Yes, John Boehner, that blubbering mouthpiece for Tory GOP elites, is still making his pathetic Sunday morning talk show case for a third Bush presidency, telling George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week" that his efforts may be moving the Crown Prince towards running. Boehner simply thinks JEB! would make a great president. And he says this without any laughter (or tears).
Meanwhile JEB! is doubling down on Common Core cronyism and open borders for peonage labor while stumping for GOP senatorial candidates, and causing them to walk back his frank talk for themselves. Slate opinion writer Jamelle Bouie is skeptical about JEB!'s ability to do what it takes to be president. "Republican elites want a champion. But in Jeb Bush, they don't have a fighter," he says.
What Tory elites do have in JEB! is a champion of their interests, in fact the quintessential champion. What they also have is a royal pretender who wants them to deliver the office to him without him having to do it for himself. Jeb is not a fighter, he is an heir presumptive. A "Bonnie Prince Jebbie" who wants to run "joyfully" and on his own terms. His efforts to regain the American throne for his dynasty will wind up being as successful as the vainglorious Charles Edward Stuart's efforts were for his own dynasty, with the GOP elites playing the part of Scottish Highlanders, and Boehner his weeping Flora MacDonald.
O'er the sea, Jebbie
O'er the sea to Skye
Monday, September 29, 2014
Valuing the Vote for JEB!
Values Voters (a Rove registered trade name) are playing hard to get right now, but like the Proverbial dog returning to its vomit, they will slither back in 2016 when they are told what to do. It seems JEB! is not invited to this year's Value's Voters Summit. It's their pitiful plea for him not to take them for granted. He will take them for granted, of course, because he knows he can. Bet he gets an invite to the 2016 Summit when it's obvious he is their ordained choice.
Friday, September 26, 2014
King George I HW: conceit meets dementia?
According to Politico: "Friends say Jeb Bush's father is eager for his son to run, even telling a visitor at a recent family gathering in Kennebunkport, Maine, that a presidential campaign and a return of the family dynasty to power was a near certainty."
A campaign, either now with JEB! or in ten years with Prince George P., is a near certainty, because the Bush family's pathetic, inflated and boundless sense of entitlement is never-ending. But if old Poppy really thinks the return to power of his spawn is a "near certaintly, he is demented as well as conceited.
A campaign, either now with JEB! or in ten years with Prince George P., is a near certainty, because the Bush family's pathetic, inflated and boundless sense of entitlement is never-ending. But if old Poppy really thinks the return to power of his spawn is a "near certaintly, he is demented as well as conceited.
There is essentially no chance that the voters in 2016 will elect a third Bush in what amounts to a generation (within the last quarter century), and JEB!, just two terms out from W.'s catastrophic presidency, won't sell to anyone but his immediate family, the fat cat's who would bankroll him, the kleptocrats who stand to make a financial killing under another Bush, and the die hard and deluded neocons who yearn for another large war in the Middle East. There is no doubt Jeb, without any prodding from his apparently now senile father, believes he is absolutely entitled to his turn in the White House, but if he has even an ounce more sense than his dumb brother, he has to know it's beyond his (and Karl Rove's) reach. says "Jeb Bush will try to sell amnesty, common core to GOP primary voters if he runs." With Rove's help, he can easily buy and strong arm his way to the Republican nomination, but if he shows too much Bush conceit in "selling" open borders, peonage work permits, and for profit education cronyism, he will step over the bodies of some of the voters he needs to beat Hillary.
The very idea of a third Bush in a quarter century is, quite frankly, laughable, and candidate JEB! will be laughed at by millions. And millions will sit home on election day in 2016.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Bush announcement likely "right after midterms"
In keeping with a "conceit" and "rub the country's nose in it" strategy, Politico's "Morning Money" reports that the Crown Prince's announcement on 2016 is likely to come just after the midterms in November (in which son Prince George P., second in line, will purchase the Texas Land Commissionership, and begin his own presidential principate trajectory). Such a move would ignore Dowager Queen Bab's earlier "two or three families" warning in favor of brazenly preempting Hillary Clinton, who will smartly allow the Crown Prince to initiate a dynastic showdown.
As JEB! readies to try and save Pat Roberts, Murdoch throws down his political hand (and its a royal straight flush for plutocracy)
Just as the Crown Prince is making plans to go to Kansas and try to prop up tottering empty shirt Pat Roberts, word is out that Rupert Murdoch, owner of FOX News, the Bush family propaganda network, has basically told the Republican base that he will support Hillary Clinton if they do not defer to JEB!, or a Bush-approved choice, and somehow manage to hijack the Crown Prince's nomination.
JEB! 2016: A circus of royal conceit is now all but certain (maybe)
According to insiders, the Crown Prince John Ellis Bush has all but made up his mind to take on the Hildabeast, and try to steal or buy the White House in 2016. CNBC, the "Wall Street for Dummies" financial network, reports "all signs point to Jeb Bush prepping for 2016 presidential run." The Crown Prince is "said to be deep in preparation on issues beyond his traditional areas of focus" like educational cronyism and kleptocracy, and promotion of peonage labor. While it's anybody's guess what all of those issues are, one thing most certainly on the agenda would have to be how to steer the US into a wider middle eastern war, back in Iraq in force, and a confrontation with Iran. One CNBC source said the Crown Prince "spoke passionately on foreign policy and economics and sounded very much like someone who plans to mount a presidential campaign." Other sources confide that, barring a late change of heart, JEB! is almost certain to run. Apparently his father, King George I HW Bush strongly encouraged the Crown Prince to mount a 2016 Restoration pretense at a recent gathering of the royal family at the summer palace in Kennebunkport, ME
Bush royalists, including the Crown Prince, are reportedly determined, at any cost, to stop Rand Paul or any libertarian, or tea party candidate, from seriously challenging for the Party of Bush nomination, and think "Jersey Style" Chris "doughnut" Christie is an unworthy Party of Bush choice to pulverize the unruly base, and represent the Republican element of the ruling US plutocracy against the Clintons. Likewise, they believe Wall Street Willard had his chance in 2012, and they intend to hold him to his "gentleman's agreement" not to challenge a Bush royal option on 2016.
All this is going on while the Crown Prince flagrantly continues to feed friendly media some details about his ongoing murky and questionable business activities in private equity and foreign investment. JEB!'s private equity firm, Britton Hill Holdings, recently raised at least $66.4 million from domestic and foreign investors. That includes several million this past April from a group that included a privately owned Chinese conglomerate. Bush's business deals are made largely out of the regulatory spotlight, and because they are privately held enterprises disclosure laws require only basic information; public documents offer few details about their exact nature.
Such ongoing business activity so close to reentering politics will open the Crown Prince up to obvious attack, but if JEB! has indeed already decided to run (and all this media buildup is not some sort of huge diversionary smokescreen) then he will run with a level of conceit rivaling a Goebbels' big lie strategy. It is true that any Bush cannot run from the entire family's legendary legacy of shady and dubious crony business associations, so JEB! seems poised to embrace such a legacy and rub the country's nose in it. This will certainly shape he and Rove's strategy of attack against the Clintons, which will highlight their opponents' own questionable business associations and money making practices.
A "beggar thy opponent" campaign where Bush's only rationale for his candidacy would be "we are both crooks, and frauds, but at least I will (sort of) admit it" can't help but make for an arresting and bizarre political circus and a delicious media bonanza, but it will be relentlessly depressing stuff for any voter actually interested in the welfare and future of the United States. Look for a JEB! vs. Hilldog matchup to promote at least one high profile alternative candidate, with the capacity to siphon off at least 10-15 percent of the popular vote.
CNBC: All signs point to Jeb Bush prepping for 2016 presidential run
Newsmax: Jeb Signals Intention to Make Bid for 2016
Huffington Post:With 2016 Looming, Jeb Bush Is Focused On Making Money
Bush royalists, including the Crown Prince, are reportedly determined, at any cost, to stop Rand Paul or any libertarian, or tea party candidate, from seriously challenging for the Party of Bush nomination, and think "Jersey Style" Chris "doughnut" Christie is an unworthy Party of Bush choice to pulverize the unruly base, and represent the Republican element of the ruling US plutocracy against the Clintons. Likewise, they believe Wall Street Willard had his chance in 2012, and they intend to hold him to his "gentleman's agreement" not to challenge a Bush royal option on 2016.
All this is going on while the Crown Prince flagrantly continues to feed friendly media some details about his ongoing murky and questionable business activities in private equity and foreign investment. JEB!'s private equity firm, Britton Hill Holdings, recently raised at least $66.4 million from domestic and foreign investors. That includes several million this past April from a group that included a privately owned Chinese conglomerate. Bush's business deals are made largely out of the regulatory spotlight, and because they are privately held enterprises disclosure laws require only basic information; public documents offer few details about their exact nature.
Such ongoing business activity so close to reentering politics will open the Crown Prince up to obvious attack, but if JEB! has indeed already decided to run (and all this media buildup is not some sort of huge diversionary smokescreen) then he will run with a level of conceit rivaling a Goebbels' big lie strategy. It is true that any Bush cannot run from the entire family's legendary legacy of shady and dubious crony business associations, so JEB! seems poised to embrace such a legacy and rub the country's nose in it. This will certainly shape he and Rove's strategy of attack against the Clintons, which will highlight their opponents' own questionable business associations and money making practices.
A "beggar thy opponent" campaign where Bush's only rationale for his candidacy would be "we are both crooks, and frauds, but at least I will (sort of) admit it" can't help but make for an arresting and bizarre political circus and a delicious media bonanza, but it will be relentlessly depressing stuff for any voter actually interested in the welfare and future of the United States. Look for a JEB! vs. Hilldog matchup to promote at least one high profile alternative candidate, with the capacity to siphon off at least 10-15 percent of the popular vote.
CNBC: All signs point to Jeb Bush prepping for 2016 presidential run
Newsmax: Jeb Signals Intention to Make Bid for 2016
Huffington Post:With 2016 Looming, Jeb Bush Is Focused On Making Money
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
JEB! 2016: throwing down the rose petals
The neocons said the Iraqis would throw rose petals at the American troops' feet to welcome them. It didn't exactly turn out that way, but the Establishment media is throwing rose petals at Jeb Bush's feet when it comes to his potential presidential aspirations. One of "Wall Street's Best Minds" in Barron's places the Crown Prince as his number one choice to take the Republican nomination in 2016 in Handicapping the 2016 GOP Presidential Field. Larry Sabato says JEB! will be the immediate frontrunner when he formally announces. And Jen Rubin, that Neocon Queen at the Washington Post managed to get a royal audience with her Crown Prince, and gushed like Cinderella at the ball to her readers: My interview with Jeb Bush.
Bush Family Values - WaPo: George H.W. Bush twists final knife in Michelle Nunn
(priceless photo)
Bush Family Values - WaPo: George H.W. Bush twists final knife in Michelle Nunn
(priceless photo)
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Jebwatch gets it right, PMSNBC blows it.
Jebwatch consistently predicted that Obama would wait until after the midterms in order to issue his impeachment-baiting executive order granting legal status to millions of Bush-era undocumented peon laborers and their families. Left leaning mouthpieces like PMSNBC just as consistently held to the contrary view that Obama would go ahead now with the action, and use it as a wedge for the midterms.
Guess who was right? We now know that Obama indeed will wait until after the midterms to do it, and for all the reasons we previously said he would. Don't be surprised if he times it at or near the Crown Prince's 2016 rollout.
And yes, Hillary will wait until after JEB! announces before she will announce, if for no other reason than to make the Dowager Queen's "enough Bushes and two or three families" comment look like the self-servicing blather it was.
Guess who was right? We now know that Obama indeed will wait until after the midterms to do it, and for all the reasons we previously said he would. Don't be surprised if he times it at or near the Crown Prince's 2016 rollout.
And yes, Hillary will wait until after JEB! announces before she will announce, if for no other reason than to make the Dowager Queen's "enough Bushes and two or three families" comment look like the self-servicing blather it was.
The stage and script are set for JEB! vs. Hillary (and imperial doom)
The recent Wall Street Journal report that JEB! is telling his potential fat cat donor base to hold off on committing to anyone else portends a high likelihood that the Crown Prince is now committed to a royal Bush run for the POTUS purple in 2016. This has occurred together with renewed buzz about the potential for Wall Street Willard to mount another buyout attempt in two years as well. The conflicting chatter has generated several absurd scenarios. One of the more outlandish, and nonsensical, is that JEB! is faking interest in a Presidential run to help Romney look like a more electable and attractive Establishment option (over another Bush), meaning JEB! won't run and Romney will, with that outcome already decided.
A more plausible scenario is that Romney will run, but only if JEB! (technically still undecided but very likely to exercise his royal option on the nomination) ultimately bows out. Such a demurral being part of the "gentlemen's agreement" regarding 2012 and 2016 reached between Romney and King George I HW and Dowager Queen Babs back at their Houston Winter Palace summit in December 2011. At the other end of unlikely would be a head on dynastic clash between Romney and JEB! prior to the main event between JEB! and Hillary. If that occurred there is no doubt that the Bush family, and retainers like Rove, would destroy Romney for double crossing them, so yes it would end up in JEB! vs. Hillary, with Romney's political career in complete shambles, not even ambassador material.
The recent meltdown of the doomed Bush neocon client state of Iraq into a failed state with ISIS in control of a good bit of it has set up a revanchist showdown between two presidential dynasties that offers the potential to wreck and bankrupt the American empire in the deserts of the Middle East regardless of who wins out. The main difference being with the third Bush it would be a fast express into imperial oblivion, and with Hillary a more protracted ride.
Obama will never look comfortable downplaying the part of an American version of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Two men who entered office with a philosophy of transcending war and both ironically forced into renewing imperial war in the historical sandtrap that is the Middle East.
Hadrian rose to the demand, if negatively, and found the will to engage in one of history's most notorious and brutal examples of ethnic cleansing in order to restore Roman imperial authority. Obama, in his era, will try to split the difference between Bush's reckless and misguided imperial policies, and non-engagement, and likely will solve little of the problem, and please no one.
Which means both Hillary and JEB! will be forced by their own ambitions into running to Obama's right on war. And commit the US to an unending money pit of a struggle in the flaming oilfields.
Both will offer to "do what it takes" to pacify the Iraq that King George II W set on fire. But make no mistake, if the deconstruction of the Middle East, post W. and Dick Cheney, allows a third Bush to worm his way into power promising "love" at home and "tough love" abroad, the result will be a historic and empire ending disaster for the United States.
Hillary will offer the right rhetoric, and if elected would probably commit US troops to ground operations, however limited, in certain areas and situations, and generally she would turn the operations over to the generals. JEB! would enter office as the ultimate tool of the neocons and the speculator class, and the scenario that would unfold with Bush 3.0 would be relentlessly depressing and destructive.
The border between the US and Mexico would become a state line through which any terrorist could, and would, freely pass. One or more "major domestic" attacks would occur within months of JEB!'s inauguration. Thousands of US troops would pour back into Iraq, Afghanistan, and into Syria, to stay there until the federal government can't pay the bills to keep them there, and war with Iran would be the ultimate neocon end game this time. The arms makers, and rent-a-mercenary contractors would make out like the bandits they are. Kleptocracy in education, massive additional tax windfalls for oil companies, and financial speculators, and it all ends in a final economic collapse that no taxpayer-funded bailout can stop, and national bankruptcy. Which will be blamed all and solely on Obama, of course. And the dumb dolts who vote every Bush into office will buy every bit of it.

The recent meltdown of the doomed Bush neocon client state of Iraq into a failed state with ISIS in control of a good bit of it has set up a revanchist showdown between two presidential dynasties that offers the potential to wreck and bankrupt the American empire in the deserts of the Middle East regardless of who wins out. The main difference being with the third Bush it would be a fast express into imperial oblivion, and with Hillary a more protracted ride.
Obama will never look comfortable downplaying the part of an American version of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Two men who entered office with a philosophy of transcending war and both ironically forced into renewing imperial war in the historical sandtrap that is the Middle East.
Hadrian rose to the demand, if negatively, and found the will to engage in one of history's most notorious and brutal examples of ethnic cleansing in order to restore Roman imperial authority. Obama, in his era, will try to split the difference between Bush's reckless and misguided imperial policies, and non-engagement, and likely will solve little of the problem, and please no one.
Which means both Hillary and JEB! will be forced by their own ambitions into running to Obama's right on war. And commit the US to an unending money pit of a struggle in the flaming oilfields.
Both will offer to "do what it takes" to pacify the Iraq that King George II W set on fire. But make no mistake, if the deconstruction of the Middle East, post W. and Dick Cheney, allows a third Bush to worm his way into power promising "love" at home and "tough love" abroad, the result will be a historic and empire ending disaster for the United States.
Hillary will offer the right rhetoric, and if elected would probably commit US troops to ground operations, however limited, in certain areas and situations, and generally she would turn the operations over to the generals. JEB! would enter office as the ultimate tool of the neocons and the speculator class, and the scenario that would unfold with Bush 3.0 would be relentlessly depressing and destructive.

Thursday, September 4, 2014
JEB!'s education cronyism starting to get picked apart by the left
One real political achilles heel for the Crown Prince (other than he would be the third Bush to try and buy the White House with dirty tricks and money) is his long and documentable history of public (and private) corruption in the field of phony education reform. The left (in this case the anti-Koch blog is starting the partisan hit on the history with ALEC And Jeb Bush Are Conspiring To Kill Off Public Schools For Good
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