JEB! 2016 appears still an option for the Royal Family and their speculator class retainers as the Crown Prince is getting a steady dribble of positive spin in various small media markets in the Sunbelt and Midwest. Gastonia, NC, and Lakeland, FL being two examples. The Houghton, MI paper said it plainly,
"Building a credible bridge to the Republican country club is no simple task...Of the prospective field -- Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Rick Perry and Ted Cruz -- none has yet developed the credentials to claim rightfully to be next in line. Only former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush seems to have the bloodlines for the next presidential race..."
All this planted media attention, just enough without being too much, is happening as the New York Post reports JEB! has been quietly traveling to New York in the past month to meet with "high-flying" business leaders and Wall Street operators in order to ramp up interest for JEB! 2016 among the plutocracy. Meanwhile, for coupon-clippers who fantasize about JEB! being competitive with Billary in a dynasty head-butt, Buzzfeed has a post about why JEB! would be a terrible candidate in 2016, countered by a likely planted rebuttal post on Florida-friendly SaintPetersBlog.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Ranger Rick rising?
Who would have thunk it? "Ranger" Rick Perry, the giddy homophobe who spooned a bottle of maple syrup in New Hampshire, and gave the country the "oops" moment during the last GOP circus tour is now tied with the Crown Prince (at 12 percent each) in a recent Fox News Republican preference poll. Karl & Co. better get to work on him, because even if JEB! bows out, a Perry boomlet would be fatal to Republican plutocracy's hopes for 2016. Of course, Karl might think it better to let Perry do himself in again.
JEB!'s immigration triangulation suggests he is still in the running

Portman now being promoted to fill a "Bush gap"
If the Crown Prince does not exercise his royal option, it could create a chaotic "auction" scenario for the GOP nomination. One new bidder for the financial affections of plutocrats and donors currently being promoted is Rob Portman, the ueber-bland and compliant Ohio senator who wound up runner up for Romney's VP. It is hard to imagine a less inspiring establishment choice for the teabag vote to put up against the Clintons, but he is from Ohio, and if Kaisch also demurs or runs into trouble, he might be the last starched, empty shirt standing. He is sort of gay-friendly (a son is gay) and could certainly advocate for the emerging tolerant corporate culture in that area. Would this alienate the hard religious right? Republicans will have to figure out a way to win elections without pandering to them, sooner or later. Probably later.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
If not JEB!, then who?
As the Crown Prince's chances of choosing to buy the Republican nomination only to certainly lose the November election dim considerably, who then is likely to emerge as the alternative to a third Bush should JEB! demur on his royal option? Since there is an almost certainty that the nominee will be an establishment figure, you can rule out both Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. Neither the establishment party hacks, nor the "Cheney" wing of the party would allow either of these media darlings to get it. Scott Walker is tied with his Democratic opponent in Wisconsin for reelection as governor in the latest poll, and has had a lot of really bad PR recently over his fund raising activities with Karl Rove, so rule him out. Christie probably won't survive Bridgegate in the end, and most donors still regard him as too much of a risk because of it. This all leads to the logical choice of the moment: Ohio governor John Kaisch. He is almost certain to win reelection as governor in a true swing state essential to Republican chances in the general election. He does have some baggage, both as a past blowhard on Fox, and in financial speculation leading up to the 2008 crash. None of it is recent, or worse, ongoing. He may wind up the last man standing. And he could give his acceptance sheep in Cleveland.
FNC: John Kasich in 2016? Why progressive, George Soros crowd fears run by Ohio governor
Daily Beast: Is John Kasich The Most Formidable 2016 GOP Candidate You Don’t Know?
FNC: John Kasich in 2016? Why progressive, George Soros crowd fears run by Ohio governor
Daily Beast: Is John Kasich The Most Formidable 2016 GOP Candidate You Don’t Know?
Hilldog still bites JEB! in Florida
Even given Obama's rock bottom poll numbers, and all the pundit clatter about a red state GOP Senate wave this November, the Crown Prince still loses to Hillary in his home state of Florida by seven points, 49 to 42 in a new Quinnipiac poll. If Hillary is near or just under 50 percent, and JEB! barely over 40 percent in Florida, his presidential prospects remain dim to say the least. Has-been political forecaster Charlie Cook says there is a 40 percent chance Hillary won't even run, and an unlikely chance JEB! will. Charlie's 50 percent batting average ain't great, but how could JEB! even seriously consider running with numbers like these?
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
PMSNBC is drinking the Bush "guest worker" Kool-Aid
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teabaggers and anti-globalists, and
advance a plutocrat's dream matchup between Hillary and JEB!
As further evidence of this alliance, the network of Sharpton and Maddow prominently featured a documentary this week produced by Jeb Bush, Jr. "Underground Dreams" presented a Chamber of Commerce position paper for legalized peonage as immigration reform via undocumented students who win a robotics competition.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
According to "Meet the Depressed," the GOP front runner is...Rand Paul
Karl Rove is either laughing, or deep into a private Skype session with Dick Cheney over today's assertion by Chuck Todd on Meet the Press that Rand Paul is the current Republican front runner. Todd cited Rand's first place showing against the Hildabeast in most recent polls as his rationale, but the roundtable did concede the "Cheney" wing of the party (meaning the wing that controls it) will work Rand over in the coming year. The topic of JEB!'s low support among potential Republican primary voters managed to get an honorable mention by the roundies.
Also notable among the depressed today was moderator David Gregory's explicit assertion that the Crown Prince will not run, and instead is already working for Prince George P. for 2024 (Gregory didn't specifically say 2024). That contrasts directly with Kathleen Parker's admonition a couple of months ago on Hardball that she had been told "definitively" that JEB! will run in 2016. It's certainly possible that Rove is sending out conflicting signals to the MSM on purpose. If sanity and reason were guides, JEB! would recognize he has little to no change of gaming the election and stealing the White House for his family's Restoration in 2016, and a Maoist long march to 2024 with the fake, reactionary Hispanic Obama scam using Prince George P. is the best option.
Stay tuned.
Also notable among the depressed today was moderator David Gregory's explicit assertion that the Crown Prince will not run, and instead is already working for Prince George P. for 2024 (Gregory didn't specifically say 2024). That contrasts directly with Kathleen Parker's admonition a couple of months ago on Hardball that she had been told "definitively" that JEB! will run in 2016. It's certainly possible that Rove is sending out conflicting signals to the MSM on purpose. If sanity and reason were guides, JEB! would recognize he has little to no change of gaming the election and stealing the White House for his family's Restoration in 2016, and a Maoist long march to 2024 with the fake, reactionary Hispanic Obama scam using Prince George P. is the best option.
Stay tuned.
JEB! 2016 coronation would be in America's "convention hell"
If you are looking to hold your sales convention in a city that desperately needs the convention business, and where you can get it cheap, Cleveland is the quintessential choice. The city is trying to gentrify its old, combustible image with microbreweries, and renovated downtown warehouse apartments, etc., but the standard joke has been, "who would go to Cleveland unless they had to."
In 2016 all the tea party rubes, and the flower of the GOP establishment will have go there to sample the local brews, and perhaps nominate the third Bush for president. There is a story here. The GOP met in Cleveland back in 1936 to nominate a pliable establishment alternative to Franklin Roosevelt, and got one of the worst electoral drubbings in party history. JEB! is certain to outperform Alf Landon in 2016, but a third Bush could conceivably turn in the worst GOP showing since Barry Goldwater in 1964, if recent polling is any indicator.
For GOP, specter of 1936 hovers over Cleveland 2016
In 2016 all the tea party rubes, and the flower of the GOP establishment will have go there to sample the local brews, and perhaps nominate the third Bush for president. There is a story here. The GOP met in Cleveland back in 1936 to nominate a pliable establishment alternative to Franklin Roosevelt, and got one of the worst electoral drubbings in party history. JEB! is certain to outperform Alf Landon in 2016, but a third Bush could conceivably turn in the worst GOP showing since Barry Goldwater in 1964, if recent polling is any indicator.
For GOP, specter of 1936 hovers over Cleveland 2016
JEB! at the movies, and on the stump for a beefcake carpetbagger
The Washington Examiner, a non-Moonie owned DC Republican mouthpiece, has put up on its online edition a video extolling, Watch out for Jeb Bush in 2016. Americans should watch out alright, like for incoming buzz bombs.
The video piece, hosted by a baby-faced CPAC groupie looking guy, admits that Hillary "clears the field" in the Democratic race, but Jeb doesn't quite manage that in the GOP. But he would be formidable. When you factor in the Rove machine working in his favor, the money coming his way, and the hack party leader support, "clearing the field" with primary and caucus voters doesn't matter much.
Back on the circuit, JEB!'s latest fund-raising tour stop was for no other than Scott Brown, former Cosmo centerfold and Wall Street portfolio churner and recent transplant to New Hampshire, looking to buy another Senate seat there after being humiliated by Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts. He's down in the polls against the woman he is trying to unseat in New Hampshire, and bringing in the Crown Prince is questionable strategy at best.
The video piece, hosted by a baby-faced CPAC groupie looking guy, admits that Hillary "clears the field" in the Democratic race, but Jeb doesn't quite manage that in the GOP. But he would be formidable. When you factor in the Rove machine working in his favor, the money coming his way, and the hack party leader support, "clearing the field" with primary and caucus voters doesn't matter much.
Back on the circuit, JEB!'s latest fund-raising tour stop was for no other than Scott Brown, former Cosmo centerfold and Wall Street portfolio churner and recent transplant to New Hampshire, looking to buy another Senate seat there after being humiliated by Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts. He's down in the polls against the woman he is trying to unseat in New Hampshire, and bringing in the Crown Prince is questionable strategy at best.
Friday, July 18, 2014
How smart is Hilldog?
According to the Moonie-owned Republican paper, The Washington Times, Hillary is 2016's Mitt Romney. While conceding she is a "smart lady," they question, "is she smart enough not to run?"
Hillary Clinton is smart enough:
1. To RUN if her opponent will be Jeb Bush. She will know whether he will be her opponent once he announces whether or not he will run, presumably at the end of 2014, because if he runs, he will buy the Republican nomination.
2. NOT to run if Jeb doesn't, and it looks like an electable (at least theoretically) candidate runs, like Kaisch, or Christie survives Bridgegate.
The Hildabeast can afford to wait until the spring of next year, until these issues are resolved.
Hillary Clinton is smart enough:
1. To RUN if her opponent will be Jeb Bush. She will know whether he will be her opponent once he announces whether or not he will run, presumably at the end of 2014, because if he runs, he will buy the Republican nomination.
2. NOT to run if Jeb doesn't, and it looks like an electable (at least theoretically) candidate runs, like Kaisch, or Christie survives Bridgegate.
The Hildabeast can afford to wait until the spring of next year, until these issues are resolved.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
News Flash: Is JEB! opting out of 2016, or just showing an amazing level of calculated conceit?
There is breaking news from Bloomberg that the Crown Prince has created a Florida-based private equity firm with international bankers, including some former operators from busted Lehman Brothers (where JEB! spent time as a consultant just prior to its bankruptcy). This new speculation firm will bankroll oil and gas ventures. This past April, the Crown Prince's firm, Britton Hill Holdings LLC used backing from a Chinese conglomerate to acquire a stake in a Connecticut shipping startup seeking to enter the surging U.S shale oil and gas export market. His PR front person had this to say about it, "Governor Bush is a businessman, and investor, and is proud of the work Britton Hill has done to invest in important projects."
All this might suggest JEB! has decided not to try and buy the White House in two years. Conventional wisdom would suggest that. But the Bushes have a Nietzschean-Randian view of themselves as uebermensch of destiny, and ones for whom the rules for ordinary behavior do not apply. True, JEB! may have decided in favor of business rather than politics, or as he would put it, "the private sector (not mentioning all the government help he would get in his 'private' ventures) over 'public service'." His family has always made a point of telling the world how much they have "served" their country.
But JEB! may be quietly telling the world he can do all the politically incorrect things an American post-modern globalist businessperson does, such as get in bed with the Chinese to sell them American oil and gas, imitate Mill Romney's predatory chop shopping, etc., and then turn right around and easily buy the GOP nomination, and try to nakedly buy the Presidency on his own terms. In your face, tea party. Crony capitalism is here to stay. Just shut up when I tell you how much I love Jesus, and get on your knees, and vote your Calvinist God's will through me.
Jeb Bush Raises Private Equity Funds as 2016 Campaign Eyed
All this might suggest JEB! has decided not to try and buy the White House in two years. Conventional wisdom would suggest that. But the Bushes have a Nietzschean-Randian view of themselves as uebermensch of destiny, and ones for whom the rules for ordinary behavior do not apply. True, JEB! may have decided in favor of business rather than politics, or as he would put it, "the private sector (not mentioning all the government help he would get in his 'private' ventures) over 'public service'." His family has always made a point of telling the world how much they have "served" their country.
But JEB! may be quietly telling the world he can do all the politically incorrect things an American post-modern globalist businessperson does, such as get in bed with the Chinese to sell them American oil and gas, imitate Mill Romney's predatory chop shopping, etc., and then turn right around and easily buy the GOP nomination, and try to nakedly buy the Presidency on his own terms. In your face, tea party. Crony capitalism is here to stay. Just shut up when I tell you how much I love Jesus, and get on your knees, and vote your Calvinist God's will through me.
Jeb Bush Raises Private Equity Funds as 2016 Campaign Eyed
Plutocracy's worst nightmare?
The recent Hollywood studio-funded big budget re-imagining of Planet of the Apes points out an unspoken rule in American culture. Some topics are still just too touchy to confront directly. The original Planet of the Apes was an extended metaphor for both race relations and the legacy of slavery presented as escapism to a 1960s audience tired of dealing with those issues directly. The new version, a better movie at least technically (but without the kitschy gravitas of Heston) takes a more scattershot jab at unintended consequences of the pharma-industrial complex.
There are two subjects "liberal" Hollywood has never, and will never, commit to film as serious historical drama: The Nat Turner rebellion, and the military suppression of the Bonus Army during the Great Depression. Never coming to a suburban multiplex near you, though you can get "Django Unchained" and "Mandingo" on DVD now if you want the defanged, non threatening version of Nat Turner. 1939's "Grapes of Wrath" (after recovery was well underway) was one of the few movies made during the Great Depression that directly confronted it without metaphor. The eccentric rich who make movies, and publicize their politically correct causes, seem to believe they need "the system" they pretend to loath for profit in order to subsidize their "art."
Given all that cultural inertia, the business establishment in the US (that same business establishment that gets blank check government-funded bailouts for its biggest, and growing bigger, banks and largest corporations, but wants to abolish the Small Business Administration, and make government-guaranteed loans for start up companies virtually impossible) should feel pretty confident they can deliver a Hillary-JEB! matchup, and thus give themselves either a 95 percent (with Hillary and Bill), or 100 percent (with JEB!) chance they will control the next occupant of the White House.
But what if all this burgeoning talk of "populism" is more than just idle pundit chatter? Why should anyone believe a genuine populist movement is likely to get off the ground? The "occupy" movement, with its hippie drum circles was a sorry (and well funded by the eccentric rich) safely-valve inchoate excuse for one. Who would fund a real one? Certainly not oil and gas welfare queens Charles or David Koch, or financial speculator Soros. Could one sustain itself organically without wealthy patronage, and their expectations? Could JEB!, as an obvious plutocrat candidate, be beaten by someone like Elizabeth Warren if Hillary imploded a second time? Unlike Hillary, Warren probably wouldn't get much corporate money to fund her campaign, and it's unlikely she could build as ruthless a dirty tricks operation, unlike Hillary, to counter Rove's well-funded character assassination machine. What if Warren could build a grassroots movement, something like a center-left version of the tea party, an actual organic movement, fund it via (lots) of small donations, and present a clear alternative to JEB!? Only as a metaphor in a Hollywood script.
Warren is far from a perfect candidate. She was actually a Republican until just a few years ago, and its not exactly clear if she is a genuine critic of plutocracy and crony capitalism, or just an ambitious political opportunist. One way to gauge that is if indeed she would be frozen out of all corporate campaign money, or if the careful investigative journalist could document a steady flow of "green" or "socially responsible" institutional money flowing her way. If the latter occurred, anti-plutocracy advocates should not get their hopes up.
There are two subjects "liberal" Hollywood has never, and will never, commit to film as serious historical drama: The Nat Turner rebellion, and the military suppression of the Bonus Army during the Great Depression. Never coming to a suburban multiplex near you, though you can get "Django Unchained" and "Mandingo" on DVD now if you want the defanged, non threatening version of Nat Turner. 1939's "Grapes of Wrath" (after recovery was well underway) was one of the few movies made during the Great Depression that directly confronted it without metaphor. The eccentric rich who make movies, and publicize their politically correct causes, seem to believe they need "the system" they pretend to loath for profit in order to subsidize their "art."
Given all that cultural inertia, the business establishment in the US (that same business establishment that gets blank check government-funded bailouts for its biggest, and growing bigger, banks and largest corporations, but wants to abolish the Small Business Administration, and make government-guaranteed loans for start up companies virtually impossible) should feel pretty confident they can deliver a Hillary-JEB! matchup, and thus give themselves either a 95 percent (with Hillary and Bill), or 100 percent (with JEB!) chance they will control the next occupant of the White House.
But what if all this burgeoning talk of "populism" is more than just idle pundit chatter? Why should anyone believe a genuine populist movement is likely to get off the ground? The "occupy" movement, with its hippie drum circles was a sorry (and well funded by the eccentric rich) safely-valve inchoate excuse for one. Who would fund a real one? Certainly not oil and gas welfare queens Charles or David Koch, or financial speculator Soros. Could one sustain itself organically without wealthy patronage, and their expectations? Could JEB!, as an obvious plutocrat candidate, be beaten by someone like Elizabeth Warren if Hillary imploded a second time? Unlike Hillary, Warren probably wouldn't get much corporate money to fund her campaign, and it's unlikely she could build as ruthless a dirty tricks operation, unlike Hillary, to counter Rove's well-funded character assassination machine. What if Warren could build a grassroots movement, something like a center-left version of the tea party, an actual organic movement, fund it via (lots) of small donations, and present a clear alternative to JEB!? Only as a metaphor in a Hollywood script.
Warren is far from a perfect candidate. She was actually a Republican until just a few years ago, and its not exactly clear if she is a genuine critic of plutocracy and crony capitalism, or just an ambitious political opportunist. One way to gauge that is if indeed she would be frozen out of all corporate campaign money, or if the careful investigative journalist could document a steady flow of "green" or "socially responsible" institutional money flowing her way. If the latter occurred, anti-plutocracy advocates should not get their hopes up.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Tea, and sympathy
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Even I think this stuff is BS |
It works this way. When it comes to immigration, JEB! and the business establishment's desire for a source of cheap, easily intimidated labor with no citizenship rights, or much hope for any such rights, somehow becomes mutated into unquestionable compassion for "guest workers," and to question this sort of "compassion" perversely get's you labeled by JEB!, Rove, and their media allies, as racist and xenophobic along with all the actual racists and xenophobes that Bushes past, and Rove, have relied for years to win elections for them. "Progressive" outlets like PMSNBC take this bait.
The same Orwellian scam is at work with education, and Common Core. To question the dubious, self-serving version of education reform advocated by JEB! that enriches his brother Neil and other family cronies is defined by them as a blanket attack on genuine national standards, with the elite-created tea party conveniently available to use as a false flag example of mindless, irrational reaction.
Differing versions of a recent article about the tea party's hatred of JEB!'s Common Core advocacy illustrates this point well. Reader comments in the Newmax version focus on the negative aspects, with nuggets like:
"Jeb is hoping for... nay... RELYING upon the abject stupidity of the American people in order to pull off this unimaginable fraud. Most people do not understand that "Common Core" is a system designed NOT for the sake of education .. but for fattening the coffers of the companies who sell the tests."
The establishment-friendly Bloomberg version draws in straw man propaganda gems like:
"It is unbelievable that anyone would actually protest against having educational standards and opportunities for obtaining them due to hatred of even minimal government standards. While most of the rest of the civilized world is seeking to improve education for their children, some Americans, not unlike Islamists who abhor and prevent "Western Education" and prefer living in the stone age, are now campaigning against improving education for Americans. One can only guess what kind of "education", presumably not unlike that of the Islamists ,that the tea party would prefer."
It's a creaky strategy on the part of JEB! and Rove, but its about all they are left with.
Friday, July 11, 2014
The South again proves its political unworthiness
Just as the good Julep sippers of Mississippi, content with their current brown peonage labor force built on "love" and with a little fear mongered help (and maybe bribery) from their former darker peonage labor force, ultimately did the right thing for God, country clubs, crony capitalism, and speculators recently, now comes the good news that the cookie-cutter parvenues, doddering Dixiecrats, and mega church Prosperity Gospelers of Alabama are fully in the tank for JEB!, neoconservatism, more tax cuts on unearned income, and the next holy war. A recent poll shows JEB! to be the clear and righteous favorite among the elect of God's Own Party in Alabama. He almost doubles the score on the apostate heretic Rand Paul, 20 percent to 10.5 percent, with everyone else dragging on behind (where they belong). For God, King, Mammon, and the bonnie flag of St. Andrew! If Jeb Bush becomes the next president could we give in to God's will that the Bush family is his choice for American leadership? If Jeb Bush becomes the next president could we give in to God's will that the Bush family is his choice for American leadership?
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Mutts for Mitt Again?!
Not long ago PMSNBC's Chris Matthews was certain his GOP hero JEB! would run, and be the "sane" alternative to the "clown show," as he likes to put it, of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, et al. Now Chris has decided JEB! won't run, and has throw his fickle support to....Mitt Romney for a third time charmer.
So Chris thinks it's time to load up the station wagon for another rough, bowel-rending ride cross country?
So Chris thinks it's time to load up the station wagon for another rough, bowel-rending ride cross country?
Matthews voted for and supported George W. Bush in 2000, and was an early cheerleader for neoconservatism before it became obvious what it would lead to. Now he is one of the biggest critics of both Bush and "Cheeney" as he calls him. Matthews lacks either credibility, or even the most elementary level of actual political insight.
There is no question John Ellis Bush wants the White House. No question he believes he is absolutely entitled to it. No question he will run if he thinks he can have the nomination handed to him, and the election bought or stolen for him by hatchet men like Rove and money men like Adelson, etc., and without him having to dirty his own princely hands much. Getting the nomination handed to him would be straightforward, but messy, and the second part not likely doable. If Jeb doesn't run, it's only because he knows he, and his dirty men, can't game the general election for him.
There is another scenario where Jeb will run, knowing he will lose in November. And that is to help the establishment destroy the tea party movement. Jeb as a fraudulent "grown up conservative" from the get-go, never running after the crazy attic dwelling base, but running them into the ground under the house, with the help of money, ruthless proxies, and connections. And then falling on his political sword for the sake of the nation's "job creators" (and their acceptable alternate Hillary Clinton) and for her successor, George P. Bush, a reactionary Hispanic version of Obama. This is the Jeb Bush Chris Matthews is in love with. The one that he wants to tingle up his leg.
JEB! leads other Republicans, but still gets blasted by Hillary; Paul outpolls JEB! and Rubio in Florida
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Familiarity breeds contempt? |
Surprisingly, Rand Paul actually outpolls JEB! and Marco Rubio among all voters in the state of Florida when matched up with Hillary. Or perhaps not surprisingly. Floridians know JEB! and Rubio best. Paul loses to Hillary by only 46 to 42 percent, while JEB! loses 47 to 41. Rubio gets routed 53 to 39 percent.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Michigan is not JEB! friendly territory
The latest PPP poll has some continuing bad news about the potential viability of a Bush Restoration effort in 2016. Hillary is trouncing the Crown Prince in the alleged "swing state" of Michigan by double digits, 47 percent to 37 percent. Bush advocates, the neocon press, and right-wing talk radio will focus on the canard of "Hillary is below 50 percent," yet the real news here, and in most every "swing state" poll is how JEB! consistently polls under 40 percent. It is hard to imagine an ultimate winner in a two person race starting out with less than 40 percent support. Especially, and this is key, one already as well known nationally as JEB!
If book sales are any indicator, JEB! is DOA on the remainder table
The right is crowing about how Hillary's books sales are supposedly tanking like a lousy over budget movie's ticket numbers after the word of mouth kicks in, yet if you compare Hillary's book debut with the Crown Prince's earlier book numbers, it's a nightmare for JEB!
Hillary's "Hard Choices" supposedly sold around 85,000 over-priced hardcover copies during its first week, while JEB!'s "compassionate" hardcover plea for more peonage "guest" labor to fuel American business managed only 4,599 copies. That's right. Only 4,599. A lot of self-published vanity memoirs and fund raising cookbooks sell more copies.
If Americans aren't exactly thrilled with Hillary, they are just ignoring JEB, and the absurd idea of a royal Bush Restoration. And the debut week books sales for all combined media-hyped GOP alternatives don't add up to much either: including "Ranger" Rick Perry (27,260), Scott Walker (16,156), Paul Ryan (14,727). Even Rand Paul couldn't manage to sell many books (10,261). But JEB! holds the uncoveted prize, the very bottom of the list.
Hillary Clinton And Elizabeth Warren Are Totally Crushing The Right In Book Sales
Hillary's "Hard Choices" supposedly sold around 85,000 over-priced hardcover copies during its first week, while JEB!'s "compassionate" hardcover plea for more peonage "guest" labor to fuel American business managed only 4,599 copies. That's right. Only 4,599. A lot of self-published vanity memoirs and fund raising cookbooks sell more copies.
If Americans aren't exactly thrilled with Hillary, they are just ignoring JEB, and the absurd idea of a royal Bush Restoration. And the debut week books sales for all combined media-hyped GOP alternatives don't add up to much either: including "Ranger" Rick Perry (27,260), Scott Walker (16,156), Paul Ryan (14,727). Even Rand Paul couldn't manage to sell many books (10,261). But JEB! holds the uncoveted prize, the very bottom of the list.
Hillary Clinton And Elizabeth Warren Are Totally Crushing The Right In Book Sales
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Chris McDaniel just won't go away, and fall in line
Chris McDaniel knows he has no future in the post Southern Strategy Bush-led party of emerging Hispanic identity politics. So he is going out with a bang, like Joe Shelby's "never surrender" Rebels, and the Confederates who moved to Brazil after the Civil War rather than live in a United States once more.
McDaniel and his hardest-core supporters are combing election returns, county-by-county, in efforts to prove enough "double voting" by Democrats and invalidate the run-off, then force a do-over. Most media "experts" (who probably hate McDaniel more than they might loath Karl Rove or Haley Barbour) say he has no chance with that. Not to put all their rotten eggs in one grey cap, McDaniel's rump tea party is now saying they can prove an African-American minister was offered "walking around" money to buy votes for Cochran.
The vast majority of Bible Thumpers and racists in Mississippi will dutifully shuffle to the polls in November and, without a thought or a cash handout, vote for Cochran because he was the choice, however unseemly, of their only choice, God's Own (and Only) Party. The same black Democrats who double voted, or voted with their wallets, for Cochran will either stay home (if no one pays them again to vote), or they will, after using God's Own Reason given them for free at birth, decide the Blue Dog Democrat is better than Rove's Cochran. There are not enough of them, however, to outvote both the julep gentry and the Thumpers.
Chalk up one for Rove and Barbour. One that will stick.
Daily Caller: Allegations Of Vote Buying In Mississippi …
McDaniel and his hardest-core supporters are combing election returns, county-by-county, in efforts to prove enough "double voting" by Democrats and invalidate the run-off, then force a do-over. Most media "experts" (who probably hate McDaniel more than they might loath Karl Rove or Haley Barbour) say he has no chance with that. Not to put all their rotten eggs in one grey cap, McDaniel's rump tea party is now saying they can prove an African-American minister was offered "walking around" money to buy votes for Cochran.
The vast majority of Bible Thumpers and racists in Mississippi will dutifully shuffle to the polls in November and, without a thought or a cash handout, vote for Cochran because he was the choice, however unseemly, of their only choice, God's Own (and Only) Party. The same black Democrats who double voted, or voted with their wallets, for Cochran will either stay home (if no one pays them again to vote), or they will, after using God's Own Reason given them for free at birth, decide the Blue Dog Democrat is better than Rove's Cochran. There are not enough of them, however, to outvote both the julep gentry and the Thumpers.
Chalk up one for Rove and Barbour. One that will stick.
Daily Caller: Allegations Of Vote Buying In Mississippi …
Pitchfork Pat is not onboard with JEB! 2016...yet
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Nixon, not Wallace, is the one. |
"No two people [JEB! and Hillary] ever milked a political office for more than these two have milked the presidency of the United States. And no two people are more wired in to the Hollywood, Wall Street and Washington elites. If Jeb and Hillary are both in the lists in 2016, it will be God’s gift to pitchfork populists."
Kevin Phillips long ago sought forgiveness for his political sins from the mainstream media and publishing worlds, and has faded into relative obscurity and irrelevance, but Pat takes a different path. He bites the hand that used to feed him, and keeps himself interesting.
Fox unveils new "fantasy league" gaming idea
According to Fox News: Hillary down in the dumps: Is Clinton about to drop out of 2016 race? Karl Rove can only wish.
Here is the real scenario. Hillary is 100 percent certain to run if JEB! runs. It would be too easy and too tempting not to. She would not even have to campaign to beat a third Bush. The Crown Prince has promised his pluto donors he will let them know what he is going to do by the end of the year. Now when a Bush's lips are moving, they are generally lying, but JEB! really does not have the option to string his base out as long as Hillary does. If he runs, he will have to announce before she does. And whether or not the Fox fantasy comes true depends on JEB!'s New Year reality show.
Spinning Hillary's terrible book tour, and JEB!'s impossible odds
A recent Zogby poll has the Foxworld and private club set a-glitter with the great white royal male hope and spin machine. It seems that after Hillary's terrible book tour, her "foul air" dustup with NPR art house faghag Terry Gross, her "dead broke" revisionism, and Obama's terrible favorability ratings, she is only beating JEB! by double digits.
When you can't spin impossible odds any other way, you do what you have to do. Hillary may be a "dead broke" politician when it comes to spontaneity, innovation, and new ideas, but JEB! is already in bankruptcy liquidation on all counts and options.
When you can't spin impossible odds any other way, you do what you have to do. Hillary may be a "dead broke" politician when it comes to spontaneity, innovation, and new ideas, but JEB! is already in bankruptcy liquidation on all counts and options.
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