company he will keep on the primary debate floor.
There was unfortunately some smoke already smoldering in the kindling. The story, first revealed in 2010 by the Louisville Courier-Journal, involved a dispute Dr. Paul, an ophthalmologist, had years ago with the authentic medical board that certifies ophthalmologists. The board created a requirement that physicians certified after 1992 had to be re-certified every ten years, and grandfathered an exemption for those who were certified by 1992. Paul was initially certified by the real organization in 1995, and fell into the group the new ruling effected, and he felt it unfairly burdened him while unfairly exempting others. He let his certification lapse in 2005, rather than submit to the new requirements for re-certification, and responded by creating his own certification organization, with himself as president, and then certified himself and other ophthalmologists similarly affected who wished to follow his lead. And of course he continued to advertise himself as a board certified ophthalmologist (by the new organization he created).
While this is certainly shady, it also certainly does not rise the level of a Karl Rove neocon "noble lie" used to hide the "deadly truth" of why the Iraq War was really fought, and why now the neocons want to fight it again.
Rand Paul has no chance of being the 2016 Republican nominee, whether an authentically certified ophthalmologist or not, but he will not look any more or less shady than the likely company he will keep on the primary debate floor.
Karl Rove gets the curtain pulled back on his (and the W. Bush adminstration's) duplicity, stupidity, and criminality
If the Crown Prince makes a royal run starting next year, he now has to be seriously considering what type of public role he will have for the main Bush family retainer and political enforcer, Karl Rove, after revelations that Rove masterminded a bizarre plot to cover up evidence of WMD found in Iraq by the US military in 2004. Both the New York Times and The Daily Beast have released extended reports on this recently, and the rationale advanced by Rove and his supporters for his monumental stupidity is both stunning and inexplicable, and has created a firestorm of negative reaction among right wing radio media and blogosphere, including Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Erick Erickson's Red State, etc., none of whom are not yet publicly on board with JEB! 2016.
These revelations may have put Rove in the position of being an "emperor with no clothes" when it come to his future king making abilities. His reputation, already damaged by his less than stellar performance on Fox News on election night in 2012, now appears to be in tatters.
The basic story is this: in 2004 the US military discovered several caches of old nerve gas and some enriched uranium in Iraq. Rove coordinated a strategy of non disclosure of this information to the public because he believed it would be politically (with emphasis on the politics not the policy) counterproductive to have a public debate on the nature of WMD found in Iraq, because the caches were old and degraded, and did not support the position advanced by the administration of an active and ongoing WMD program. George W. Bush signed off on this plan. Now we know just how stupid the younger Bush is.
The obvious political and policy choice would have been to release everything to the public about any WMD found in Iraq. Shout it from the rafters. Any WMD stores found, however degraded, would have validated, in the public's mind, the underlying argument for war: that the Iraqi regime was hiding WMD, and not cooperating with the UN in the abatement of such weaponry. Consider that Bush had only to convince a public that was gullible enough to (almost) elect him in the first place, and actually narrowly elect him for a second term. Rove is now revealed as a fool, not just a criminal, and one with a brain no better than the man he was thinking for.
On top of that, we are now getting an absurd new paranoid spin on this by desperate Bush GOP propaganda mill, Fox News, and other neocons: ISIS just might have gotten, or may yet, get their hands on some of these hidden weapons caches of now revealed WMD if we don't go back into Iraq in force with another invasion. If the public succumbs to this line of fear mongering, they deserve the damnation they are going to get. What they should be doing is demanding a national debate on whether to indict and arrest Karl Rove, George W. Bush and other top W. administration officials, or turn them over to the Hague. Why? Consider the implications of what is now being pandered by these people.
If WMD were found by US forces in Iraq while we occupied that country, why are we now in danger of such weapons falling into the hands of ISIS? The whole point of invading Iraq (at least the point that was sold by Bush and Rove) was to occupy the entire country, discover such weapons caches by any means necessary, and prevent them from being used in the future either by Saddam Hussein's government or anyone else. If we now are unsure if any such weapons are still out there in Iraqi territory, now occupied either by ISIS or the Iranian puppet Shiite government we set up after the invasion, then this represents a monumental failure by the US and the W. Bush administration, and renders the whole invasion pointless.
The dirty little secret here is this: Rove and Bush were never really interested in WMD at all, expect as a selling point for the war, which was about nothing more than creating a neocon "national greatness" exercise to mobilize public opinion in favor of their real goal: making money for certain US business interests, and crony capitalists with fat government contracts. Read Imperial Life in The Emerald City: Inside Iraq's Green Zone if you want to get the nasty low down on the dark and dirty level of corruption that motivated and drove the whole sordid operation. Actually finding a lot of leaking caches of old nerve gas, or enriched uranium was the last thing Rove wanted to have to deal with. The US invaded Iraq with a military force that was far too small to effectively occupy the entire country and conduct proper WMD abatement and search and destroy, and this was never the military's primary political (emphasis political) mission.
Politico: Karl Rove Is Ruining the GOP
American Thinker: Karl Rove: Weapon of Mass Delusion
These revelations may have put Rove in the position of being an "emperor with no clothes" when it come to his future king making abilities. His reputation, already damaged by his less than stellar performance on Fox News on election night in 2012, now appears to be in tatters.

The obvious political and policy choice would have been to release everything to the public about any WMD found in Iraq. Shout it from the rafters. Any WMD stores found, however degraded, would have validated, in the public's mind, the underlying argument for war: that the Iraqi regime was hiding WMD, and not cooperating with the UN in the abatement of such weaponry. Consider that Bush had only to convince a public that was gullible enough to (almost) elect him in the first place, and actually narrowly elect him for a second term. Rove is now revealed as a fool, not just a criminal, and one with a brain no better than the man he was thinking for.
On top of that, we are now getting an absurd new paranoid spin on this by desperate Bush GOP propaganda mill, Fox News, and other neocons: ISIS just might have gotten, or may yet, get their hands on some of these hidden weapons caches of now revealed WMD if we don't go back into Iraq in force with another invasion. If the public succumbs to this line of fear mongering, they deserve the damnation they are going to get. What they should be doing is demanding a national debate on whether to indict and arrest Karl Rove, George W. Bush and other top W. administration officials, or turn them over to the Hague. Why? Consider the implications of what is now being pandered by these people.
If WMD were found by US forces in Iraq while we occupied that country, why are we now in danger of such weapons falling into the hands of ISIS? The whole point of invading Iraq (at least the point that was sold by Bush and Rove) was to occupy the entire country, discover such weapons caches by any means necessary, and prevent them from being used in the future either by Saddam Hussein's government or anyone else. If we now are unsure if any such weapons are still out there in Iraqi territory, now occupied either by ISIS or the Iranian puppet Shiite government we set up after the invasion, then this represents a monumental failure by the US and the W. Bush administration, and renders the whole invasion pointless.
The dirty little secret here is this: Rove and Bush were never really interested in WMD at all, expect as a selling point for the war, which was about nothing more than creating a neocon "national greatness" exercise to mobilize public opinion in favor of their real goal: making money for certain US business interests, and crony capitalists with fat government contracts. Read Imperial Life in The Emerald City: Inside Iraq's Green Zone if you want to get the nasty low down on the dark and dirty level of corruption that motivated and drove the whole sordid operation. Actually finding a lot of leaking caches of old nerve gas, or enriched uranium was the last thing Rove wanted to have to deal with. The US invaded Iraq with a military force that was far too small to effectively occupy the entire country and conduct proper WMD abatement and search and destroy, and this was never the military's primary political (emphasis political) mission.
And now JEB! will have to be the neocon and Bush dynasty point man for starting it all over again from scratch, and maybe this time including Iran also. Fat chance, unless the American voters have a national death wish.
Politico: Karl Rove Is Ruining the GOP
American Thinker: Karl Rove: Weapon of Mass Delusion
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Michelle Nunn: Desperate Bush Royalist
![]() |
Willie Who? |
She is the daughter of legendary Blue Dog Democrat Sam Nunn, and is running as a Democrat for Senate in Georgia. She already has the public support of crazy old "Zig Zag" Zell Miller, former Blue Dog Democratic Georgia Senator and Governor who turned independent and endorsed W. in 2004, gave his renomination convention keynote speech, and then challenged girly man Chris Matthews to a duel. Now why would someone like this need or want to make a television commercial linking themselves to the likes of King George I HW Bush? No one smart.
His majesty emeritus is all in the tank for her opponent, an empty suite corporate shill and "outsourcer" named David Perdue, a Bush Chamber of Commerce soulmate if ever their was one, and Poppy does not like Michelle Nunn, who once ran his Points of Light charity, referring to her tenure there in her political ads. This is the same man who shamelessly exploited Willie Horton for his own political gain a quarter century ago, saw nothing morally or ethically wrong with that, and now questions Michelle Nunn honestly revealing she once worked for him, and that he liked the job she did (at least according to Neil Bush). Michelle Nunn was not smart in choosing to work for the Bushes, and she probably deserves to lose simply for that monumental lapse of judgment, but what is even worse is that she doesn't understand one old rabid Blue Dog (Miller) on the tube with her is worth at least two toxic Bushes on her hands.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
God's Own Party blames a Texas Fold 'Em on the Kenyan Anti-Christ
Every good Jesus-loving (loving at least the blond-haired blue-eyed Jesus in the painting on the fellowship hall wall) Republican Values Voter knows that nothing good comes out of Africa. That includes both ebola and their self-identified Kenyan-born interloper in the White House. They don't know, and will never admit, however that ebola first got loose in the US through the Dominionist-Reconstructionist paradise of Rick Perry's Texas. What everyone else knows is that the Liberian man who presented himself at Texas Presbyterian hospital in Dallas did not have health insurance, and told the hospital he was from West Africa and sick with flu-like symptoms. We also know that the hospital, instead of immediately quarantining him and calling the CDC, instead sent him home, like they undoubtedly do when anyone from Africa with no health insurance shows up. Later when they were forced to admit him after he reappeared sicker and was confirmed to have ebola, they apparently did not for at least a couple of days even require their own health care workers to wear adequate protective clothing when treating him. Now two of them are sick with the disease, and finally the CDC had the foresight to remove the latest victim from Ranger Ricks's Engine of Job Creating, and send her to Emory University.
One wonders if the same scenario would have played out if the Liberian man had first presented himself at, say, Johns Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic, or Cedar Sinai, none of which are anywhere near Texas, or any other Job Creating state? Would those hospitals shown him the door, or called the CDC immediately? It's a valid point to debate.
The average GOP partisan straw man debater would answer that question with their own irrelevant question: Do you think the Liberian would have gotten any better care if he had shown up at a typical public overcrowded and underfunded public hospital "up north." Now I am sure they don't realize by such a rhetorical sleight-of-hand that they are unconsciously dissing what is supposed to be a world class Texas hospital, among the best the state supposedly has to offer, and which itself would much rather be compared to Cedar Sinai than some inner city triage junction.
While the angry white gated community set may automatically believe the Fox News and GOP election cycle fear mongering laying the blame entirely with Obama, and never question anything beyond that, there is a lot of blame to go around, and a lot of it comes out of the Lone Start State, and it's typical red state culture of indifference to public health.
One really bad thing coming out of Texas, probably even worse in the long run than ebola, is yet another God-awful Bush. UK's Telegraph offers the advance warning to the rest of the world: Another George Bush enters US politics as Jeb's son makes his move, and proclaims "George P Bush is a shoo-in to become Texas Land Commissioner - a well established stepping stone to the top." As for Ranger Rick, unfortunately the Bushes don't want him any closer to the White House than he already is.
One wonders if the same scenario would have played out if the Liberian man had first presented himself at, say, Johns Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic, or Cedar Sinai, none of which are anywhere near Texas, or any other Job Creating state? Would those hospitals shown him the door, or called the CDC immediately? It's a valid point to debate.
The average GOP partisan straw man debater would answer that question with their own irrelevant question: Do you think the Liberian would have gotten any better care if he had shown up at a typical public overcrowded and underfunded public hospital "up north." Now I am sure they don't realize by such a rhetorical sleight-of-hand that they are unconsciously dissing what is supposed to be a world class Texas hospital, among the best the state supposedly has to offer, and which itself would much rather be compared to Cedar Sinai than some inner city triage junction.
While the angry white gated community set may automatically believe the Fox News and GOP election cycle fear mongering laying the blame entirely with Obama, and never question anything beyond that, there is a lot of blame to go around, and a lot of it comes out of the Lone Start State, and it's typical red state culture of indifference to public health.
One really bad thing coming out of Texas, probably even worse in the long run than ebola, is yet another God-awful Bush. UK's Telegraph offers the advance warning to the rest of the world: Another George Bush enters US politics as Jeb's son makes his move, and proclaims "George P Bush is a shoo-in to become Texas Land Commissioner - a well established stepping stone to the top." As for Ranger Rick, unfortunately the Bushes don't want him any closer to the White House than he already is.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
BREAKING NEWS: Columba and Babs sign off on JEB! 2016
The Dowager Queen Babs and Columba Bush, the Mexican-born wife of the Crown Prince John Ellis and long reputed by those who doubt a 2016 Restoration effort to be strongly opposed to a presidential run, are both now reported to be "on board" with JEB! 2016, according to Politico and NBC News. This could amount to a last familial hurdle, and follows reports that King George I HW has been strongly pushing the Crown Prince to try and restore his dynasty to the American presidential principate, even going so far as to tell a visitor to a family event at the Summer Palace in Kennebunkport, ME that it is a "near certaintly" JEB! will run. Additionally King George II W has also dropped to the media that JEB! "wants" to be president. Everything seems to be falling into place should (or when) JEB! and Rove pull the trigger.
Monday, October 13, 2014
JEB! 2016, the "Versallies Effect" or something else?
Imagine the shock and horror at Versailles in 1789 when the perfumed and peacocked dandies looked up from their paille-maille (croquet) mallets and saw the Paris rabble running up the driveway. So that's what the noise was about?
A recent article in Politico asks, "Rich Republicans have lost it: Why are they so eager to give Jeb Bush their money?" Of course these people could have lost touch with reality, and think they can sell JEB! to the country just like they sold his brother. But as even the broken clock that was George W. Bush observed, "....Cain't git fooled again."
Perhaps the GOP elites are not as stupid as they appear. While the rabble who drink the kool aid of paranoia and nativism peddled by these same elites might still believe that Hillary Clinton would be some sort of white male castratrix in chief, old Rupert himself has already let the cat out of the bag. Hillary is perfectly acceptable to the donor class. The entire donor class.
So from the donor class perspective, why not throw your money at JEB! and buy him the Republican nomination? Even if you can't get enough "values voters" to come out and make it possible for JEB! to steal the White House, you will get someone else who will protect your material interests almost as well as JEB! would.
Of course the Crown Prince is the first choice of the plutocracy, and they will gladly buy him his chance to Restore the Royal Family. But they have an ace in the hole with the Hildabeast if JEB! and Karl can't run their bluff.
Huff Post: Sheldon Adelson Gives $10 Million To Karl Rove Group
A recent article in Politico asks, "Rich Republicans have lost it: Why are they so eager to give Jeb Bush their money?" Of course these people could have lost touch with reality, and think they can sell JEB! to the country just like they sold his brother. But as even the broken clock that was George W. Bush observed, "....Cain't git fooled again."
Perhaps the GOP elites are not as stupid as they appear. While the rabble who drink the kool aid of paranoia and nativism peddled by these same elites might still believe that Hillary Clinton would be some sort of white male castratrix in chief, old Rupert himself has already let the cat out of the bag. Hillary is perfectly acceptable to the donor class. The entire donor class.

Of course the Crown Prince is the first choice of the plutocracy, and they will gladly buy him his chance to Restore the Royal Family. But they have an ace in the hole with the Hildabeast if JEB! and Karl can't run their bluff.
Huff Post: Sheldon Adelson Gives $10 Million To Karl Rove Group
Sunday, October 12, 2014
More evidence JEB! is willing to go beyond private, big money donor shills, demean himself, and run to get what he wants
These events speak for themselves:
Big Country Homepage - Midland, Texas — Join George P. and his father, former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush, in Midland for a free Young Professionals event and concert featuring Aaron Watson on the New Leadership for All Texans Bus Tour. The event will take place at the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum, 1500 W. Interstate 20, on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 6 to 11 p.m.
The New Leadership for All Texans Bus Tour is an initiative in supporting a better, brighter future for all Texans by indorsing [sic] George P. Bush for Texas Land Commissioner. Come enjoy free food and drinks, giveaways, as well as a live concert featuring Aaron Watson. Also, get to meet George P. in person as he shares his vison [sic again] of a stronger Texas next Tuesday.
Big Country Homepage - Midland, Texas — Join George P. and his father, former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush, in Midland for a free Young Professionals event and concert featuring Aaron Watson on the New Leadership for All Texans Bus Tour. The event will take place at the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum, 1500 W. Interstate 20, on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 6 to 11 p.m.
The New Leadership for All Texans Bus Tour is an initiative in supporting a better, brighter future for all Texans by indorsing [sic] George P. Bush for Texas Land Commissioner. Come enjoy free food and drinks, giveaways, as well as a live concert featuring Aaron Watson. Also, get to meet George P. in person as he shares his vison [sic again] of a stronger Texas next Tuesday.
Vanderbilt News - Nashville, Tenn. - Jeb Bush, Florida’s 43rd governor and a member of one of America’s pre-eminent political families, will join Vanderbilt Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos and Distinguished Visiting Professor Jon Meacham in conversation Tuesday, Oct. 28, on the Vanderbilt University campus. The discussion will begin at 5:30 p.m. in Ingram Hall at the Blair School of Music. A reception will precede the talk from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Ingram Hall Lobby. The event is free and open to the public, with seating for the talk limited and available on a first-come, first-seated basis.
The Crown Prince is GOP circus ringmaster in NH, and losing to the Hildabeast everywhere
The Crown Prince John Ellis Bush is at the front of the clown car among Republican contenders for the 2016 presidential nomination, according to a new University of New Hampshire/WMUR poll. The Hildabeast remains the prohibitive favorite among Democrats. Meanwhile, the Hildabeast continue to beat the Crown Prince soundly in Iowa, 46 to 39 percent. This continues the prevailing trend where Bush is stalled at or just above 40 percent, and Clinton within striking distance of 50 percent, in most polls matching up the two. In comparison, both Rand Paul (Clinton 44 to 41) and Paul Ryan (Clinton 44 to 43) outperform JEB! in the same poll. In the latest McClatchy/Marist national poll, the Hildabeast crushes the Crown Prince, 53 to 42.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
William Jennings Huckleberry: In Praise of HUCK! 2016
Back in 1925 H. L. Mencken (the Christopher Hitchens of his time) in his famous acerbic obituary of William Jennings Bryan dismissed the thrice presidential nominee as America's "Fundamentalist Pope." Mencken, never one to avoid prosaic overkill on purpose, delivered one of haute punditry's most devastatingly overwrought deconstructions:
"Wherever the flambeaux of Chautauqua smoked and guttered, and the bilge of idealism ran in the veins, and Baptist pastors dammed the brooks with the sanctified, and men gathered who were weary and heavy laden...there the indefatigable Jennings set up his traps and spread his bait. He knew every country town in the South and West, and he could crowd the most remote of them to suffocation by simply winding his horn. The city proletariat, transiently flustered by him in 1896, quickly penetrated his buncombe and would have no more of him; the cockney gallery jeered him at every Democratic national convention for twenty-five years. But out where the grass grows high, and the horned cattle dream away the lazy afternoons, and men still fear the powers and principalities of the air - out there between the corn-rows he held his old puissance to the end."
Hitchen's infamous CNN eulogy for Jerry's Falwell is the closest recent thing to this sort of urbane and dismissive rejection of political religion. While bigots and fanatics, in their fight against modernity and its imperial detritus, run riot beheading and burning around other parts of the globe, it seems the forces of sanctified absolutism are losing out in our own den of relativism and growing postmodernity. Some would say, not soon enough, but there are earnest voices of dissent. One of those could be Mike Huckabee. It would be grossly unfair, historically dishonest, and factually erroneous to lump him with the worst aspects of reactionary thinking, and its consequences, like ISIS, and the politically correct left should not be quick to try and shut him up. Anyone looking for effective ammunition to use against the threat of another Bush presidential run should welcome any help Mike has to offer.
On the whole, Mike Huckabee, like his distant political doppelganger WJB, seems a decent man. He does not want to burn anyone at the stake or cut off their head. He just doesn't like the idea of the Republican Party endorsing (or even accommodating) gay marriage. His religious worldview drives this particular stance, or course, and he dislikes gay marriage so much that he has actually threatened to leave the party and become an independent if the party nominates someone who is ambivalent on this issue. And perhaps run for president?
The prospect seems too good to be true. The threat of someone like Mike Huckabee walking away from the shopworn sham that is the Republican Party, and running as a third choice, has to be the ultimate nightmare stalking Karl Rove's dreamscape. It would be far worse for him and his ilk than, say Rand Paul talking a walk with his libertarians, because HUCK! 2016 would expose the fundamental deception neoconservatism has played on the "values voter" for a near half century.
Huckabee unchained could morph into a 21st century version of Williams Jennings Bryan. The elites who run the GOP of course have always secretly "jeered" at people like Huckabee from the fairways and greens of their members-only country clubs because people like Huckabee actually believe in "family values," but the Chamber of Commerce set loath Huckabee for more than just that. They loath him, and opposed him in 2008 because they realize his earnest belief in the Judeo-Christian worldview they consider simply utilitarian talking points for Flyover Country (and the worldview Huckabee relies on to condemn abortion on demand and gay marriage) also prevents Huck from ever reliably embracing the misused Randian anti-altruism and self-serving social darwinism that informs the material worldview of the speculator class and plutocracy. The business class knows what the political left, which generations ago cast off even a Social Gospel justification for social justice, probably now completely overlooks when it critiques someone like Mike Huckabee.
The media labeled Huckabee a "populist" in 2008 because he talked as much about reining in corporate greed as he did about spiritual revival. A Huckabee no longer moored to the Republican Party would be free to effectively tap the smoldering rift between socially conservative, anti-crony capitalist tea party rank and file, on one side, and the Common Core exploiting, open borders for peonage labor C of C "progressives" such as JEB!, on the other, like no other candidate could.
Every Democrat should pray to whichever postmodern God they no longer believe in that Huckabee walks, then runs. They would benefit in the short term, but if Huck could shatter the neocon Party of Bush, both the country and those who desire an honest alternative to Democratic progressivism, whether libertarian, neoliberal, or paleoconservative, will be better off in the long run for his efforts.
Newsmax: Huckabee's Threat Could Damage GOP Chances for 2016
"Wherever the flambeaux of Chautauqua smoked and guttered, and the bilge of idealism ran in the veins, and Baptist pastors dammed the brooks with the sanctified, and men gathered who were weary and heavy laden...there the indefatigable Jennings set up his traps and spread his bait. He knew every country town in the South and West, and he could crowd the most remote of them to suffocation by simply winding his horn. The city proletariat, transiently flustered by him in 1896, quickly penetrated his buncombe and would have no more of him; the cockney gallery jeered him at every Democratic national convention for twenty-five years. But out where the grass grows high, and the horned cattle dream away the lazy afternoons, and men still fear the powers and principalities of the air - out there between the corn-rows he held his old puissance to the end."

On the whole, Mike Huckabee, like his distant political doppelganger WJB, seems a decent man. He does not want to burn anyone at the stake or cut off their head. He just doesn't like the idea of the Republican Party endorsing (or even accommodating) gay marriage. His religious worldview drives this particular stance, or course, and he dislikes gay marriage so much that he has actually threatened to leave the party and become an independent if the party nominates someone who is ambivalent on this issue. And perhaps run for president?
The prospect seems too good to be true. The threat of someone like Mike Huckabee walking away from the shopworn sham that is the Republican Party, and running as a third choice, has to be the ultimate nightmare stalking Karl Rove's dreamscape. It would be far worse for him and his ilk than, say Rand Paul talking a walk with his libertarians, because HUCK! 2016 would expose the fundamental deception neoconservatism has played on the "values voter" for a near half century.
Huckabee unchained could morph into a 21st century version of Williams Jennings Bryan. The elites who run the GOP of course have always secretly "jeered" at people like Huckabee from the fairways and greens of their members-only country clubs because people like Huckabee actually believe in "family values," but the Chamber of Commerce set loath Huckabee for more than just that. They loath him, and opposed him in 2008 because they realize his earnest belief in the Judeo-Christian worldview they consider simply utilitarian talking points for Flyover Country (and the worldview Huckabee relies on to condemn abortion on demand and gay marriage) also prevents Huck from ever reliably embracing the misused Randian anti-altruism and self-serving social darwinism that informs the material worldview of the speculator class and plutocracy. The business class knows what the political left, which generations ago cast off even a Social Gospel justification for social justice, probably now completely overlooks when it critiques someone like Mike Huckabee.
The media labeled Huckabee a "populist" in 2008 because he talked as much about reining in corporate greed as he did about spiritual revival. A Huckabee no longer moored to the Republican Party would be free to effectively tap the smoldering rift between socially conservative, anti-crony capitalist tea party rank and file, on one side, and the Common Core exploiting, open borders for peonage labor C of C "progressives" such as JEB!, on the other, like no other candidate could.
Will Huckabee run as an independent when nominee JEB! waffles on gay marriage with an "each state can decide" triangulation, or picks Rob Portman to be his running mate? Probably not, but the prospect is interesting. The left considers someone like Huckabee a bigot, but if he walks from the party of Rove, Adelson, Trump, etc., and does his part to prevent Bush 3.0, the word "patriot" seems more appropriate.
Newsmax: Huckabee's Threat Could Damage GOP Chances for 2016
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
The Mother of all freudian slips feeds JEB! 2016 delusion
King George II Walker Bush, without thinking (as usual), recently admitted his brother, the Crown Prince John Ellis Bush, "wants" to be president. Of course JEB! wants to be president. He was raised from birth to believe that the presidency was his right, his entitlement. To say that he "wants" to be president is not the same thing as saying he wants to run for president. JEB! of course does not want to run for president. He would prefer (and believes) the presidency just be handed to him. The question is: will JEB! run to get what he wants?
The answer is yes, if he believe there is any chance money and Rove can hand it to him.
Meanwhile the establishment media pushing for a Bush Restoration is becoming increasingly detached from reality in its praise of the Crown Prince's chances. The less than Independent Voter Network has it all in for JEB! with A Jeb Bush Presidential Campaign More Viable Than People Realize, saying:
"Jeb Bush could emerge as one of, and possibly the only, viable governor/executive, potentially making his candidacy a reality."
This is not as pitiful as Bloomberg, which recently (and seriously) proclaimed this "truth" about JEB!:
"If he runs a strong campaign, Bush could also compete in California and possibly New Jersey and Michigan."
And Hillary will compete strongly in Texas and Florida. Actually she will in Florida if JEB! if her opponent, as she leads JEB! there so far in just about every poll. And nationally, JEB! has never led Hillary in a major poll, and his support is never higher than the low forties.
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...Cain't (or can) git fooled again? |
Meanwhile the establishment media pushing for a Bush Restoration is becoming increasingly detached from reality in its praise of the Crown Prince's chances. The less than Independent Voter Network has it all in for JEB! with A Jeb Bush Presidential Campaign More Viable Than People Realize, saying:
"Jeb Bush could emerge as one of, and possibly the only, viable governor/executive, potentially making his candidacy a reality."
This is not as pitiful as Bloomberg, which recently (and seriously) proclaimed this "truth" about JEB!:
"If he runs a strong campaign, Bush could also compete in California and possibly New Jersey and Michigan."
And Hillary will compete strongly in Texas and Florida. Actually she will in Florida if JEB! if her opponent, as she leads JEB! there so far in just about every poll. And nationally, JEB! has never led Hillary in a major poll, and his support is never higher than the low forties.
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